
Some people are saying there is too much bloom. Thoughts?
Seems okay to me.
right now i'm confused by the totally different style in the cell-shaded early art and the uber realistic dark looking recent screen shots. like two different games.
oh and it all looks great to me. bloom or not, it looks very nice
bugsonglass said:right now i'm confused by the totally different style in the cell-shaded early art and the uber realistic dark looking recent screen shots. like two different games.
oh and it all looks great to me. bloom or not, it looks very nice
I see that now. The art looks a lot lighter in tone than the actual game. Still looks good though.

Translation of the text in the blog, here:
It's not much, but this hopefully means we're returning to the weekly-ish update schedule they had going before Xenoblade was released, so we'll maybe get some gameplay stuff in the near future!Writes the director, "The feel and reverberation when you've played this game is probably the sense of 'companion.' After having seen everything through repeated test play, this is what always remains in the end."
The reason the game gives you this feeling, the director believes, is because of the connections it shows with your companions not just as part of the story, but even in other areas of the game.
There will be conversations with your AI-controlled comrades during the "intervals" in the game's realtime battles, and it seems that the conversations may be tied in with the game's skill system. The game will also have "trivial" conversations when you're on the move.
"There exists drama even in battle," finishes up the director.
The producer writes that your comrades in The Last Story talk a lot. This is true not just during standard conversion scenes and event scenes, but also during battle and when on the move. "You'll hear conversations amongst your comrades in all sorts of situations."
Many of these conversations are the kind of things that one might ignore. However, in time, they'll stay with you and help to show the characters' personalities and relationships.
"Players are surrounded in their comrades' conversations," finishes the producer. Because of this, he expects that when players end up alone, they'll realize the warmth of being surrounded by friends.
The moment the announcement is made ANYWHERE in the world, one of us will catch it!
Moving on to matters of The Last Story, Sakaguchi provided a link to the debut trailer that Nintendo posted last week.
He wrote, "This is a title that myself and the development staff are putting 120% of our energy into." He admitted to being nervous, similar to the insecurity one has when their child heads off on a journey.
"I'm fully pouring everything into this one title, and the feeling of it maybe being my last title is strong." He's aiming to complete the title so that he has no regrets, but even more so with the feeling that he should be enjoying himself.