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The PSP - this generation's Gamecube
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Mon, 22 Mar 2010 19:49:07

Dvader said:
Sure its has plenty of good very cheap games to have, all games that could have been made for the PS2 but because this thing exists they decide to make you pay more to play these PS2 games. I don't want a portable gaming machine, if I got a PSP I would just hook it up to my TV... hey just like a PS2. It's paying the $180 or whatever it costs just to play these games when they can all be ported or I am sure they can find a way to make this run on PS3. This is not like a DS, it doesn't try to do anything that can't be done on a console. It's games aren't different in anyway they are just like PS2 games.

Fair enough. If you don't like portable gaming, you don't like portable gaming. At the end of the day these games aren't there though. Sure they could have been, but that's really only one step away from complaining about not having Mario games on an Xbox.

But after downloading a few games on PSN I can honestly say their system works so well I can't NOT see these games eventually being available for PS3. File sizes are no different than PSOne Classics, and lord knows the hardware can handle it. Sony won't be in a hurry to do it, since they still want to sell their PSP's, but they've already shown a committment to digital downloads.  Once their next portable unit is on the market I'd say they'll wait a year and make the PSP library available for PS3 owners.

All that being said though, there's a certain feeling of zen being able to play on the toilet.

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Mon, 22 Mar 2010 20:57:52
I guess the good side of virtualization is that no gaming console will go forgotten.  I'm going to keep buying up PSP's and replacement batteries though.

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Mon, 22 Mar 2010 21:15:23

robio said:

Fair enough. If you don't like portable gaming, you don't like portable gaming. At the end of the day these games aren't there though. Sure they could have been, but that's really only one step away from complaining about not having Mario games on an Xbox.

But after downloading a few games on PSN I can honestly say their system works so well I can't NOT see these games eventually being available for PS3. File sizes are no different than PSOne Classics, and lord knows the hardware can handle it. Sony won't be in a hurry to do it, since they still want to sell their PSP's, but they've already shown a committment to digital downloads.  Once their next portable unit is on the market I'd say they'll wait a year and make the PSP library available for PS3 owners.

All that being said though, there's a certain feeling of zen being able to play on the toilet.

That is what I am hoping for. A lot of those games seem excellent and should be playable to as many people as possible. I know it is a portable device so it needs exclusives, thats how things work. But Sony needs to look at the software sales numbers for PSP. The hardware sells fine, the games outside of a few have issues selling. So open up the market.

I guess the fear is that if people can buy PSP games on the PS3 then why pay for a PSP. That kind of goes against what the PSP is about. There are plenty of people that want a PSP cause the want a portable device so they will still buy a PSP, make the games work on all platforms, so if you buy it on PS3 you can easily transfer it to PSP. The PSP is a great multimedia device, it will still sell.

I am the guy that bought a GBA player on the GC the second it came out so that I can enjoy GBA games on my TV. If they invent some DS TV thing I would be all over it. We have never had systems that can do what they do now with downloading games and online stores, this is the time to make those games playable on consoles especially when they translate so easily.

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Thu, 25 Mar 2010 10:36:07
guess this is as good a place as any to ask about this.  is persona 3 on psp going to be the FES edition or the original P3?  i bought P3 on the ps2 and didn't want to buy the same again for the added content but i may rethink if it gets released to psp


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Thu, 25 Mar 2010 11:04:36

bugsonglass said:
guess this is as good a place as any to ask about this.  is persona 3 on psp going to be the FES edition or the original P3?  i bought P3 on the ps2 and didn't want to buy the same again for the added content but i may rethink if it gets released to psp

Atlus says, "Built upon an enhanced version of the game, players will find significant improvements, including direct control of teammates in battle, five difficulty settings, incredibly short load times, and most importantly, the option of playing through the story from a new female perspective, gaining new Social Links, special events, and unique romantic opportunities."

So FES. Female protagonist too.

Edited: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 11:05:11

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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 15:36:36

Do you guys remember Echochrome?  The PSN/PSP game which had you using perspective to solve puzzles and make a path to get the dummies to the goal of the level?

I thought the concept was pretty wild, and it really caught my imagination.  the actual game though was not all that much fun, for me at least.  seemed too loose perhaps too difficult for me.  The game had some publicity but I don't know if it had much success.

Unbeknownst to me, there was a (spiritual) sequel to the game being made.  Enter Echoshift!  It uses the same elegant and minimalist aesthetic but this time instead of solving puzzles by manipulating space using perspective, you do so by manipulating time.

Here's the closing comments from the IGN review:

There's something to be said for dialing back a concept and letting simplicity shine. The sense of reward and increasing levels of temporal thinking needed to plow through Echoshift make it instantly more engaging than Echochrome. The game's sense of minimalist charm and gently sloping difficulty curve keep it familiar but improved in nearly every way over its spiritual predecessor. If you're looking to add a few more wrinkles to that grey matter of yours, Echoshift is a perfect way to do it. Just don't come crying to us when you start having dreams about finishing some of those later levels.

