
  • I was not a NES kid.  Not by choice, just lack of exposure given where I grew up.
  • I loved and beat Mario Bros on the Game&Watch. No easy feat.
  • I loved and beat Super Mario Land 1 and 2 several times.
  • The first time I played any NES or SNES Mario game with my girlfriend, now wife.  She remains an absolute top-tier Mario platformer.
  • Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 have both been GOTY game for me. I think they are among the most perfect games ever made.

So the first few hundred times I have tried to beat a 2D Mario game on a home console have not been pleasant.  In fact, they still are not pleasant -- at least for anyone who could observe me hopelessly crawling my way through a game.  I am very, very poor at controlling Mario.  I routinely, seemingly for no reason, jump into a hole killing myself.  I will jump on a koopa, then jump on his shell, then land on the shell.  I will catch projectiles that kill me, but miss 1UP's and mushrooms. EDIT: VIdeo provided below at Foolz request.

But, I figured.  What the fuck.  I am a grown man, I am capable of beating games, therefore, I will beat Mario Bros for the NES.

Today, after several hundred attempts in the last 2 weeks, I made it past 3-4 and started level 4.  Now I get it.  When I hit 3-3 for the 60th or so time, something stuck me -- this is what it felt like when I'm playing Super Mario Galaxy.  I'm dieing a lot, but I'm not frustrated.  I'm the problem, not the game.  And as I replayed level 3-1 through 3-3 endlessly I was getting better.  Not mastering, but not dieing either.  Then I turned it off.  Then a few seconds later I'd turn it back on and give it "one more go".  Just as I did with Super Mario Galaxy.

Then it occurred to me that Mrs. Aspro didn't come out of the womb mastering Mario.  She probably, at the age of 5 or 6 or whatever, was going through what I was going through now, to the point where today when she picks up the controller it's all muscle memory.

Onto world 4!

Posted by aspro Fri, 29 Apr 2011 03:41:42 (comments: 31)
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Fri, 29 Apr 2011 21:10:52

I'm happy for you - jerk.

I'm currently stuck in 5-2. Played it for 3 hours yesterday (the game, not that level).

Sat, 30 Apr 2011 20:01:46
I'm really surprised.  You've beat some games I consider hard.  I'm really surprised you should find 2D Mario platformers so difficult.

As a child (7-Cool I was so good at Super Mario Bros. that I was able to beat it start to finish (without warp-pipes) without losing a single life.  I'm sure there is no way I could do that now, but I still wouldn't think of them as particularly difficult games.

(I accept that the japanese SMB2 is an evil exception even though I haven't tried it)
Sat, 30 Apr 2011 22:40:56

Got to say, I find this amusing as all hell. While I can't say I entirely understand why Mario has you stymied, I can relate to just not being able to get certain games/genres or just having disasterous results with them.

Sat, 30 Apr 2011 22:43:48

I found the last level of NSMBWii annoying and incongruously hard.

Sat, 30 Apr 2011 22:51:56
SteelAttack said:

I found the last level of NSMBWii annoying and incongruously hard.

Seriously?  LOL

I found myself having to play that level many times and very often but only because my god-daughter loved watching it so much and she loved to watch Mario rescue the princess and we would also do a silly dance together at the end while the credits rolled.  She still nags me to play it from time to time when she remembers it.

About time she learned to use the controller I think.  I bet she could handle Super Mario LOL

Sat, 30 Apr 2011 22:55:00

Seriously. I spent a good number of tries before I nailed that bastard level. LOL

Sun, 01 May 2011 03:33:20
robio said:

Got to say, I find this amusing as all hell. While I can't say I entirely understand why Mario has you stymied, I can relate to just not being able to get certain games/genres or just having disasterous results with them.

This, at least, prvides some solace.

bugsonglass said:
I'm really surprised.  You've beat some games I consider hard.  I'm really surprised you should find 2D Mario platformers so difficult.


It's all a matter of what you are exposed to.  At least the way I figure it.

Sun, 01 May 2011 03:33:50

Still have not gotten past 5-2.

Sun, 01 May 2011 09:39:10
aspro said:

It's all a matter of what you are exposed to.  At least the way I figure it.

I suppose so.  I cut my teeth on games like that and space shooters so for a long time they were second nature to me.  I think I should test myself with the new Donkey Kong Country

Wed, 04 May 2011 21:24:30

I still play everyday.  Still stuck on 5-2.  I can get through 5-1 without casualty.

It's starting to get me down.  But I'll beat this, I don't care if I have to crush my soul into little bits.

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