As some of you might have noticed, I hardly post here anymore. This is not because I hate you guys, make no mistake I do hate you all, but because I have been busy with other things. Things like a job and a social life, but I am not going to talk about that.
What I am going to talk about is martial arts. Some of you know my background in martial arts, ninjutsu to be more specific. Well from September 2012 I have been chosen to be in the demonstration team of my dojo. This means that me with 3 other people and our Sensei will have the task to go around and do some martial arts demonstration in front of a live audience. From September 2012 we trained and trained, perfecting our demonstration. Then Sunday 19th of May it was GO time! How did it go you ask?! Well see for yourself
Part 1: little girl beats 2 guys and Sensei beats 3 guys with a Kama
Part 2: Captain asshole beats little girl with a stick and Sensei kills everything!
Part 3: Beastboy and Sensei does his Donatello impression
Part 4: Captain asshole and a little stick and spear meets balls!
Uh-oh... I think I pissed him (them) off...
...but we have a HULK!
**For Bear...**
Part 2 is up. Now you can see me in action.
The place we did our demonstration had eight other dojo's also giving demonstrations. A museum actually organized a Japan day and we were one of the dojo's that were invited. So we did have competition, but in all honesty most of said competition had boring demo's. We were simply the best and I am not exaggerating here. But then again we have a demo team that trains just for this occasion, while the other quickly assembled some students and gave a demonstration. Hopefully we will be able to give more demonstrations.
Very badly.
The awesome one.
Lies all LIES!!!
Of course you should, but that is not the question you should be asking. The more important question is: "Will Iga friend you back?"
The answer is: NO!
The Hulk
This is really cool, thanks for sharing Iga. I'm kind of shocked that Iga looks like such a nice guy, I thought the robot would look more stoic.
Michael Biehn is your instructor?!
Kind of looks like him.
Demos are awesome but dat music ... man!! Who chooses that? It's actually awesome in a cheesy kind of way but I hope they're not for real