Step 1: develop headache and nausea.
Step 2: take paracetamol.
Step 3: develop worse headache and nausea.
Should have gone for an aspro instead?
Recently Spotted:
Archangel3371 (3m)
Step 1: develop headache and nausea.
Step 2: take paracetamol.
Step 3: develop worse headache and nausea.
Should have gone for an aspro instead?
Caffiene and water are your friends. And a dark room with a wet cloth on your head.
Caffeine usually makes things worse for me. Otherwise indeed.
I add a fan as well, the white noise helps and makes the cool wash cloth even colder.
When I get a headache, I browse through my modest game collection and it makes me feel better.
When I get a headache, I do the stuff I would normally do. I already have a headache, no point in letting it ruin the rest of my day.
Masturbate while watching UFC?
Para... we meet again. First IGN, then Gamespot, now here...
Well this is my dojo, and you just picked the wrong fight, with the wrong guy at the wrong time.
Ah, AssPro my old nemesis. Go for it, but I warn you, I fight dirty...
You think you are so tough? I was clearing land in the swamp in the everglades where I've set up my secret retreat, when one of my dogs was attacked by this:
I fought him off with this: