Image result for top 100 video games of all time

(Totally random stock image of top games that has nothing to do with my list. But it looks cool.)

Welcome to my much more than top 100 games of all time list. Why is it not 100 because I found a way for my list to not be all Zelda, MGS or Mario games. I also hate the idea of only putting one or two per franchise, this is about individual games and some franchises are so good all their games are in the top. But that makes for a boring list so I wanted more games in.

The compromise I came up with is to bunch similar quality games together as one entry (example Galaxy 1 and 2). There could be two, three, maybe six games in one number. The idea being they are very close in quality so no reason to break them into separate ranks. I will order them from least favorite to favorite within that rank.

This is also a favorites list meaning if one game is ahead of another it does not necessarily mean I think its a better game, I just might have a deeper history with that game. Now toward the top of the list my favorites and what I believe to be the best games ever made are one and the same. It was not easy to pick the games I did, I constantly removed some games, put others in, rearranged the ranks many times. Ive always known my top 25 or so but the rest has been fun to explore and figure out which games have been my favorites over all these years.

Its actually kind of late so I will start officially tomorrow. But before I go I'll leave you with a few games that just missed the list.

Image result for toejam and earl

So funky and fresh but didn't make it.

Image result for splatoon 2

The splatoon games, one of the best online competitive "shooters" I've played. Slightly out of the splat zone.

Image result for FTL

FTL, such an addicting simple yet extremely deep game. A classic but just missses the mark.

Image result for longest journey

The Longest Journey, Incredible story and the best traditional point and click adventure game I have ever played. Excellent game but lets be real, adventure games aren't my thing.


  • 100. Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil Outbreak
  • 99. Rogue Squadron 2
  • 98. Nights
  • 97. Destiny
  • 96. Astro Bot
  • 95. Pixeljunk Eden
  • 94. Tomb Raider 2
  • 93. Sim CIty 2000
  • 92. Splinter Cell Blacklist
  • 91. Panzer Dragoon 2 and Panzer Dragoon Saga
  • 90. Shenmue 1 and 2
  • 89. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and 3
  • 88. Nioh
  • 87. Tetris
  • 86. Darksiders
  • 85. Assassin's Creed 2
  • 84. Portal 1 and 2
  • 83. Dragon Quest 8
  • 82. BloodBorne
  • 81. Ecco the Dolphin 1 and 2
  • 80. Dead Space 1 and 2
  • 79. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
  • 78. Kingdom Hearts 2
  • 77. Mortal Kombat 1, 2 and 9
  • 76. Uncharted 3, 4 and Lost Legacy
  • 75. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
  • 74. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • 73. Rayman Origins and Legends
  • 72. Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow
  • 71. Crash Bandicoot 2
  • 70. Silent Hill
  • 69. Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite
  • 68. Bayonetta 1 and 2
  • 67. Donkey Kong Country Returns
  • 66. AM2R, Metroid Prime 2 and Metroid Zero Mission
  • 65. Final Fantasy 6 and 12
  • 64. The World Ends With You
  • 63. Hollow Knight
  • 62. Chrono Trigger
  • 61. Metal Gear Solid Ghost Babel
  • 60. Dragon Age: Origins
  • 59. Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors and Sonic Adventure 2
  • 58. Mega Man 2
  • 57. Halo 1 and 2
  • 56. Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga and Paper Mario 2
  • 55. Devil May Cry 1 and 4
  • 54. Horizon Zero Dawn
  • 53. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
  • 52. Tie Fighter and X-Wing Alliance
  • 51. Gran Turismo 1 and 3
  • 50. Tekken 3
  • 49. Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds and Oracle of Ages/Seasons
  • 48. Sonic 1, 3 and Knuckles
  • 47.  God of War 3
  • 46. Super Smash Bros. Melee, Brawl, Wii U and Ultimate
  • 45. Metroid Prime 3
  • 44. Ratchet and Clank Going Commando and A Crack in Time
  • 43. GTA 3, 4, 5 and Red Dead Redemption
  • 42. Mass Effect 3
  • 41. Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 3D World
  • 40. NFL2k1 and ESPN NFL 2K5
  • 39. Ninja Gaiden
  • 38. Deus Ex
  • 37. Shadow of the Colossus
  • 36. The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion and TES5 Skyrim
  • 35. Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution and Virtua Fighter 5
  • 34. Okami
  • 33. The Last of Us
  • 32. X-Com UFO Defense
  • 31. Fallout 3 and New Vegas
  • 30. Resident Evil, Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil 5
  • 29. God of War 2 and God of War 4
  • 28. Red Dead Redemption 2
  • 27. Metal Gear Solid 2
  • 26. Devil May Cry 3
  • 25. Batman Arkham Asylum, City and Knight
  • 24. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker and Skyward Sword
  • 23. Final Fantasy 7 and 8
  • 22. The Witness
  • 21. Phantasy Star Online
  • 20. Half-Life 2
  • 19. LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2
  • 18. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • 17. Doom
  • 16. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • 15. Super Metroid
  • 14. Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 3
  • 13. Uncharted 2
  • 12. Castlevania SOTN
  • 11. Resident Evil 2, Code Veronica and Remake 2
  • 10. Metal Gear Solid V
  • 9. GTA Vice City and San Andreas
  • 8. Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World
  • 7. The Legend of Zelda,  A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening
  • 6. Mass Effect 2
  • 5. Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2
  • 4. Metroid Prime
Posted by Dvader Wed, 16 Jan 2019 06:47:24 (comments: 456)
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Sun, 17 Feb 2019 14:36:34
Sun, 17 Feb 2019 14:42:28

