Hmm, that could be the reason why my anus stings a bit....
Mon, 09 Feb 2015 21:30:44
It could be a variety of things from rotavirus to a mild case of flu. Almost all of them are treated...
Mon, 09 Feb 2015 21:10:33
Perfectly abled to give handjobs, for example....
Mon, 09 Feb 2015 20:13:10
robio said:edgecrusher said:SteelAttack said:Why are you plusing my sickness you hobos? I'm actuall...
Mon, 09 Feb 2015 17:44:22
Why are you plusing my sickness you hobos? :lol: I'm actually sick with some kind of weird virus tha...
Mon, 09 Feb 2015 16:13:47
I'd play it. Provided it isn't stupidly expensive (i.e. more than 10 dola or its pesos equivalent)...
Mon, 09 Feb 2015 16:12:39
edgecrusher said:Starcraft 2 is an excellent game. The missions are all diverse and interesting and ...
Sat, 07 Feb 2015 22:02:04
SupremeAC said:
One can only imagine what kind of 'carrots' would have gone in such types of 'cake'...
Tue, 03 Feb 2015 18:05:02
Anyone wants some cake?I just learned that eating cake is another way of saying tossing the salad (o...
Tue, 03 Feb 2015 17:29:21
edgecrusher said:Started playing Starcraft 2 finally...its pretty fly so far. A bit different than I...
Tue, 03 Feb 2015 16:41:33
robio said:See?? You only played a little. If it was actually good you would have played more. And i...
Tue, 03 Feb 2015 04:18:16
I liked the little I played of LoS. I think it was misunderstood....
Tue, 03 Feb 2015 04:06:47
It always kind of struck me as something like a Zelda 2, but in a tree. So yeah, maybe you'd like it...
Mon, 02 Feb 2015 05:37:22
I've been playing Rocksmith 2014 (Of course) and also started a proper playthrough of Morrowind! Wit...
Mon, 02 Feb 2015 02:08:16
"This is going to be a different kind of review because I am wrong".
I should reinstall now that s...
Sun, 01 Feb 2015 06:20:56
Or maybe he is bad at remembering titles....
Sun, 01 Feb 2015 06:15:18
Maybe he was trying to be polite and trying to hide the fact he's not such a big fan of the games....
Sun, 01 Feb 2015 06:15:00
I can vouch for the monk as a fun class. That one and witch doctor. Never played WD but I've seen it...
Sat, 31 Jan 2015 23:35:13
It's impossible to ask for a Diablo game where every single fight matters in they way I understand w...
Sat, 31 Jan 2015 22:15:16
Ace of Diamond is great. I'm on ep. 40 or so and the stakes just keep getting raised over and over a...
Fri, 30 Jan 2015 18:21:18
I don't think dvader has much experience with the loot whoring genre or the Diablo series in general...
Fri, 30 Jan 2015 16:23:40
Dvader said:SteelAttack said:You mean a negative year. A negative balance is when you lose more of w...
Wed, 28 Jan 2015 03:14:00
Foolz said:robio said:No, no, no. Earthbound would have to go to Double fine. Tim Schaeffer has been...
Wed, 28 Jan 2015 03:09:00
Dvader said:This year I will make it my mission to have a positive year on backlog very, every year ...
Sun, 25 Jan 2015 05:53:26
Sadly no. I thought about it, but didn't realize GG would go all CIA and delete it....
Sat, 24 Jan 2015 17:29:19
That dude with the glasses in the middle looks like one of Ace of Diamond's characters!!Is the guy f...
Sat, 24 Jan 2015 17:27:08
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