Okay Chainsaw guy was annoying. They sit him right in front of you and then guys come from behind. I was okay but Sheva kept getting her head chopped off.
I eventually stunned him with a shotgun, ran up the stairs and threw like 5 grenades in a row at him as well as shotgunning him. Not so hard once you figure this out. Died 7 times before that, well Sheva did.
Sheva is not much of a problem now but the real time menu can still be a pain. Like HL2 on xbox they should have had each direction on the dpad hold two weapon/item choices. I have things assigned to the 4 d pad directions, but when I need something else like a herb or a rifle it becomes a comedy of errors. I hate it.
I also played co-op. As I thought, it was fun, BUT since I have no online I played split screen and for some f-ed up reason it disjointedly presents the splitscreen with massive black space on the screen. What ass.
So I plodded through, the mines were boring and Sheva can't even hold a lamp straight. Got to that cheesy guy and the mask guy rescued him. Worked my way up a cliff side and just beat a bat/scorpian boss.
Game overall is good, I think I would give it an 8.5-9.0
But.... aside from grahics on every level the game is worse than RE4. It's strange as it has some of the best visuals I've ever seen, the same gameplay and controls of RE4 and yet RE4 is just flat out better.
It comes down to two things I think. The first is atmosphere. RE5 doesn't feel like RE at all. It could be any action game really. RE is hokey, cheesy, fun and the series has a certain art style. If you look at RE2, 3, Code Veronica, 4, Darkside Chronicles etc they all have the RE look. By going all hyper realistic on us you get something very different. But in terms of presentation you need familiar characters, Chris isn't even the real Chris, you need that cheesy plot and silly but fun one liners and stuff.
But RE5 also retreads familiar gameplay and level situations.
What RE4 did to mask the fact that you were doing the same thing ad nausem was have varied level design with perfect pacing that constantly had you pushing forward. So far in RE5 there is nothing to rival the set piece design of RE4. You can list so many, the opening village, the mine cart ride, the falling ceilings, the aligning mirrors, boat monsters, el gigante, churchs, graveyards, masked guy with gong etc.
I played 4 and a half hours of RE4 last week and its still a better game. Like Edgecrusher said it feels like it lacks a soul and lacks clear direction.
GG you didn't notice all the conviently placed red barrels during the chainsaw fight. All you need to do is string him along and blow them up as he passes them.
You are correct about RE4, it is a better game no doubt. But RE5 does have set pieces as interesting as RE4, they start happening after the bat boss, thats when the game to me blew me away. The story is pointless until Wesker shows up.
Dvader said:GG you didn't notice all the conviently placed red barrels during the chainsaw fight. All you need to do is string him along and blow them up as he passes them.
"The most clichéd gameplay mechanic in video games."
"What are explosive red barrels?"
Dvader said:GG you didn't notice all the conviently placed red barrels during the chainsaw fight. All you need to do is string him along and blow them up as he passes them.
Yeah I tried that, but Sheva stupidly stood next to them too. Great AI.
Dvader said:You are correct about RE4, it is a better game no doubt. But RE5 does have set pieces as interesting as RE4, they start happening after the bat boss, thats when the game to me blew me away. The story is pointless until Wesker shows up.
Now I am at the bit where they use a magnifying glass to send a deadly sun laser at me.
So when did Wesker enter the Matrix? Would someone like to tell me And he's obviously had a makeover at a German gay bar
If that woman in the mask isn't Jill Valentine I will be suprised.
So the sections I've played since bat/scorpian boss. Lame, lame turret sections. Lame jeep section with turret. Lame Gigante fight with turrets. Lame Irving boss with turrets (WTF) they even copied the RE4 little guy in deformed boss trick. Also when Chris started interrogating Irving's mutated, deformed body....... that was the most unbelievable LOL scene in any game, ever.
Boat sections were okay I guess. I shat myself when I had to walk through waist high water and alligators came.
Those tall guys with masks and clubs are unbalanced IMO. When I fire a shotgun point blank in their face and they keep coming with no reaction it's not well thought out. Also I dont like how they changed the ladder situation. What is the point of knocking down ladders when they can just jump up? And if they can, why can't I? Unbalanced again.
Did this massive cavern with changing stairs, pulling loo chains. Got lost a lot, it was too large for its own good, too empty and too ultimately boring. Really feeling the lack of typewriters here. I hate having to play just to get to the next save, this game has me doing that several times now.
Sheva was sort of okay but last night started the BS again. She ruins my headshots by shooting guys with a pistol. She also stood right in my line of fire and got caught on some scenery. Also I give her a good weapon and I want her to use it, instead she uses her pistol and wastes everybodies time.
Still enjoying it, kinda. The level design is sometimes too obtuse. Emotionally I'm going from: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - to - I'm kinda of enjoying this.
It's a good game, but with a lot of problems and given that its the sequel to RE4 I should be loving it. If eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh I'm kinda enjoying this is the best I feel throughout the game then its going to end up an overall disappointment. GTA 4 style.
Also, so far I've seen nothing in terms of environments or number of enemies that wii couldn't handle.
Not that I really care anymore.
