I think I've got to the point this generation where I'm somewhat bored with it. I still haven't played SMG2, NMH2 and God knows what else that I was very much looking forward to before, and I don't really care. Hell, what about GT5? I have a steering wheel for the damn thing, but have no desire to buy the actual game.

This might be understandable given that we're right at the end of the generation, but all these rumours about Wii 2 and what not are doing nothing for me. I read them and all I can think is meh. I have no interest whatsoever. Same goes for the 3DS. Battlefield 3? The videos were mind numbingly boring, and didn't really look all that great anyway. Certainly not as good as mind blowing as Crysis was way back when. On top of that Crysis was something special in terms of gameplay. There's nothing to show that this will be the same.

I found Mafia 2 for $15, but instead it doesn't seem worth the money or effort. Maybe this is just to help me get through my backlog, yet out of nowhere I want to buy Ridge Racer Type-4 (FU haters) and I really should get the MGS remake before it becomes anymore more expensive. Oh, and random Russian adventure games? Yes, yes, I want them. Throw in Rule of Rose while you're at it.


Posted by Foolz Wed, 20 Apr 2011 04:15:06 (comments: 15)
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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 10:23:34

Meh. Nyaa

Thu, 28 Apr 2011 20:35:21

SMG2 was my GOTY last year, so maybe you shouldn't play it. I don't want to listen to you shit all over it on the podcast.

Fri, 29 Apr 2011 03:32:21
aspro said:

SMG2 was my GOTY last year, so maybe you shouldn't play it. I don't want to listen to you shit all over it on the podcast.

Well now I'll just have to hate it, even though there is no chance I would.

When I do play it eventually i hope I remember this post.

Fri, 29 Apr 2011 03:43:18

What are you playing now anyway, (besides having just completed MEGUCUP)?

Fri, 29 Apr 2011 03:50:08

Apart from a litlte Killzone 3 co-op (by little I mean 75% of the game in an hour or two; easiest difficulty is like playing online!) nothing, and given that one day I'll have to go with nothing.

Today I intend to finally start Yakuza. Looking forward to it!

Two bad cameras in a row. Happy

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