Okay this coming Monday I will have to work for a change. Alas all good things come to an end. The company is called Keppel Verolme a huge offshore and ship building company with a huge drydock.

But wait there is more. This Thursday I failed miserably with my driving exam. I almost killed two cyclists, they had it comming though. Stay the fuck away from the car. There were like 50 of them, so many. But it is no big deal, even if I had my license I still have no car. Will buy one in a week or three, but my next exam is in May 13th and a Friday for that matter. Fuck, that's more than a month away. Oh well, I bought a bicycle. Even if the fire me within a month, the bike would be a nice exercise.

Not really excited to work to be honest. It might be awesome, it might be horrible.One way to find out, usually the first few days are the most boring ones.

Posted by Iga_Bobovic Sat, 09 Apr 2011 17:28:53 (comments: 36)
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Mon, 11 Apr 2011 12:53:11
The effect of cyclists will vary by area.  There are plenty of bicycle paths here, which is really the only reasonable way to go, particularly in places where cycling on sidewalks is ticketable.
Mon, 11 Apr 2011 13:20:10
Don't even get me started on women drivers. Even half-blind old people driving at 20 mph are better. At least they don't do stupid things which cause accidents.
Mon, 11 Apr 2011 18:55:30

Okay first day is over!

And it was the usual first day where you have nothing much to do and your laptop and the rest is not working as it should. But enough about that, what about the cycling?!

It was fucking horrible. Okay I did find the route pretty easily and the route is mostly bicycle paths. That is good. But it fucking takes me 50 minutes to bike. Fifty minutes and before that 35 minutes to get to the cycling part. So all in all a trip of one and a half hour. But the thing is the cycling part is only 13 km long. It takes 50 minutes for that? I can do better by foot, wtf is wrong here?!

Apparently my bike is too slow. Even a grandpa on a normal bike was faster. My legs where moving at higher speeds, yet he was faster! Those folding bikes are slooooooooooow,

Mon, 11 Apr 2011 23:49:59

You need to shift gears.

Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:58:07
Tue, 12 Apr 2011 10:08:33
SteelAttack said:

You need to shift gears.

Tue, 12 Apr 2011 21:51:08

Okay day 2 of work. Or rather my bicycle adventures.

So after testing my bike in front of my house and shifting various gears, I found that the second gear was best. The first one was too heavy and therefore too slow. The third and higest made the petals move with mach speed, but the wheel did not turn at all when going all out. The second gear was best, right in the middle.

So with this new knowledge I was determined to do beter this day. In the beginning is was peddling for love and country. I was gaining on everyone. No grandpa gaining on me today. And in the beginning I did just that. I gained on lots of people. But then I hit a bridge. Going on a slope and with some head wind, my speed dropped faster than your IQ when reading Vader's argument why councils are better than PCs. So again everyone gained on me. Shiftting gears did nothing. The last few kilometers were a gentle slope with head wind. I was peddling fast, but the bike was a little engine that could not. Sometimes I even peddled so fast the wheel was not connected to the peddling, so I had to stop peddling for a second and roll. So I got there in one hour.

Also the seat was mucho uncomfortable. It felt like being cornholed my Leo and Steel at the same time at the same place. The way back was easier. The wind was gone and the slope worked for me this time. I got there within 40 minutes. Faster, but still not fast enough. Tomorrow, I will try my sisters bike. A normal one and not one of these folding bikes with tiny wheels.

Tue, 12 Apr 2011 22:29:59


Tue, 12 Apr 2011 22:34:19
Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay day 2 of work. Or rather my bicycle adventures.

So after testing my bike in front of my house and shifting various gears, I found that the second gear was best. The first one was too heavy and therefore too slow. The third and higest made the petals move with mach speed, but the wheel did not turn at all when going all out. The second gear was best, right in the middle.

So with this new knowledge I was determined to do beter this day. In the beginning is was peddling for love and country. I was gaining on everyone. No grandpa gaining on me today. And in the beginning I did just that. I gained on lots of people. But then I hit a bridge. Going on a slope and with some head wind, my speed dropped faster than your IQ when reading Vader's argument why councils are better than PCs. So again everyone gained on me. Shiftting gears did nothing. The last few kilometers were a gentle slope with head wind. I was peddling fast, but the bike was a little engine that could not. Sometimes I even peddled so fast the wheel was not connected to the peddling, so I had to stop peddling for a second and roll. So I got there in one hour.

Also the seat was mucho uncomfortable. It felt like being cornholed my Leo and Steel at the same time at the same place. The way back was easier. The wind was gone and the slope worked for me this time. I got there within 40 minutes. Faster, but still not fast enough. Tomorrow, I will try my sisters bike. A normal one and not one of these folding bikes with tiny wheels.

It's Travo and I that are into Double Penetration, not me and Steel!

Heaven help the poor hole if THAT were ever to come to pass!

Wed, 13 Apr 2011 03:20:42
LOL  I'm still walking sideways!
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