The original Gameboy Tetris is my favorite version. Tetris DS is fun to play around with, but I don't like that infinite spin nonsense either.

Sun, 17 Feb 2019 15:33:10
Ravenprose said:

Holy crap!

Mon, 18 Feb 2019 05:25:50

86. Darksiders

Image result for darksiders cover ps3

Image result for darksiders hd

THQ decided to enter the crowed action game market with what they hoped would become a new tentpole franchise for them. Clearly taking inspiration from hack and slash action games, Darksiders provided a unique spin, the adventure half would take inspiration directly from Zelda. From the start that sounded like a dream mix but it always looked a bit rough, small team and all so I waited a bit until the game was cheap to buy it. Why did I wait? Darksiders proved that when a development team actually tries they can make levels that can match the Zelda dungeon.

The combat is servicable, far better than any Zelda game but lacks the skill of DMC or even GoW for that matter. It didn't matter because the real star of the game are the dungeon levels and puzzle solving elements you just don't see in games like this. The world is also slightly open, more in the Zelda small hub way than big open world way, but it allows some freedom to move around. The result is a grand adventure that takes a good 20 hours and always has something new around the next area. The levels get more and more complex, War grows more powerful, gets Zelda like items and the dungeons evolve. I was in love, no other game has ever replicated the 3D dungeons of Zelda like this game, not even Okami.  It ends with what would be one of the best dungeons in a Zelda game. A complex maze where War gets a portal gun and now you need to solve puzzles where you teleport all over the map using this new portal power, it was a brillant dungeon that personifies everything I want in an action adventure game.

Vigil games earned my trust after this game so when Darksiders 2 hit I bought it day one. Much to my dismay the sequel focused more on loot and character building through stats than eleborate dungeon levels. Combat was better but the level design took a huge hit, puzzles were left out, not sure what happened. I have yet to get the third game which seems to have another design philosophy shift, maybe they were going for a different style per protagonist. What made Darksiders work is that they did what no one outside Nintendo even attempts to do, the complex puzzle filled dungeon, not sure why they went away from it. It's also a shame that the story has yet to move forward, Darksiders ends with one of the most hype inducing ending cutscenes I've ever seen, "not alone!" is an incredible final moment for one of the gems of the 7th generation.

Mon, 18 Feb 2019 14:38:24
Darksiders is one of those games I really really really wanted to like, but I just could not get into it. I think I got about 8 hours in and then just put it away. That's more than Darksiders 2 though. I have had that downloaded onto my Wii U for about 3 years and I've never even turned it on.
Mon, 18 Feb 2019 16:15:28

I had a really good time with Darksiders. Had Darksiders 2 for quite some time. I’ve tried it a couple of times but for whatever reason I just played it for a little bit before putting it aside again and playing something else.

