Forum > Gaming Discussion > The E3 2010 Great Dustbin of Doom dumping thread - Might as well put it somewhere
The E3 2010 Great Dustbin of Doom dumping thread - Might as well put it somewhere
Tue, 15 Jun 2010 01:51:37
Tell me you guys were kidding about the Ubi-Sensor. Someone, please. Lie if you must.

Save us Obi-Wan Fils-Aime!
You're our only hope!

Edited: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 01:52:45
E3 2010 is already Epic. I'm pretty sure the 3DS will get dropped and break on stage and during the Move demonstration a wand is going to fly out of someone's hand and kill an audience member.
I'm still calling the vitality sensor one of the most successful trolls ever.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI liked it better when Nintendo was in third place. They did their own thing, and everyone else did theirs...
What has this industry become...?

What has this industry become...?

I was just thinking the same thing Leo.
Is this the day we'll look back on? Has this industry jumped the shark? After the Kinect show, and now this.
They have everything you need to have fun...
...except video games...
...except video games...
And forget about doing a podcast this week Yoda. It would be three guys going:
"bah, ah..., wha...?"
For 80 minutes.
Someone said this best on Twitter:
you guys, if there is no BG&E2 we should burn this mother down.
Though this is too awesome to end.
The Ghosts are the Head on the Penis of the BattleField of Tomorrow!
"That guy had a family"

Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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