It had been getting a tad slow after extended use lately and then yesterday wouldn't turn on. I gave up, and about thirty minutes later it magically comes on. (It shuts down perfectly fine.) Today I tried turning it on. Got nothing. Tried a few times; still nothing. Tried a few times an hour or so later, then I gave up again. Six hours later it came on of its own accord.


CPU: AMD 2800+

Video card: Radeon 7200. (Ouch!)

Ram: 512MB.

OS: Windows XP.

No idea about the motherboard and the PSU. Which is probably what's relevant here.

Posted by Foolz Fri, 18 Mar 2011 09:35:40 (comments: 20)
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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 02:40:23

noooo not at all, seriously!

Sat, 19 Mar 2011 02:44:01

Besides, his current system isn't that far from a 486 anyway. Nyaa

Sat, 19 Mar 2011 02:56:34
Stupid question, but is your power source switched on?  Check the switch at the back that the | is pressed.
Sat, 19 Mar 2011 08:44:56
SteelAttack said:

Besides, his current system isn't that far from a 486 anyway. Nyaa

I've got a 486 lying around somewhere that probably runs better.

Yodariquo said:
Stupid question, but is your power source switched on?  Check the switch at the back that the | is pressed.

I think there's a warranty sticker taped over the switch lol, but if it was off then the computer wouldn't be able to turn on and run would it? Like I said it comes on randomly at times and when it's on it's pretty normal apart from being temporarily slow at times.

Sun, 20 Mar 2011 00:10:12

I did some more detective work. While I don't think there's a switch on the back (the thing beneath the sticker is something else, and I'm not entirely sure whatNyaa), there is a light which glows green to presumably tell you that the PSU is picking up power and turned on. When I try to turn the computer on the light turns off. Off I turn off the power point or unplug the computer and plug it back in then the light comes back on, but the same things happen if I try to turn the computer on again.

Sun, 20 Mar 2011 00:13:04

Bad PSU.

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 19:00:12

This same thing happened to me all day yesterday.  Then at 18:30 last night it decided to turn on.

So, that's weird.

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 19:02:39

Change your PSUs.

Mon, 21 Mar 2011 19:14:49

Would if I could.  Tracking down a replacement PSU for this 10 year old Sony isn;t going to be easy where I am at.

I think I am going to roll the dice and wait for a replacement laptop.

Thu, 24 Mar 2011 02:43:05

Perhaps it's contagious.

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