I think i will check this game out.

PS are you guys happy to use this thread for psp related discussion/recommendations or should we start a new one?


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Fri, 26 Mar 2010 19:19:31
^I think this thread is fine.

I'm not a big puzzler, which is what the Echo games appeared to be to me.  

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Tue, 30 Mar 2010 03:01:19
Echochrome SUCKED.
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Tue, 30 Mar 2010 09:48:26

Dvader said:
Echochrome SUCKED.

 i wouldn't say that.  i think it was a bit above most gamers' heads (including mine) and it came across kind of pretentious.  but i appreciated the simple and elegant design, the classical(ish) music etc even if i couldn't enjoy the game past the first few levels


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Sat, 03 Apr 2010 14:01:24

A few days ago I bought a PSP lot on Craigslist (6 games for $50) so far I've made my way through 2 1/2 of them and eventually I'll give my thoughts on each of them, but I wanted to quickly say how pleasantly surprised I've been with one of them, that was frankly the one I thought would be the world - Core Crisis.

Originally I was not real interested in this game, but I did enjoy FFVII so I figured just based on that perhaps I'd be able to tolerate another Final Fantasy game to just get a little more information on the original game's story.  However, this is not a Final Fantasy game. This is a Kingdom Hearts game pretending to be a FF game.  I don't know how I missed that. From Nomura's character design, to the combat, to the menu screens, this game as Kingdom Hearts written all over it.  

So after a few hours in I'm having trouble putting it down. The combat is not particularly deep (but it never was in KH), but the story is moving along at a good pace so that's enough to keep me going. And now I've debating whether or not I need to replay FFVII after this. Once upon a time there wasn't much in that game that I hadn't discovered or done, but it's been probably 6 or 7 years since I last touched it so maybe it's time to go back again.

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Tue, 06 Apr 2010 07:06:00

robio said:

A few days ago I bought a PSP lot on Craigslist (6 games for $50) so far I've made my way through 2 1/2 of them and eventually I'll give my thoughts on each of them, but I wanted to quickly say how pleasantly surprised I've been with one of them, that was frankly the one I thought would be the world - Core Crisis.

 The battle system was completely out of my league in Crisis Core.  What were the other 5 games?

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Tue, 06 Apr 2010 13:43:59

aspro said:

robio said:

A few days ago I bought a PSP lot on Craigslist (6 games for $50) so far I've made my way through 2 1/2 of them and eventually I'll give my thoughts on each of them, but I wanted to quickly say how pleasantly surprised I've been with one of them, that was frankly the one I thought would be the world - Core Crisis.

The battle system was completely out of my league in Crisis Core.  What were the other 5 games?

I remember reading a review about the game's battle system and the reviewer said something to the extent of, "you can with the game by just repeatedly pressing the X button over and over and over," and he wasn't too far off.  Still I do like the story. Prequels can be tricky since ultimately you know how the story will end, but they've thrown enough new story elements and have finally turned Sephiroth into an interesting character, and possibly worthy of all the unncessary hype he got from FFVII.  Still it is a little depressing. I'm close to the end of the game and as I play I just think to myself, "well Zack you got about 2 hours till you're dead. Sorry."

As far as those other games I picked up Me and My Katamari, Street Fighter Alpha 3, GTA: Vice City Stories, Dracula X Chronicles, and some racing game that I've put away with no intention of ever playing.... Underground Rivals I think.  

Alpha 3 has been okay, but I've quickly been reminded that fighting games and handhelds don't mix. Me and My Katamari isn't as good as the real ones but it's nice having a portable version with the class music. The other ones I haven't touched yet, but hopefully they'll be able to last me a few months.

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Tue, 06 Apr 2010 14:59:21
Alpha 3 to me is more a reminder of how much better the psp would have been if the d-pad could actually hit a diagonal once in a while.  but i have a 1000 series, maybe it was improved in subsequent models


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Tue, 06 Apr 2010 15:35:16

bugsonglass said:
Alpha 3 to me is more a reminder of how much better the psp would have been if the d-pad could actually hit a diagonal once in a while.  but i have a 1000 series, maybe it was improved in subsequent models

I didn't mind the D-pad too much, after all I spent years playing Street Fighter games on the SNES and the PSOne (without the dual-shock controller). My biggest issue is just keeping the screen steady. I tend to be a little more animated when I play a a fighting game and it's harder to keep still.

Calm and steady RPG = perfect on a handheld

Frantic fighting game = crap on a handheld

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Tue, 06 Apr 2010 15:45:37

robio said:

I didn't mind the D-pad too much, after all I spent years playing Street Fighter games on the SNES and the PSOne (without the dual-shock controller). My biggest issue is just keeping the screen steady. I tend to be a little more animated when I play a a fighting game and it's harder to keep still.

