So March the 12th Saturday, I am going to Aussieland for a holiday. Me and my big sis will be visiting both Sidney and Melbourne.
So let's do a real life podcast. Homer, Foolz and Iga. A real life podcast with triangle chockes and manass. Perhaps even an Aspro.
Let's get it on.
Recently Spotted:
If you were in town, so would I!
How's Herzegovina?
That question is far too similar to "How's Her Vagina?" for my comfort...
I thought we were an all Gay site now...
I don't think his uncle has a vagina!
Hell he's only holding an AK-47 and some hand grenades... Go check!
Thank you Leo
I will never look at Bosnia and Herzegovina the same way again
Pleasure to be of service! Does your Uncle really have a vagina?!
...'cuz, ya know, that could be cool!
You came to MY town a few years ago and never offered ME any chokes or man ass! YOU HAVE NERVE BOBBY!
You never told me you lived in New York until I was back honey.