I wanted to do a look back at this now that we are in its twilight years. Yes there are some big games to come but outside GTA5 and maybe Last of Us or Bioshock Infinite I dont see much that will be considered classics. This gen has been absolutely incredible with many of the greatest games ever made. I want to make a thread where we can have a discussion about what games defined the generation, which games do you instantly think of when you think of this current gen. Making a personal top ten list doesn't help as there isnt much basis for discussion, you cant argue my list, it is my list.

So instead of just doing a top ten games of a generation list I want to list that defined the generation whether its because it influenced many games or sold a ton of copies or were the most beloved highly rated games. Whatever the reason these games are the absolute top of this gen. I will try to not include multiple sequels but there may be an exception. After this objective list I will then list my personal top 10 games of this gen.

For the sake of this thread the DS is this gen. Zelda TP is last gen.

This list is in no particular order.


The cover shooter, one of the most common themes of this gen began with Gears of War. It quickly became the big third party exclusive for the 360 and poster child for the shooter crowd that the 360 is known for. It was one of the first giant blockbusters with state of the art graphics and impressive setpieces. A game that signified next gen is here.


Regardless of what you think of the direction Oblivion took TES there is no denying that it was this game which exposed the WRPG to console gamers. While the sequel maybe better it did not leave the impact Oblivion did.


An absolute masterpiece of level design, new ideas and perfect controls; Mario Galaxy stands as one if not the greatest platformer of all time.


Remember the early days of the 360, EVERYBODY had Geometry Wars. It was THE game of Xbox Live Arcade. This game proved that this gen wouldnt be all about the big budget titles but will have its fair shake of old school like titles.


Say what you will about the reviews and the "oscar level" story and acting, GTA4 was a gigantic monster hit and an excellent game to boot. I loved it from start to finish even if it wasnt as good as some of the PS2 GTA games.


Halo 2 started off Xbox Live, Halo 3 solidified it as the choice for online shooters. It also ends the Halo trilogy in spectacular fashion.


I wont include the Orange Box since it is not a game itself, Portal was the clear standout of the bunch. A genius puzzle game with the greatest dialogue in a game this gen. The mix of funny story with addictive puzzles made this an unlikely stand out hit.


The first 2D Mario game in over a decade, something people clearly wanted as the NSMB series puts CoDs sales to shame. I am not a fan of what Nintendo has done with these games but the first one started as a great throwback.


This is what happens when incredible graphics and atmopshere come together with great gameplay. One of the most memorable games this gen, who can forget Rapture, Would you Kindly, and your first encounters with the Big Daddies. The best first person shooter this gen.


The absolutely epic conclusion to the MGS series storyline. It may have some mixed reaction but to most it is easily one if not the best gaming experience this gen. It also was the PS3s white knight, their one giant exclusive when the system was still finding its stride.


Do I even have to say anything about this one. I would say the single most influencial game of this gen. A game that started an online movement that has completely changed the landscape of gaming for better or worse.


Oh stop groaning, you cannot deny the massive impact Wii Sports had. The game most responsible for the underpowered Wii's meteoric rise to first place this gen. A simple game that perfectly showed the motion gaming concept Nintendo was selling.


Some dont like the direction the second ME took, too bad, this game showed you can create a shooter hybrid that has great shooting mechanics. The best cast of characters, the best storylines and one of the most highest rated games this gen. Mass Effect 2 is perhaps the "RPG" of the generation.


The first Assassin's Creed was a great idea with poor execution. The sequel was everything the you would hope the first would be and is easily the crown jewel of the AC series which has become a staple of this generation.


The decline of Japanese gaming was a big story throughout this gen but this is one universally loved Japanese game that shows Japan can still make masterpieces. It is such a unique almost old school take on a dungeon crawler. Easily one of the best games this gen.


This is the game you show someone to prove to them that games can have movie like adventures. Moment to moment this is the most thrilling game of the gen, in no way could any of the setpieces created be done in any other generation. The train sequence alone puts this game on the list.


The highest peak of the music genre, it also began its decent into oblivion. Rock Band was the final stage of the plastic instrument movement, now you can have a bunch of people take part. The ultimate party game.


The captial wasteland is one of the best game worlds ever created. Take the TES formula and add guns what do you get, another masterpiece.


The 2D fighter had a bit of resurgance this gen and it is all because of the fantastic SF4. Capcom wisely built the game around SF2 nostalgia while creating a great new fighting system.