Calm and steady RPG = perfect on a handheld

Frantic fighting game = crap on a handheld

like puzzle games, i enjoy playing fighting games in bed (or on the bog) so i'm glad there's quite a few on the psp (and ds as well actually)

 i've really been enjoying blazblue on the psp recently.  it's quite strange as i've never quite been into guilty gear, nor have i felt especially compelled to play blazblue on the ps3 (for which i paid a pretty penny to import).

soul calibur psp i also liked much better than any of the console soul caliburs i tried.


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Tue, 06 Apr 2010 17:21:57

Dvader said:
Echochrome SUCKED.


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Tue, 06 Apr 2010 21:16:50

robio said:

I remember reading a review about the game's battle system and the reviewer said something to the extent of, "you can with the game by just repeatedly pressing the X button over and over and over," and he wasn't too far off.  Still I do like the story. Prequels can be tricky since ultimately you know how the story will end, but they've thrown enough new story elements and have finally turned Sephiroth into an interesting character, and possibly worthy of all the unncessary hype he got from FFVII.  Still it is a little depressing. I'm close to the end of the game and as I play I just think to myself, "well Zack you got about 2 hours till you're dead. Sorry."

As far as those other games I picked up Me and My Katamari, Street Fighter Alpha 3, GTA: Vice City Stories, Dracula X Chronicles, and some racing game that I've put away with no intention of ever playing.... Underground Rivals I think.  

Alpha 3 has been okay, but I've quickly been reminded that fighting games and handhelds don't mix. Me and My Katamari isn't as good as the real ones but it's nice having a portable version with the class music. The other ones I haven't touched yet, but hopefully they'll be able to last me a few months.

 Good deal for $50.  I'll try the button mash technique next time I try Crisis Core.

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Tue, 06 Apr 2010 21:35:58

aspro said:

robio said:

I remember reading a review about the game's battle system and the reviewer said something to the extent of, "you can with the game by just repeatedly pressing the X button over and over and over," and he wasn't too far off.  Still I do like the story. Prequels can be tricky since ultimately you know how the story will end, but they've thrown enough new story elements and have finally turned Sephiroth into an interesting character, and possibly worthy of all the unncessary hype he got from FFVII.  Still it is a little depressing. I'm close to the end of the game and as I play I just think to myself, "well Zack you got about 2 hours till you're dead. Sorry."

As far as those other games I picked up Me and My Katamari, Street Fighter Alpha 3, GTA: Vice City Stories, Dracula X Chronicles, and some racing game that I've put away with no intention of ever playing.... Underground Rivals I think.  

Alpha 3 has been okay, but I've quickly been reminded that fighting games and handhelds don't mix. Me and My Katamari isn't as good as the real ones but it's nice having a portable version with the class music. The other ones I haven't touched yet, but hopefully they'll be able to last me a few months.

Good deal for $50.  I'll try the button mash technique next time I try Crisis Core.

I took me about 5 hours before I realized all the DMW/slots are entirely random and have almost no control by the player. Once you accept that it's all just a matter of positioning yourself, attacking, and doding.  Magic and special skills are nice enough, but there were only a handful of battles where I actually needed to break those out.

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Wed, 07 Apr 2010 17:55:22

I finished up Crisis Core this morning. Overall it's an okay game with an excellent story. Prequels are always hard to pull off well because they can be so anti-climactic, but SE actually did well here.  They added a great chapter to the story that made sense, didn't really conflict with the later chapters, and was entertaining the entire time.

From the very beginning I thought Zack was just going to be a throw-away character and for the first part of the game he just acts like a black hairded Tidus which almost made me turn it off.  But he actually grows up and evolves throughout the game, and becomes one of the most tragic characters I've ever seen in a videogame.  You got to look hard to find someone who got a more raw deal. And the worst part is you know it's coming the entire game... you just don't quite how it will come.

So all the story elements are really good, but sadly the combat isn't close to matching it. It's not bad, but 90% of the time it's a pure button masher.  And to really get your levels up and find the best items you have to do a LOT of missions which are essentially game filler. They're repetitive and get old real quick (and was eventually mimicked in KH 358/2 Days). Given that it was a handheld that's really the only way they could expand the gameplay but boy it got rough at times. I did around 50 to 60 missions and that was less than 30% of them. I honestly can't fathom how someone could do them all.  

Still, the stories and characters were so good that you can overlook the average combat. And ultimately the story was what this game was all about, and in that regard in completely delivered.

Now onto Castlevania...

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Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:35:00
Okay the Dracula X Chronicles gets a thumbs down from me, and I'm surprised.  I think ultimately the old Castlevania model just doesn't appeal much to me anymore.  The longer I played the game though, the less interested I was in it and I really had to push myself to play just to finish it. Pretty sad considering it's not really that long of a game.  Oh well, whatever... At least I've got Symphony of the Night available to play at any time now.
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