Wed, 20 Feb 2019 06:03:10

85. Assassin's Creed 2

Assassins Creed 2 Box Art.JPG

Image result for assassins creed 2

The start of a new generation is always one of discovery, what kind of games would devine that generation. Open world games had begun to take off beecause of GTA and these new powerful consoles can create populated worlds that we could never imagine before. One of the first games to look like it would be that next gen showcase was Assassin's Creed. I am a sucker for big hyped gorgeous games and I also love open worlds so I gave AC a shot and came away pleased. It was a solid first effort, the assinations were great but the open world part left me wanting more, there are only so many feathers I can collect. This set the stage for a sequel to vastly improve over the original, one of those perfect sequels that is better than the original in every way and sets the standard for the series, Assassin's Creed 2 was just that.

Telling the story of the charismatic Ezio, who loves to whisper the names of Italian foods to his victims, AC2 takes place in Renissance era Italy which is already a vast improvement over the first game. Part of what makes this franchise so great is the historical fiction it plays with, there is enough real history there to actually be somewhat educational or at the very least serve as a virual reactaion of what these locations looked like in the past. I have never been to Italy but my parents once went on a trip and when I saw their pictures I recognized many of the landmarks because of Assassin's Creed. The world comes alive with realistic crowds of people, guards that hunt you down  and the ability to influnce crowds to mask your escape. Unlike the bear bones first game, this sequel greatly expanded the content with mini games, the abilty to hire factions, excellent optional platforming filled tombs, loads of side missions, it goes on and on. The main missions had loads of variety, one highlight is flying a prototype handglider from Leonardo Di Vinci.

I loved my time with AC2 and sadly no other game in the franchise as matched it. They kept adding more and more gameplay systems but somehow the main assassination's started to get too scripted. AC2 had the right balance and it was fresh and exciting. Ezio was also a breakout star getting two more games because he was so popular. When I think back to the early days of that generation with the PS3 Assassin's Creed 2 is one of the key games that defined the generation.

Wed, 20 Feb 2019 11:21:03

I loved AC2.  It’s the only game in the series where I bothered to complete it 100%.

Thu, 21 Feb 2019 04:27:07

I still have yet to play an Assassin's Creed game.

Thu, 21 Feb 2019 05:10:45

84. Portal 1 and 2

Image result for portal 1

Image result for portal 1

The Orange Box, one of the best collection of games you can buy anywhere. The value was insane, you not only get the legendary Half-Life 2 and its expansions but Team Fortress 2 and the star of the box, Portal. Portal personifies Valve's desgn philosophy, you know if they actually still MADE GAMES. Portal was insanley creative, whitty, easy to understand while providing very complex challenges. The concept is easy, you have two different portals that allow you to instantly travel through them, the physics puzzles that come from that were mindblowing. Who can forget the first time they launched themselves by a rocket because they created momentum from nothing but portals. Everyone did the infinite fall through the portals at least once, the things you can do with one mechanic was so exciting.

Valve didn't just stop at making a challenging puzzle game, they infused it with memorable personality which turned what was essentially a room to room puzzle game into a game people can connect too. Take a cube, if its just a normal blank cube it means nothing to you. But draw a red heart and call it the companion cube and now you have an attachment to this inanimate object, which makes it all the more painful when you need to destroy it. It helps to have a psycho robot lead the way from puzzle room to puzzle room, infusing the game with a comedic tone that makes the player want to advance and solve these puzzles. Portal is a such a great marriage of gameplay with story, I remember how much fun those puzzles were and I will never forget the ending theme song, Still Alive. Portal was short but it included many challenges which make you replay the same puzzle rooms but with limiting objectives like only using a certain amount of portals. All of a sudden these puzzles need to be looked at in a totally different way, to me that was the beauty of it all.

Image result for portal 2

Image result for portal 2

Portal one felt like a prototype for a larger game, kind of because it was. Portal 2 was full end product, a game that can justify a full price. Portal 2 builds on the first by forgoing using test chambers all the time and instead create a full on narrative that takes you on an adventure. Larger cast of characters, as whitty and funny as ever. Puzzles added all new mechanics that take the Portal concept to its limits. Giant waves that carry objects down its current, paint one th floor and walls that allow you to speed up and launch yourself. Each area added a new gameplay mechanic, it was brillaint. It even had a boss battle, a puzzle game with a boss battle, an awesome one where you portal to the fucking moon, epic stuff.

The Portal games are two of the most creative, unqiue, and well designed puzzles games ever made. It is such a shame to see where Valve is now, not caring about anything but maintaining steam. Portal shows that Valve could excel in almost any genre,

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