The greatest comic book game ever made. This is how you use a license, not only is this a good game it is a great Batman story.


I dont know anything about this but I know it was a big deal and I needed to put some PC game on this.


Take the GTA formula and throw it into the wild west with a classic Wild West like story and you get Red Dead Redemption. The story is so good and feels like an authentic western, who can forget that ending.


The hack and slash action game had its ups and downs but there is one undisputed best action game this gen and it is Bayonetta. This was Platinum Games statement to the game world that they are here to stay.


One of the most interesting new franchises this gen creating a magical game for all ages. A game that celebrates the players allowing us to create our own levels, stories, ideas and making a space where it is easy to share with all.

I think that covers most of the big major games across most genres. There are a ton of games that were simply excellent but I think these stand out.

Posted by Dvader Mon, 04 Mar 2013 04:35:53 (comments: 35)
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Mon, 04 Mar 2013 13:08:42
Bioshock? BIOSHOOOOCK!!!!!!!!!
Mon, 04 Mar 2013 13:10:07

I'm surprised you didn't have Skyrim mentioned at all. I realize Oblivion is on here, but Skyrim seems like the mainstream and more recognized (and possibly better) installment of the series. I think it was the much bigger impact. Only one of these games has produced a dumbass internet meme that won't die.

Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:13:34
Great lists. Props for recognizing Gears of War, Bayonetta, MGS4, Mass Effect 2, and Halo 3. I'm with you on Bioshock, that game was awesome.
Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:27:53

Good list man.

But Morrowind was the WRPG that introduced this style to console gamers, not Oblivion. Morrowind did everything Oblivion did, and mostly better. In 2002 to boot. That was probably my most played game on the Xbox other than Halo 1.

Also, about throwing a PC game on the list...you have a large amount of multi-platform games on the list that have their best version on the PC, so you actually have MANY PC games on the list. Gears of War, Bioshock, COD4, GTA4, Oblivion, Batman, Ass Creed, Mass Effect, Fallout, even Street Fighter are all PC games. It IS true that the PC doesn't get as many exclusives as it used to, unfortunately, because those were the games that really pushed the platform. But, it doesn't NEED exclusives the way a console does to justify itself either.

The only games I kinda don't agree with are Bayonetta and Little Big Planet. Bayonetta is awesome but also very niche...most people have no idea what the hell it is or that it exists. And Little Big Planet is more my personal opinion, that it was just MEH.

Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:39:36

I would have included The Witcher on the list, and also Crysis, for PC exclusives. I know Crysis is now on consoles, but that version is a joke and years late. And you hate Witcher, but it was a huge PC release and most sane people love it. cheeky



Mon, 04 Mar 2013 14:46:51

I would also include Dragon Age Origins in this list....one of the best games Bioware has made, and very old-school yet modern at the same time. The conversation values of Mass Effect mixed with the gameplay of Baldur's Gate. Also, one of the only games of the generation that was clearly designed for PC first, with not just graphics but also gameplay in mind.


Mon, 04 Mar 2013 17:16:43

Morrowind wasn't this gen though.

just curious, what makes the PC versions of those games great?  Is it the graphical polish and better frame rate?  Surely, PC versions don't control as well, unless you use console controller, right?

Mon, 04 Mar 2013 17:51:29

Why do you think they wouldn't control as well? If you use a controller, its the exact same thing...then games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, Bioshock and Crysis control much better with mouse controls.

Mon, 04 Mar 2013 17:54:25

Also, Morrowind wasn't this gen, but Dvader stated that he felt Oblivion was the game that introduced the WRPG to console gamers, which isn't true because its predecessor, Morrowind, did it 4 years and a generation earlier. You could also point to the KOTOR franchise.

Mon, 04 Mar 2013 23:21:23
robio said:

I'm surprised you didn't have Skyrim mentioned at all. I realize Oblivion is on here, but Skyrim seems like the mainstream and more recognized (and possibly better) installment of the series. I think it was the much bigger impact. Only one of these games has produced a dumbass internet meme that won't die.

I put Oblivion simply cause I feel that was the one that really exploded that WRPG into the general public. Morrowind sold ok but nothing like Oblivion. After Oblivion everyone wanted more, so Fallout 3 was huge, you started to get some clones as well. Skyrim is the better no doubt but I dont feel it was such a leap over Oblivion that it will leave as much a lasting legacy.

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