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11 years LTTP - Planescape: Torment. The thinking man's RPG.
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Sun, 10 Oct 2010 20:14:39

Planescape: Torment

Finally got my hands on the recently released GoG version of what is probably the biggest cult classic cRPG title ever. Planescape: Torment. I will (probably) update this thread with impressions as I move forward through the game. If anybody is interested in getting it (and YOU SHOULD), please do note that this game, as many other vintage PC games, needs a serious amount of tweaking before becoming playable on modern computers.

However, when the product in question is of such magnificence, no amount of extra work is discouraging. I just woke up and I already have a floating skull following me around.

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Sun, 10 Oct 2010 20:33:54

It requires thinking? Ugh. Then no.

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Sun, 10 Oct 2010 20:42:58
Ravenprose said:

It requires thinking? Ugh. Then no.

Even simple pre-8 bit era games require thinking to some degree. You think too little of yourself, Rodent One.

Holy shit the writing is already taking a toll on me. I need to correct it. BALLS! PENIS! WANG! TITS! HAIRY ASSCRACK!

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Sun, 10 Oct 2010 21:22:36

From the little I played it's more of an adventure game with the Dungeons & Dragons rules on top. What tweaking does it need though? GoG is usually good with making games playable on modern systems. I didn't even buy these from GoG as I have boxed versions but both this and Icewind Dale appear to work just fine. I suppose some people may want widescreen mods and what not but I play these games windowed, I don't like how the HUD displays in high resolution. Icewind Dale includes a 1280x960 option anyway, though I play it on 1024x768 to reduce the stretching of some elements. I also got some fan patches that fix and restore some cut content and do a few changes to the rules and GUI but they're entirely optional, the game worked just fine without them. Arcanum on the other hand is rather glitchy, I got that from GoG. Well, it's still very playable, but with a few annoyances Infinity Engine games don't have, I guess those were just as annoying when it was first released.

Edited: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 21:25:27
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Sun, 10 Oct 2010 21:44:56

The first one is the widescreen mod. Playing it without it makes it look like utter ass. Unfortunately, increasing the resolution at which the game runs fucks up the UI and a lot of graphical effects, so there's another mod for that as well. Planescape is a very buggy game, so you want a mod that fixes the hundreds of bugs present in the retail version of the game. The Unfinished business mod adds a lot of quests and missions that were practically finished, but that never got added because of time/money constraints. Then there's the mod that fixes the banter between your party characters, opening up hundreds of lines of dialogue that never show up in the vanilla game.

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Mon, 11 Oct 2010 01:28:28

Where's the fixes & cut content patch for Torment? I only see one patch on gibberlings3 (it seemed like a comprehensive source for this sort of thing, it's where I got the Icewind Dale stuff I mentioned in my last comment) and it only has a handful of minor tweaks, one of which I can't use as it makes the game crash (max HP on level up) and the others I don't really want outside the stackable items enhancement. I got the widescreen and UI patches though, I would run the game windowed instead like I do for Icewind Dale but the bug where character sprites always face left if you don't turn the software mirroring on in fullscreen persists no matter what. Man, even in my native monitor res the game's fairly ugly, like a badly compressed JPG, though the character sprites are the best of any Infinity Engine game, I wish IWD and the BG games had as good sprites.

Edited: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 01:34:08
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Mon, 11 Oct 2010 03:36:48
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Mon, 11 Oct 2010 04:04:28

Do want, but i'm holding out for a sale. I'll grab it for $5!

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Mon, 11 Oct 2010 07:19:32

Picked this one up. Really great to get back into this kind of game (since it's very similar to Baldurs Gate, something which I spent a tonne of time in), and it's already sinking me in.

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Tue, 12 Oct 2010 01:26:03

Well, I just got out of the Mortuary. Turns out my floating companion is even more lecherous and perverted than I am. Somewhere in my walks through the crematorium I managed to piss some Dusties (weird dudes who worship death) off, and that triggered an alarm. Although it is quite clear that if your character is intelligent and charismatic enough (and mine IS) you can sort out practically any problem by talking, years and years of unabashed violence in RPGs without consequences have changed me. So when the first blood was drawn, I couldn't stop. I killed everyone in my path until I got out.

I need to do more talking.

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Tue, 12 Oct 2010 01:32:42

The game's really sluggish for me, I can't stand it. With fraps on I see it often going from the intended 40 fps down to 20, usually when doing certain actions like going through dialogues or having the auto lock camera on. Windowed mode is actually smooth but then I can't use the high res patches and some graphical glitches remain, including the most prominent, the always-facing-left sprites, as video options don't seem to affect windowed mode at all. The game's back in the box and I'm going back to Icewind Dale which works perfectly well. Looking at the gog forums they don't seem to have the issues fixed either which is a shame, I'd probably buy it from them later on if they had (maybe on some $5 special though, since I already own it).

Edited: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 01:40:31
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Tue, 12 Oct 2010 01:34:14

I really want Icewind Dale. I'll have to decide between that one and BG by the time I get done with Planescape. Unless BG2 arrives before, that is.

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Tue, 12 Oct 2010 01:41:20

Well after all the talking you may want an extra dose of killing and for that Icewind Dale is best. Baldur's Gate is probably a balance between the two, though I'm not sure, I only briefly played the second of the series ages ago.

Here are a few images of IWD in high res (1680x1050) since you're into that. I don't know if there are GUI tweaks as I normally play the game in included resolutions, windowed, but outside a few distorted cosmetic elements it already stretches properly. The menus and cut scenes are also centered. Only small areas like house interiors appear on the top left. That happens even in the normal resolutions if the area is way too small, but usually you're in large beautiful areas, you only enter small spaces when going inside houses or similar. I have examples of all these in the screenshots. I'd say that overall it looks much nicer than Torment. The sprites aren't as large/good but the area graphics aren't grainy and the fog of war is smoother. You can also play with the log at the bottom a bit expanded as in the screenshot below. The brightness varies because there's a day/night cycle. If you can't read the text it's probably because your browser resized the image, it's of a decent size normally.

Edited: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 06:22:16
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
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Wed, 13 Oct 2010 17:56:40

I had sex with my first prostitute on the Hive. It was an ugly woman with rotten teeth and saggy boobs. Morte (the floating skull) wanted some action as well, and I didn't want to cockblock him, so I offered to foot the bill. Unfortunately, the prostitute asked thrice the usual fee because Morte was...well, a floating skull. So that didn't fly with me and told Morte that it was probably for the best, considering the looks of the hag.

She got extremely pissed and answered me with a barrage of grotesque expletives, which Morte quickly added to his lexicon. So, in the end, it all (kinda) worked itself out.

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Thu, 14 Oct 2010 03:40:21

I'm going to pretend you're not talking about a game.

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Thu, 14 Oct 2010 04:56:21
Foolz said:

I'm going to pretend you're not talking about a game.

What game?

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 09:12:29

I just found an article about this game.  Anyone interested in the content?

Apparently this game broaght back RPG's when FPS games had looked to have removed it from the PC entirely.

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Sun, 17 Oct 2010 09:31:53

Huh? I thought it was a cult classic more than anything... Great reviews, always praised, but with little actual sales and profit to show for it... Baldur's Gate came before it, as did Fallout 1 & 2 and Arcanum... Why would Torment be credited and not any of those? If any specific title has to be credited at all since, to me, it looked like a natural progression, from the Gold Box type games to Infinity Engine type games for example. And then there was Diablo 1 & 2 which really showed the genre's staples can be used for mainstream action games...

Edited: Sun, 17 Oct 2010 09:53:05
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
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