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Resident Evil 5 (360/PS3) GG Revival - 360 freezes - nerd rage commences
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Tue, 27 Jan 2009 17:26:37
What's obvious is that this seems to be a game conceived around the premise of cooperative play. I dunno what are mainly single player gamers going to get out from this one. The AI controlled partner saved my ass lots of times, but the overall experience gave me an eerie L4D vibe.
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Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:01:30

SteelAttack said:
They also complain about the hassle that is deciding whether to use, or give to Sheva, any item you find around, and that the real time menu is almost as clunky as the controls.
What's obvious is that this seems to be a game conceived around the premise of cooperative play. I dunno what are mainly single player gamers going to get out from this one. The AI controlled partner saved my ass lots of times, but the overall experience gave me an eerie L4D vibe.

Real time item swapping? With zombies on your ass? Oh no. This is really worrying for me. When I heard that they were gearing the game for co-op play I thought it would be a multiplayer feature. Then I heard that the Sheva character would always be with you and worried about losing the fearful feeling of being alone and all the problems a second character can have on gameplay (I just stuffed Ashley in a bin most of the time in RE4).

Now the game has to strike a very delicate balance with the AI to not help or hinder me too much either way.

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Tue, 27 Jan 2009 21:49:11

I was just perusing the RE4 thread and noticed the screencaps

Whoa. Production Studio 4 were so far ahead of the competition at the time it's ridiculous. Anyone remember this one?

When the light hit the wall just right it almost looked like the walls in Kameo and that game has some craxy ASS detail in its textures.

Look at the puddle in this pic. The attention to detail wow.

And the pics below? Forget about it.

Remember this room? Look at that fucking wall. HD my ass. That still looks great.

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Tue, 27 Jan 2009 22:16:22

Stop it GG, stop torturing me with awesome non jaggie screwed to hell HD pictures of RE4. I miss that look.

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Wed, 28 Jan 2009 04:34:13
I'd almost forgotten how purrdy it was. Phwoar.

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Wed, 28 Jan 2009 10:47:55
I can't wait to hear demo impressions from you PS3 guys. Its like a second wave! How long to go?

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Wed, 28 Jan 2009 12:31:27

IGN 5 ways to fix RE5

1) Inventory System Kinks

Look, we understand the rationale behind going with a real-time inventory system. Like the inability to shoot and move at the same time, it's a deliberate decision to heighten the tension and put you under pressure… only, there are a few niggles associated with it. First, though, the good stuff. You can shift items around your 3x3 grid (and Sheva's as well if you're playing on your own) and whatever is positioned in the up, down, left and right positions can be hot-selected with up, down, left and right on the D-pad. So yes, you can finally switch weapons on the fly with ease, or switch to a grenade and then back to another weapon. (Moving stuff around the grid isn't in the demo from what we can see, but trust us – it's in the full game.)

"Weeeeeeee! I just switched to my shotgun without needing to go into my magical mystery attache case!" *sarcastic whistle from Sheva*

That's good stuff, but there are some small niggles. Let's say you have a green herb in the down position on the grid. Hitting down in the game simply equips it into your hand. Want to use it? You can't – once it's in your hand you have the option to either heal your partner or give it to your partner. Surely using it yourself should be an option? Nope, if you want to use a green herb you have to select it in your inventory, then move the cursor down (the first option is equip) to select use. It's clumsy, and given how often you're likely to choose to use the green herb on yourself as compared to how often you're going to want to equip it, it seems needlessly convoluted. A couple of small changes would fix this.

While we're on the subject of green herbs, why the hell aren't they still green herbs in your inventory? Why are they transformed into clinical syringe-y things? It's much harder to tell what's in your inventory at a glance. Bring back the herbs in all their easy-to-distinguish-colour-coded glory!

2) Running With Scissors

Or knives, as the case may be. Really, why can't we walk with this thing? Why do I have to run up to within striking distance of an enemy, then stop, put away my weapon, and pull out my knife, just to get an attack in? As mentioned before, it makes sense not to allow the player to shoot and move at the same time, heightening tension, yadda yadda yadda, but the whole melee system just feels clunky. Why not just really restrict movement speed when you're wielding a knife? If you can only edge forward slowly it wouldn't ruin the balance of the game, but it would level the playing field. It's pretty frustrating how much of a disadvantage you can be at trying to get within knifing distance of an enemy. Not only is there the whole delay that's caused by having to stop then switch over to the knife – thus giving enemies the chance to get the jump on you, but if you judge the distance wrong and you're not close enough, you can still get hit by enemies while they're outside the range of your knife swipe. It all feels a little punitive – restrictions are fine, but decisions should be made in the service of gameplay, first and foremost.

