What's with the gopher?
Bindle the Gopher, currently seen in our logo, is most noteworthy for not being a mole. He symbolizes the underground nature of The VG Press' origins and stature as well as the relentless ability of our community to dig up video gaming news where ever it may be. When the gopher was first unveiled a certain level of controversy arose regarding the use of him in our logo with the consensus of the community preferring a caricatured talking penis, penguins, press hats or children (or possibly a combination thereof).
How do ranks work?
To encourage your ongoing participation at The VG Press, each user is rewarded for almost every action he/she takes. The user with the most points is ranked #1 overall, the second most active the rank of #2 and so on. Activities are weighted according to the relative effort required (so posting a news story is weighted lower than writing a game review, but higher than commenting in a thread). How the points assigned are a true mystery, and cannot be determined by any level of study.
How do smilies work?
:) | ![]() |
:( | ![]() |
:O | ![]() |
>:( | ![]() |
:S | ![]() |
:P | ![]() |
:| | ![]() |
;) | ![]() |
:lol: | ![]() |
:D | ![]() |
8) | ![]() |
:cry: | ![]() |
Can I disable signatures?
You may disable viewing forum signatures by clicking on the My Profile tab of the main menu. Once your profile is open click on the Change Account Settings option. From this area you may now check or uncheck the option for Show Signatures. Click on the Submit button to save your changes.
Can I change time zonesettings?
You may change your time zone settings by clicking on the My Profile tab of the main menu. Once your profile is open click on the Change Account Settings option. From this area you may now selectyour time zone from the Time Zone pull-down menu. Click on the Submit button to save your changes.
Can I post videos?
YouTube videos are the only videos officially supported, though embedding of other videos may or may not be successful. Copy the Embed URL from YouTube, and paste after you've disabled the editor by clicking toggle editor above the comment box -- videos cannot be embedded through the editor. Also note that if you edit your post, the video will disappear.
How do I post a blog, write a review, add a forum signature or change my settings?
All of these features are available on your profile page. You may access your profile by clicking on the My Profile tab of the main menu.
Why can't I upload my avatar?
Avatars have a filesize limit of 200KB after they have been resized by the server. If the file is still too large, it will be rejected and you'll receive an error message stating that the file is too large. You'll have to use an image editor such as GIMP to make the file smaller before uploading.
Why does clicking Log-in / Submit a comment/ blog not do anything?
The VG Press site requires JavaScript in order for many of its features to function properly. We understand the downsides to that, but for now this is a requirement. If you are sure that JavaScript is enabled and you are still having issues, try to post in the Official Bug Topic or send a private message to Yodariquo or use a different web browser such as Firefox at least in order to troubleshoot.
Why do parts of my posts keep disappearing?
While The VG Press have class and style some HTML elements, such as script are not allowed in comments for the sake of security, and may not be removed from your post until submitted. If you are simply using the normal editor and not adding additional HTML, post in the Official Bug Topic or send a private message to Yodariquo.
Can I change skins?
Site skins can be changed in your user settings by clicking on the My Profile tab of the main menu. Once your profile is open click on the Change Account Settings option. Choose which skin you want from the drop-down menu, then click Submit to save.
How do I post a News Article? Wait I can post a News Article?
Yes, even the newest of n00bs to The VG Press can post a News Article. Just go to the GG Weekly (click on the News tab of the main menu) and use the submission tool under the main news grid. Check to see if anyone else has already posted the story and then write a succinct headline and interesting byline.
What is Type in news articles for?
Is this site moderated? How do I become a moderator? How do I report something offensive or illegal?
Part of the impetus for, and continued charm of, The VG Press, was a desire to communicate openly in an un-moderated environment (unlike most other game discussion web sites). However, from time to time some acts of moderation are carried out by senior members of the community.
To become a moderator you must first be a long standing and active member of The VG Press to ensure that you understand the tone of the community and what is and is not permissible. There is no formalized process for nomination and selection of moderators at this time, nor may there ever be.
Being offended by content on the site does not mean that the content will be removed. If there is something posted on the site that you do feel is a serious concern, you can send a private message to Yodariquo. The only content explicitly banned from the site is content of a pornographic nature. Anything else is going to depend on the situation.