So not only that but you also stole the Italian flag and added a smudge in its center? Man, what's n...
Mon, 22 Aug 2011 18:44:55
Where are you from man? Here we have laws against overweight or otherwise not very attractive people...
Mon, 22 Aug 2011 18:29:56
He just wanders around, maybe only during the day. Don't try to kill it There are a few more unique ...
Mon, 22 Aug 2011 17:18:36
No, it was a tentacled Mechon thing. I'm past it now but I'm not going to Colony 6 yet. I've done al...
Mon, 22 Aug 2011 17:14:26
The limit is pretty relaxed, I was worried too at first but now I've done almost all of them except ...
Mon, 22 Aug 2011 16:54:50
Yes I'm there and there are lots of quests that require me to return to the NPC, more than once at t...
Mon, 22 Aug 2011 16:51:30
You can zoom in to an extent. I didn't think they were too small myself, just, normal.Either way it'...
Mon, 22 Aug 2011 16:28:12
After the thing, off to Colony 6, but a boss is kicking my ass. I've barely done side quests so I'll...
Sun, 21 Aug 2011 12:49:11
It's a lot like MMORPG combat but I guess it's all new to you since you haven't played such games? T...
Sat, 20 Aug 2011 17:12:38
They probably only had like 50k copies for all of Europe or something :P...
Thu, 18 Aug 2011 23:46:58
It's been said Revelations will have an option for first/third just like Mercs.The size of the scree...
Thu, 18 Aug 2011 19:34:46
aspro said:Why would NOA make a ludicrous statement that the Wii Slim is not going to be released in...
Thu, 18 Aug 2011 05:05:21
edgecrusher said:What is the point of coming out with a new model Wii that looks exactly like the ol...
Wed, 17 Aug 2011 18:25:57
Now that it's confirmed for a western release people can remember why that's a good thing....
Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:54:31
It's a really great soundtrack too from what we've heard....
Tue, 16 Aug 2011 19:14:20
My PSP's screen is borked but there are still some games I want to play, some that I already own (Pe...
Tue, 16 Aug 2011 18:53:41
Games like the COD games work fine on Wii (their drawbacks have more to do with the Wii's specs than...
Mon, 15 Aug 2011 19:09:38
Can't grade it before playing Xenoblade, Skyward Sword, Dragon Quest X and hopefully The Last Story....
Sun, 14 Aug 2011 22:56:05
That's not the first NES either, it's just the model number... Just among the (many, many) first mod...
Sun, 14 Aug 2011 22:47:34
Panzer Dragoon Zwei > Sin & Punishment > Panzer Dragoon Orta tbh.And Panzer Dragoon Saga &...
Sun, 14 Aug 2011 19:58:07
gamingeek said:I didn't realise they made a Panza Dragoon rpg?Omg, you know nothing....
Sun, 14 Aug 2011 18:15:04
Maybe whoever is wrriting his speeches is just having some fun :P...
Sun, 14 Aug 2011 00:23:48
gamingeek said:Iga posted this on the news page but no one bothered to reply.Well, I'm getting the g...
Sat, 13 Aug 2011 22:10:49
I never played Syndicate, is it basically Commandos' grandfather?Your Pikmin with guns made me think...
Sat, 13 Aug 2011 03:30:05
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