Being able to move while carrying the knife would also help give melee combat more rhythm. As you probably know – there's no basic melee button that you can use whenever you like. Instead, melee combat is context sensitive. This makes sense – having a melee attack button would alter the balance of the game, giving the player too strong an option to resort to should his enemies get close. Instead, you can use other strikes to open up enemies for melee attacks. We love using the pistol and melee in tandem, for instance. Essentially you stun an enemy with the pistol then run in for a devastating punch. The same concept applies for the knife, but it's much clunkier – being able to move with the knife would make the melee system smoother.

"Come any closer and I'll cut you. Well, actually, I'll, erm, have to put the knife away, then walk towards you, then get it out again, but I'LL DO IT! Actually... just come here."

Oh, and while we're on the subject of melee combat – Capcom! Where's the intensity? Remember the suplex move from RE4 where you could burst an enemy's head like a ripe melon? Well, there's no sign of anything like that yet in RE5. Yes, yes, there'll probably be some cool, gory melee moves in the final game, but the ones that we've seen so far are… kinda weak; the 'stomp' melee move especially. Walk up to a downed enemy and you can hit X/square to stomp them, only, you might as well be tickling them for all the impact it has. This ain't curb stomping. This ain't spattering the streets with brain. This is Chris doing a weak little tap with his heel on an enemy's chest. Fix it please!

3) Enemy Difficulty

We're thinking that the demo difficulty is probably dialed down a bit, but even so, these really aren't enemies that pose much of a threat. The fact that you can simply run right past the vast majority of them (the same being true during previous playthroughs at E3 and elsewhere) simply isn't a good sign. Where's the aggression; where's the panic as you realise you're out of space and time?

Chainsaw Guy II: Electric Boogaloo might as well be a big friendly puppy for all the difficulty he poses in the demo.

To be fair, both the levels in the demo are relatively open plan and it's not that hard to keep your distance, but it really doesn't feel like you get punished if you're trapped in a dead end. Not only can you run past enemies, but they don't really exhibit a huge amount of intelligence. Sure, they'll bust down doors and climb through windows, but they'll also side-step seemingly at random, and rarely do anything unexpected. Granted, it's about overwhelming numbers more than it's about intelligence, but the enemies in RE5 feel a little watered down next to their more aggressive RE4 brethren. With the added help of Sheva/a friend, enemy difficulty really should be higher, not lower. Here's hoping Capcom can tweak it for the final game.

4) The Run Button

Now, this is something that's too late to fix, but we just had to include it as we're not really sure why it's still in the game. I mean, sure, the whole run button system works well enough, but why not just let us push further on the left stick to move faster? We're really not sure what advantages the run button brings. It forces you to take your thumb off the right stick and results in running a little bit like a shopping trolley – you careen along and, yes, you can steer okay, but you'd be able to steer a whole lot better with an industry standard dual analogue set-up.

"So, this control schematic is weird. I have to hold down this button to run? And I can't strafe while I do that? Okaaaay."

As we stated, it works well enough, but it still results in some bizarre shortcuts. I mean, if you want to turn up a stairwell that branches up to the right, it's ridiculous that it's easier to get to the landing, turn slightly left, then do a 180 degree turn in order to go up the stairs than it is to simply follow the stairs.

5) Stay True to the Setting

So, Resident Evil 5 is set in Africa, only it's not really Africa – it's some mystical, magical land where African slums are filled with people of all races. Oh, look over there, it's a white villager! And ooh, who's that? Why, it's an Asian villager! It's political correctness gone mad, and to be frank, we think it hurts the game.

This is such a species-ist representation of dogs. Where are the dalmations, the labs, the poodles and the labradoodles? I SAID GOOD DAY, CAPCOM!

In fact, there really isn't any need for Capcom to bow to the pressure. The company should stand firm behind its game and its setting. How having African people in African villages could be construed as racist we have no idea. The game simply uses Africa as a canvas for a drama. It's not set in one particular country. It's not saying 'people from Cameroon are crazy and evil'. A film set in Africa with some kind of contagion that's turning the populace into fiends sure as hell wouldn't have to include all the colours of the multi-cultural rainbow, so why should RE5? It's just a setting. Get over it and take the token white people out.

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Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:07:36
Why doesn't IGN come up with IGN's 5 quick ways to fix IGN?

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Wed, 28 Jan 2009 18:07:08

SteelAttack said:
Why doesn't IGN come up with IGN's 5 quick ways to fix IGN?

A couple of the reasons are the same things they had in RE4 it sounds like. Run button and knife?

