On the 31st of this month a company is coming to my house to connect new internet.
It will cost $5 more than I currently pay, will be 10 times faster and have a 200 GB cap per month (as opposed to 5).
Fuck Yeah.
Recently Spotted:
robio (8m)
This is like the best news ever. No human in the civilized world should be forced to only have anywhere close to under 100G of internet.
This is so emotional to me. It means:
I think we can see where this is going. In typical Aspro style, the installation guy will turn up and say, "Oh yah. Some kinda mistake, we don't actually service your area".
This is awesome news! Let's celebrate with an online game night!
I will settle for beer. I already have that.
Think of the porn Aspro!
Best reason for more internet.
That's awesome news. Congrats.