Also, you can't upgrade the firing rate of your guns? In RE4 I loved maxing out the pistol and using it as my main weapon. And the initial rifle is fairly useless when you cant up the firing speed.
Lets see what else can I talk about? Umm, I dont like it when Shevas laser sight crosses with mine, its confusing. She should have like a green light and me a red.
Also compared to RE4 you get a lot of instances where you are being attacked from behind with no warning and yet the controls dont sort of compensate for that.
Now I can see what the reviews were talking about. With the real time menu especially, the game in its current form could do more to make the game less hassle. With all the buttons on the 360 controller they could have just put grenades to a button and done away with mixing herbs, just had health packs assigned to one button like Dead Space does.
Also if they want to make the game better, get rid of Sheva, have Irving as a slimy but lovable arms dealer you have to protect in the same mould as Ashley in RE4 only funny.
Let me see, oh my other complaint is that everything is triggered. You can walk through an enviroment and nothing will happen till you hit a trigger point. So why is that bad? Well because you inevitably die because of a lack of resources, so next time you know where the trigger point is and deftly walk around collecting bullets before having to trigger the wave of enemies. Essentially its trial and error, you have to die and restart before being able to do the section in the first place. That is silly.
The item space needs to be expanded too, I shouldn't have to ditch items because of a lack of space and if I have a green herb I should be able to combine it with a red herb on the floor without making room for an extra square on the menu.
What else........ er cutscene engine is way above regular engine. Nothing to complain about the engine, its fantastic, but the cutscene engine definetely bumps things up, I think its video using assets, then enhanced. Its not realtime because the face animation, especially on Chris is over and above the regular graphics.
I'm just talking because I'm bored right now.
Ummmmmmmmmm, why is Chris so ripped? It's hard enough to see whats in front of you with a massive hulking character but when sheva is walking next to you too it gets irritating.
Someone explain this shit to me.
Above: Wha?
Several other 360 games offer split screen play, but none we can think of shrink the screen and present each player in an off-center window.
gamingeek said:Dvader said:GG you didn't notice all the conviently placed red barrels during the chainsaw fight. All you need to do is string him along and blow them up as he passes them.
Yeah I tried that, but Sheva stupidly stood next to them too. Great AI.
Dvader said:You are correct about RE4, it is a better game no doubt. But RE5 does have set pieces as interesting as RE4, they start happening after the bat boss, thats when the game to me blew me away. The story is pointless until Wesker shows up.
Now I am at the bit where they use a magnifying glass to send a deadly sun laser at me.
So when did Wesker enter the Matrix? Would someone like to tell me
And he's obviously had a makeover at a German gay bar
If that woman in the mask isn't Jill Valentine I will be suprised.
So the sections I've played since bat/scorpian boss. Lame, lame turret sections. Lame jeep section with turret. Lame Gigante fight with turrets. Lame Irving boss with turrets (WTF) they even copied the RE4 little guy in deformed boss trick. Also when Chris started interrogating Irving's mutated, deformed body....... that was the most unbelievable LOL scene in any game, ever.
Boat sections were okay I guess. I shat myself when I had to walk through waist high water and alligators came.
Those tall guys with masks and clubs are unbalanced IMO. When I fire a shotgun point blank in their face and they keep coming with no reaction it's not well thought out. Also I dont like how they changed the ladder situation. What is the point of knocking down ladders when they can just jump up? And if they can, why can't I? Unbalanced again.
Did this massive cavern with changing stairs, pulling loo chains. Got lost a lot, it was too large for its own good, too empty and too ultimately boring. Really feeling the lack of typewriters here. I hate having to play just to get to the next save, this game has me doing that several times now.
Sheva was sort of okay but last night started the BS again. She ruins my headshots by shooting guys with a pistol. She also stood right in my line of fire and got caught on some scenery. Also I give her a good weapon and I want her to use it, instead she uses her pistol and wastes everybodies time.
Still enjoying it, kinda. The level design is sometimes too obtuse. Emotionally I'm going from: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - to - I'm kinda of enjoying this.
It's a good game, but with a lot of problems and given that its the sequel to RE4 I should be loving it. If eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhh I'm kinda enjoying this is the best I feel throughout the game then its going to end up an overall disappointment. GTA 4 style.
She never did that with me, she follows you, if you pass a red barrel she will pass the red barrel. Unless you have her on attack she basically sticks to you.
Oh well, I loved the boat section, I loved the jeep fight, I LOVED the Tomb raider like caverns. The game started to create awesome setpieces like being attacked from a boat, the escape from the docks, the awesome boat ride where you need to get off and open the gates, Irving boss fight was amazing, the rope room was awesome, giant bolder room, and yeah the big laser room you are in now. Its like RE4, there is something new in every single room. The areas are just much bigger compared to RE4, which makes for a more intimate senario.
Yeah I'm with dvader on this one. I totally loved the whole game inside and out and Sheva stuck by me quite nicely. The red barrels weren't really a problem with either. The jeep section was wicked cool. I also really enjoyed the boss fights. I just found the whole game tons of fun. Geez now you're making me want to go and play through the game again and I need to finish some other games in my backlog.
