So EverQuest turned 20 years old last month. I know a lot of games have been having their 20, 25, and 30th anniversaries recently, but the EQ one kind of felt like a little bit of a punch. I think because unlike Mario or Zelda, EverQuest was a game I associated with my adulthood rather than my childhood. I picked it up and had a new PC built for it a couple months after I graduated college when I had saved a few dollars from my glamorous position as a sales assistant. It was definitely a game changer for me. I was pretty damn well addicted to it in a way that I hadn't been before with video games, and had it not been for Harvest Moon 64's release I might not have been able to pry myself away from the PC and back to consoles. Granted it would only be a few months later that I'd go back to EQ and ultimately for the next couple years it would be an off-again/on-again kind of situation for me until my PC was no longer able to run it at a good rate.
But it was a marvelous experience all the same, and I thought I'd record a few of the more memorable and ridiculous experiences before I'm too old and feeble to remember them any longer.
Just on the predominately English-speaking private server I used. On other private servers I tried briefly that had a wider range of languages they didn't seem to get more shit than anyone else.
What's Orlando's beef with them?
They are pretty much considered to be the rudest tourists that we get, and as their economy started blowing up we started getting more and more of them to the point where Brazil was the #1 source of tourists for good part of the 2010's. I'm sure a large part of the problems are cultural, and they probably aren't intentionally rude or entitled, but it really comes off that way. I've been at Disney World a few times and when a Brazilian tour group comes around, you go the other way. And every theme park employee has a Brazilian tourist story. You just have to mention them to a hotel or theme park worker and you'll see a look of fear or resentment immediately come over their face.
So, what you're saying is that Americans can't stomach American tourists?
There's nothing wrong with that.
As Belgians we can't stomach a lot of European tourists either Of all our neighbouring countries the Germans are often too loud, the Dutch too irritating and the English too drunk. The only ones that don't trouble you much are the French, and that's mainly because they're so chauvinistic that most of them don't even bother to travel outside of France anyway.