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11 Reasons you need to watch Star Wars The Clone Wars TV series
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Fri, 03 Aug 2012 21:28:53

1. It has more depth than the new trilogy.

How does it do that? Simple math, there are 5 seasons with 22 episodes roughly, you get hours and hours more space to tell different stories within the Star Wars Universe and they really go to town. Want to see how the Clone Troopers train or how they defend Kamino from attack? It's here. Want to see hours more Dooku, rebels conspiracy and more? It's here.

2. They re-introduce characters.

Chewbacca! Fuck yeah, he's in as of end of season 3. But then add in a young admiral Ackbar in season 4, young Boba Fett and his efforts to get revenge and even Grand Moff Tarkin (Peter Cushing) and you start to see old characters in new stories which flesh out their characters.

3. They have better Sith

There is a new Sith called Ventress, she can fight two jedi at once, she looks cool, there is conflict between her and Dooku and she has a badass voice actress. She has her own path as a Sith later too, I cannot say more without spoilers.

4. The lightsabre battles are better than the new movies

And there are more of them.

5. You thought Darth Maul was dead?

Well he didn't die in Phantom Menace and you see what happened to him and what happened to his brother series 4.

6. It explores how and why Anakin descends into darkness and the primodial details behind the force

In a multi-episode arc Anakin and co end up on the a nexus of the force with three ancient and powerful beings. Qui Gon Jin even makes an appearance and Anakin and his apprentice are warned of his later change into Vader. You finally get some answers about the force here too - this is essential stuff.

7. It has a Badass Bounty Hunter

Bane is his name and he's like an evil cowboy and his episodes involve heists, jail breaks and kidnappings, as well as murdering children of the force.

8. People die

They get slain onscreen regularly which is a lot to say considering it's on kids tv. No cutaways and sound effects only.

9. It has really high production values

The animation is somewhat skitish till you get used to it, but it is a very high value show and can use its computer graphics to show creative new worlds - and quite regularly too.

10. Anakin is not a pussy.

He's a swashbuckling, leader type who always has his shit together. He and Obiwan are a team and this show is about their and Ashokas adventures.

11. It has a virtual Samuel L Jackson

*insert Shaft theme tune*



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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 08:53:30
Dont tell me spider Darth Maul is in this... stupidest thing I have ever seen. Buying these seasons when they go on sale.
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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 12:17:50
My pics dont show up Sad

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 12:18:11
Yes, spider Darth Maul is in, and it's pretty cool.

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 12:29:38

What the hell is Spider Darth Maul?

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 12:58:19
He's chopped in half in Phantom Menace therefore legless. He gets robot spider legs, then robot human legs.

Oh yeah it shows you Darth Maul's people, very interesting there is a sisterhood and brotherhood, the main sith in the show is from the sisterhood and goes back there.... damnit cannot say why due to spoilers but it's good stuff.

They eventually make a new sith from the brotherhood who looks similar to maul but not as good.

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 13:03:19
gamingeek said:
He's chopped in half in Phantom Menace therefore legless. He gets robot spider legs, then robot human legs.

Oh yeah it shows you Darth Maul's people, very interesting there is a sisterhood and brotherhood, the main sith in the show is from the sisterhood and goes back there.... damnit cannot say why due to spoilers but it's good stuff.

They eventually make a new sith from the brotherhood who looks similar to maul but not as good.

Ah, but let's be honest here. He's chopped in half in Phantom Menace and therefore dead FFS. Not legless. LOL

And people complain about Lucas chopping and changing things. This sort of stuff is just as retarded IMO.

Edited: Sat, 04 Aug 2012 13:04:12

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 13:24:01
Foolz said:

Ah, but let's be honest here. He's chopped in half in Phantom Menace and therefore dead FFS. Not legless. LOL

And people complain about Lucas chopping and changing things. This sort of stuff is just as retarded IMO.

If he was chopped in half vertically through the brain you might have a point. But cutting one in half across the waist with a lightsabre that is so hot it immediately cauterises the wound? There are legless people in this world who are happily alive.



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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 13:38:20
gamingeek said:

If he was chopped in half vertically through the brain you might have a point. But cutting one in half across the waist with a lightsabre that is so hot it immediately cauterises the wound? There are legless people in this world who are happily alive.



Yeah, watch that scene again. it's not just his legs that he lost. Might have even clipped the bottom of his lungs even if you ignore all the vital organs he'd be losing with where the cut is. It would have made more sense if someone had sowed him together again. LOL

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 16:31:08
Vital organs? He is an alien you do not know where his organs are.

Darth-owned. Nyaa

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 16:40:53

I'll se if i can pick up the first season on blu ray. If I don't like it, I'm going to fly to London to voice my displeasure in front of your house so you can be embarrassed in front of your neighbors for having an angry mexican man yelling at you in a thick accent.

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 16:57:36
SteelAttack said:

I'll se if i can pick up the first season on blu ray. If I don't like it, I'm going to fly to London to voice my displeasure in front of your house so you can be embarrassed in front of your neighbors for having an angry mexican man yelling at you in a thick accent.

WTF I'm telling people to buy it.

It's on TV all the time, or rent it? Netflix etc?

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Sat, 04 Aug 2012 17:20:32
Spider Darth Maul? LOL LOL LOL

The VG Press

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Sun, 05 Aug 2012 02:43:06
gamingeek said:
Vital organs? He is an alien you do not know where his organs are.

Darth-owned. Nyaa

Then why would cutting him in half vertically be more likely to cause death? Why does he only have mechanical legs and arms, and not a mechanical lower torso?

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Mon, 06 Aug 2012 10:21:43
I think he has a lower torso.

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Mon, 06 Aug 2012 11:30:05
gamingeek said:
I think he has a lower torso.

Okay, then it's still really silly, but at least makes some vague Star Warsy sense.

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Tue, 07 Aug 2012 02:48:43
The problem with these arguments are that they're predicated on the assumption that Star Wars is worth watching in the first place.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 07 Aug 2012 02:51:58
And just to be clear its not.
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Tue, 07 Aug 2012 02:55:09

Vader in 3...2...1...

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Tue, 07 Aug 2012 05:14:00

I dont need to say anything, its Star Wars.

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