Dvader said:gamingeek said:She never did that with me, she follows you, if you pass a red barrel she will pass the red barrel. Unless you have her on attack she basically sticks to you.
Oh well, I loved the boat section, I loved the jeep fight, I LOVED the Tomb raider like caverns. The game started to create awesome setpieces like being attacked from a boat, the escape from the docks, the awesome boat ride where you need to get off and open the gates, Irving boss fight was amazing, the rope room was awesome, giant bolder room, and yeah the big laser room you are in now. Its like RE4, there is something new in every single room. The areas are just much bigger compared to RE4, which makes for a more intimate senario.
I liked the boat section, didn't love it. The jeep fight was so scripted and easy it might as well have been a cutscene. It was also a rip of the bit in RE4 (you know the one). The escape from the docks, if you are talking about opening the gates that was another rip from RE4 when you are on the back of the truck. Irving was bad, because of turrets. The laser room is a rip from RE4 with the mirrors. I still haven't seen anything that has remotely interested me as much as the RE4 setpiece design. The closest is the boats.
The only areas which are larger are the inside of these aztec like caverns and if anything the loose design hurts the game more than anything else. Too unfocused, too complicated, often too empty and too easy to get lost.
I have to temper my criticism because it sounds like I hate the game when I dont, I'm still pushing on and having fun, I just beat this massive spider boss, that was fun. After that though and the abundance of ammo gained from that fight I am again running into problems with the inventory system.
Archangel3371 said:
Yeah I'm with dvader on this one. I totally loved the whole game inside and out and Sheva stuck by me quite nicely. The red barrels weren't really a problem with either. The jeep section was wicked cool. I also really enjoyed the boss fights. I just found the whole game tons of fun. Geez now you're making me want to go and play through the game again and I need to finish some other games in my backlog.
I wish my 360 was online. I would enjoy the game more in co-op. You can blatantly see how it would be more fun in co-op. Shame I have to do it split screen.
gamingeek said:Dvader said:gamingeek said:She never did that with me, she follows you, if you pass a red barrel she will pass the red barrel. Unless you have her on attack she basically sticks to you.
Oh well, I loved the boat section, I loved the jeep fight, I LOVED the Tomb raider like caverns. The game started to create awesome setpieces like being attacked from a boat, the escape from the docks, the awesome boat ride where you need to get off and open the gates, Irving boss fight was amazing, the rope room was awesome, giant bolder room, and yeah the big laser room you are in now. Its like RE4, there is something new in every single room. The areas are just much bigger compared to RE4, which makes for a more intimate senario.
I liked the boat section, didn't love it. The jeep fight was so scripted and easy it might as well have been a cutscene. It was also a rip of the bit in RE4 (you know the one). The escape from the docks, if you are talking about opening the gates that was another rip from RE4 when you are on the back of the truck. Irving was bad, because of turrets. The laser room is a rip from RE4 with the mirrors. I still haven't seen anything that has remotely interested me as much as the RE4 setpiece design. The closest is the boats.
The only areas which are larger are the inside of these aztec like caverns and if anything the loose design hurts the game more than anything else. Too unfocused, too complicated, often too empty and too easy to get lost.
I have to temper my criticism because it sounds like I hate the game when I dont, I'm still pushing on and having fun, I just beat this massive spider boss, that was fun. After that though and the abundance of ammo gained from that fight I am again running into problems with the inventory system.
Chapter 5 is my favorite, loved that boss. You are about to reach a point that will make you scream, throw your controller around. After that its the moment you have been waiting for, "7 minutes, 7 minutes is all I will spare". Seeing how you reacted so far I think you wont like it, I bet Sheva will piss you off.
What do you think of the Lickers?
What is going to make me scream? Will Ashley appear and give me oral sex?
I got into the section with cover. Not bad at all. I didn't mind it. It was still fun.
The lickers are okay. They were sort of creepy seeing them go up walls. They are overpowered. Nothing great though. I like those things in RE4 where you use the thermal scope.
So how far am I into the game? I'm enjoying it mostly. I think the biggest thing that bothers me is the lack of typewriters, because I'm forced to play on when I've had enough for a while, so I'm sort of resenting having to do that.
Sheva is okay TBH, not a problem. The menu sometimes is fine, sometimes F-ed up. Overall its workable and doesn't impact the game too badly at all.
It's a very good game, all you can really say is that its not as good as RE4 and its not because RE4 was the first, or a revolution or some crap. It's simply because RE4 has better pacing, design and atmosphere. I'm enjoying this a lot more than Dead Space (another good game).
gamingeek said:It's a very good game, all you can really say is that its not as good as RE4 and its not because RE4 was the first, or a revolution or some crap. It's simply because RE4 has better pacing, design and atmosphere. I'm enjoying this a lot more than Dead Space (another good game).
I totally agree with that. I guess I just like a bit more than you do but I put it right in that category, between RE4 and Dead Space.
bugsonglass said:what's the length of the game compared to RE4? a friend of mine said he found it too short and finished it too quickly even on the difficult setting, but the descriptions here make it seem like a fairly lengthy game
If your friend has it, just borrow it.
Then dont give it back