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Fri, 30 Jan 2009 13:53:45
I donwloaded last night but only had a chance for a quick playthrough on 1 level:
  • Graphics are gorgeous, even running at 480p on my CRT it looks the bollocks
  • Controls are fine, will take a little getting used to mainly due to the 'looseness' of the aiming
  • It's not remotely scary, especially as it's fucking daylight and that trollop is next to you
  • Sheva covers your back well, but it's left me with a bit of L4D deja vu, especially as she can't keep fucking still, she runs around like a blue-arsed fly
In a nutshell, it's more RE4 with a bitch next to you and less 'horror' elements IMO.  It's going to no doubt be a great action game, but it's hardly RE.

The graphics, especially the character models are simply amazing though and the game is incredibly life-like.

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Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:00:21
Oh, and one other thing, switching weapons in the middle of a fight is a fucking nightmare (especially when you've got around 10 of 'em edging towards you), granted I've only played once so after a few more play-throughs I'll update you guys.

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Fri, 30 Jan 2009 15:38:57

mantorok said:
I donwloaded last night but only had a chance for a quick playthrough on 1 level:
  • Graphics are gorgeous, even running at 480p on my CRT it looks the bollocks
  • Controls are fine, will take a little getting used to mainly due to the 'looseness' of the aiming
  • It's not remotely scary, especially as it's fucking daylight and that trollop is next to you
  • Sheva covers your back well, but it's left me with a bit of L4D deja vu, especially as she can't keep fucking still, she runs around like a blue-arsed fly
In a nutshell, it's more RE4 with a bitch next to you and less 'horror' elements IMO.  It's going to no doubt be a great action game, but it's hardly RE.

The graphics, especially the character models are simply amazing though and the game is incredibly life-like.

LOL That made me laugh. Sure you included enough English street talk there? A blue arsed fly? LOL

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Fri, 30 Jan 2009 16:43:05

gamingeek said:

mantorok said:
I donwloaded last night but only had a chance for a quick playthrough on 1 level:
  • Graphics are gorgeous, even running at 480p on my CRT it looks the bollocks
  • Controls are fine, will take a little getting used to mainly due to the 'looseness' of the aiming
  • It's not remotely scary, especially as it's fucking daylight and that trollop is next to you
  • Sheva covers your back well, but it's left me with a bit of L4D deja vu, especially as she can't keep fucking still, she runs around like a blue-arsed fly
In a nutshell, it's more RE4 with a bitch next to you and less 'horror' elements IMO.  It's going to no doubt be a great action game, but it's hardly RE.

The graphics, especially the character models are simply amazing though and the game is incredibly life-like.

LOL That made me laugh. Sure you included enough English street talk there? A blue arsed fly? LOL

This is the great thing about this forum, you can speak how you want to speak.WinkWink

Nothing like a blue bottle to piss you off when you're playing  an RE game.

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Fri, 30 Jan 2009 21:09:05

mantorok said:

gamingeek said:

LOL That made me laugh. Sure you included enough English street talk there? A blue arsed fly? LOL

This is the great thing about this forum, you can speak how you want to speak.WinkWink

Nothing like a blue bottle to piss you off when you're playing  an RE game.

Edgecrusher told us to eat his fucking shit and SteelAttack made a thread called Penis LOL I love it.

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Sat, 31 Jan 2009 04:38:08
I downloaded the RE5 demo, and it's a better game than I thought it would be. Unfortunately, I hate the controls. I tried all four controller settings, and the only one I could use competently was the RE4 style. I'm sure I'll get used to it again, but it just feels way too awkward by todays standards. The game is a certain rental for me at this point.
Edited: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 04:48:41

The VG Press

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Sat, 31 Jan 2009 05:36:37

gamingeek said:

Penis LOL I love it.

Yeah, we know. Nyaa

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Sat, 31 Jan 2009 10:23:33
Have played it a couple more times now - control style C with fastest aiming is RE4 and it's much much better IMO than the default setup.

The game is good, but it's not exciting me, it's more of the same with obviously the African theme, even the music is more themed towards action games, it's not dark and eery, just very 'urgent', bit like Gears.

Unless reviews come in with wild scores I'll probably wait until the price has dropped considerably, unfortunately all this demo has done is confirmed my worst fears, that RE is no more than a straight-up action romp.

There's no way this will trump RE4, not by a mile, unless the demo is hiding some spectacular moments, which I might well be - I dunno.


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Sat, 31 Jan 2009 14:56:34


Who is fog guy?

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Sat, 31 Jan 2009 22:50:52

I assume he means the ghost creature from the RE4 beta game that never got released.

I really need to get my hands on this demo. One day left.

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Mon, 02 Feb 2009 12:02:46

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Resident Evil 5 fournit quelques images de plusResident Evil 5 fournit quelques images de plus

Resident Evil 5 fournit quelques images de plus

Resident Evil 5 fournit quelques images de plus

Resident Evil 5 fournit quelques images de plus

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Resident Evil 5 fournit quelques images de plus

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