Forum > Gaming Discussion > Dragon Age: Origins thread of showing my BALLS to you, JRPG loving pansies.
Dragon Age: Origins thread of showing my BALLS to you, JRPG loving pansies.
Shale is an entire quest and you gain one of the most awesome characters in the entire game, very important I would say.
Started a second playthrough with the Ultimate Edition on PC. Rolled an alienage elf this time, and boy it's like playing for the first time again. So far I've only done the dalish elves part, and am barely starting Redcliff, but I have completed a couple pieces of DLC, including Stone Prisoner (ofc), Return to Ostagar and Soldier's Peak. 26 hours in and not even halfway through. I got a bit pissed that I missed an ancient elven set of boots in Lothering, so I had to DL a fix for that.
This is easily one of my top games of the generation. As long as I have this monster of a game, I don't really need to bother with the second part.
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travo (20s)
Whether you play it now, or later on, just DL the content. Blood Dragon armor won't be of much use until later on in the game, but Shale's one of the best characters in the game, and her dialogues are always awesome. It would be a pity to miss on her side mission.
Try to have Shale in your party by the time you reach Orzammar.