Hey guys, could I get some help? I'm preparing for my October horror convention, and once again I'm going to speak at it regarding horror games. This year I'm trying to get some promotional material from developers and publishers who have upcoming or recently released games. So far I've contacted High Voltage about the Grinder (god I hope that still comes out), but I'm still looking into others.

Now I realize this is pretty much a crap shoot, but the worst they can do is say no (and possibly insult my mother). I'm doing it under the guise of Power Level Marketing so I have slightly more credibility than some random dofus with a gmail account, and based on doing similar stuff I think I get a response about 20% of the time. ANyway if you've got some upcoming horror games, list them here if you could.

Posted by robio Tue, 05 Jul 2011 16:01:12 (comments: 21)
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Wed, 06 Jul 2011 05:42:57

There are upcoming horror games?

Oh, you mean third person shooters with zombies?

Tue, 12 Jul 2011 00:03:43

This might actually work out yet. I've had some conversations with the marketing and promotion execs from a few of these companies now. EA, Capcom, Deep Silver, and Atlus all got back to me. Everyone was nice enough, but for the most part they just directed to an FTP or wherever they stored their video footage (Youtube in Atlus' case). The big shocker though..... Capcom. They're going to be sending me quite a bit it seems. If nothing else I'm getting stuff for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. Hopefully they'll have some RE stuff for me though. That was a surprise though. I thought I'd get better response from the smaller companies, not the big ones. Learn something new...

Tue, 12 Jul 2011 21:37:26
Thu, 14 Jul 2011 02:42:16

There were a couple games in the comments section I hadn't thought of. Tomorrow I'll probably send out a second round of messages as well as write a press release to send out to every other game company I can think of to see if anyone will throw down with some schwag.  So far only Capcom is throwing down, but I still got actual responses out of over half the companies I wrote to, so that's a good a sign.

The next step is probably to redesign my website. The concept of marketing for indie game companies just isn't something I have enough time for since I already work 2 other jobs. But promoting games like this at conventions I already attend is a lot easier and something I can sustain. So Power Level Marketing may soon become Power Level Promotions

Fri, 15 Jul 2011 18:51:06

Okay I just contacted Ubisoft for their game I Am Alive. They may have some other games that could work. I have a pretty good feeling they will reply as they have pre-order bonuses for everything they do so I have to believe they have some spare marketing materials. This will just be a matter of getting through to the right person over there, and I think I found her.

I also went ahead and contacted Nintendo to see if they'll send me anything for Luigi's Mansion. Not really horror persay, but I figure I'll take a shot. Capcom's response gave me a bit of a boost so I figure why not?

Mon, 18 Jul 2011 18:04:07

Ouch. Just got a great big "fuck-you" from Nintendo. They actually said the show was not worthy of their time. Their PR manager may want to remind their employees of how to properly respond to information requests.

Mon, 18 Jul 2011 18:08:39

^They probably pissed because you insulted the Female Japanese Soccer team.

Mon, 18 Jul 2011 18:17:10

Nahhh the email actually came in over the weekend. I only just now checked it. Then again my feelings on soccer have been public record for some time so it's still a possibility. In the meantime it's one more thing I can bitch about regarding NoA.

Mon, 18 Jul 2011 18:26:14

Did you try NoE or NCL?

Mon, 18 Jul 2011 18:57:03

No, but maybe I will. Unlikely they'd be more receptive, though I suspect they'd be a little more polite. The ultimate goal is for them to send me promotional items for a give-a-way. Not sure if they'd be willing to send me free stuff overseas.

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