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The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword information thread.
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 07:29:37

Part 1 of a demo playthrough.

Way better quality than the other video.
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 07:48:22
From the demo videos I saw, the game area is rather large. Not sure if its a dungeon, overworld, I dont know. It has doors so I figure its a dungeon, but there are some large open spaces to run around and climb. Combat looks fun. Some enemies seem simple where you can just slash wildly to kill. The scorpion boss gave the players trouble. I dont see why it is so hard for them to tell they are supposed to slash a certain way. It looked great but clearly something you need your hands on.

It is still impossible to tell anything about the game structure from the video.
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 08:23:41
Yah they showed too little area wise and for all we know it's just an area for the demo, not in the game.

Still loving the water color look.
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 08:42:18

Agnates said:
Yah they showed too little area wise and for all we know it's just an area for the demo, not in the game.

Still loving the water color look.

Its officially a demo area. The map points out where you can fight bosses. Its just an enclosed space to try out stuff. This is from guys at gaf who are at E3.

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 09:00:08
Link moves quite quick in those videos so presumably the areas are pretty big throughout.

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 10:13:34

Good stuff vader.

Saw a video of the crab fight. Looks better in motion. I could get used to the art I guess.

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:23:38
I guess I'll have to get used to the art. It'll do the job. I'd rather it looked a little less generic like this

and more unique like this

I can find tons of video game skeletons that look like the former but not many like the latter. I'll try to shut up about it though - there's no point me harping on it.
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 19:47:46
I don't care for Link's character design. The long tunic with puffy pants isn't doing it for me. I want him to be pantsless, like the old Link I fell in love with (no homo).

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 21:17:17

Coopersville said:
I don't care for Link's character design. The long tunic with puffy pants isn't doing it for me. I want him to be pantsless, like the old Link I fell in love with (no homo).

 Adult link vs child link. 


I think I prefer playing as a kid. 

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 21:18:27

gamingeek said:

Adult link vs child link.


I think I prefer playing as a kid.

Me too.

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 21:25:48

Ravenprose said:

Me too.

 I think it's because it makes everything seem bigger in scale. Like if you were a 10 year old boy and you walked into a cave and some massive freak beast appeared, you would be shitting yourself like GASP

But as adult link, geared up in his armour and weapons, you sort of feel like you can handle it. 

Playing as child link makes it feel like more of a struggle and makes the victories more satisfying. 

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 23:43:44
Plus I like when you are thwarted by smaller things - like an adult that won't give you access to an area. You aren't a big, revered hero.
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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 02:01:39
Some people are saying crap that this won't be the traditional open-world Zelda game. They're speculating that the Sky World is where you start and you pick and choose between which worlds or areas you want to go to next.

I don't like the sound of that. I hope it's not true. If Nintendo takes away the exploration and open world aspects of Zelda than it won't be a Zelda game.

I know Nintendo said they want to take the series to another level and put flying elements in it, but I hope they still make it feel like a true Zelda game.

I have no idea how it's going to turn out.


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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 04:16:58
Interview with Eiji Aonuma

IGN: At last night's roundtable it was hinted and maybe even answered that you might have orchestral music like Super Mario Galaxy 2 has. Will Skyward Sword be fully orchestrated, or just part of it, or what?

This is actually something we've been talking about for quite a while. I've discussed with Mr. Miyamoto, "are we going to do orchestration?" and mulled it over for a while. We got here to E3 and still didn't have an answer, so last night in the roundtable when the question came up, Mr. Miyamoto just said "I guess we're going to have to." And I said "We can? We can do it, really?" But, to be honest, I haven't had the chance to sit with him and get the OK on that. So, to be honest, I don't know either. He might tell me he was just joking around later.

GG's gonna be pissed! LOL

Edited: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 04:26:33

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 04:54:51
Lol, @ gaf they're arguing left handed gamers can't play this (or similar M+ games) because Link is right handed... Wtf? Just hold the remote in your dominant hand. If you slash left to right, Link will slash left to right, whether he holds the sword in the same hand you do or not... You'll do the directions properly, the sword will follow your movements properly, just Link has it in a different hand. Crazies. Did everyone feel disconnected pressing buttons on the right side of the controller while Link did the actions with his left hand in the pre-Wii games? Lol.
Edited: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 04:58:12
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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 06:26:57
I can play Wii games pretty easily with both hands, and I'm not ambidextrous. People can generally do things like that were you end up conditioning simple actions with their worse side anyway.

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 11:00:34

Reading the aonuma interview.

Spirit tracks took time and resources away that would have been used on Skyward sword Hrm

Maybe if the choo choo game had never existed, we would have Skyward Sword this holiday?

Aonuma: In the past we did use toon shading, specifically in The Wind Waker. But in that game, the main character was a very young Link -- so the art style was a really good match for displaying him. Just a good match for that character in that game. Now, Link's a bit older and we just didn't think that that particular art style was what we were looking for. You know Link grew up, so maybe the art style grew up a little bit. That might be one way to put it.

Nooooooooooooo! He was right before, the young link suits the art style. Cel-shading can look adult, but putting an adult realistic link model into a brightly lit cartoon environment with searing colour does not.

IGN: So, I'm asking you Zelda questions basically. In Four Swords Adventures for example, people see that as a favorable game, but it was very limited in that you had to have several Game Boy Advance systems, and the GameCube, and bunch of Link Cables. Now that the technology allows for it, do you think that idea could come back? Maybe for the DS?

Absolutely. There's always the possibility of that coming back and taking center stage. Multi-play, online play -- I'm always think about how we could take that and re-envision it.

This would be awesome as a WiiWare game with online play and wii speak.

angrymonkey said:
Plus I like when you are thwarted by smaller things - like an adult that won't give you access to an area. You aren't a big, revered hero.

Oh yeah, so funny in Majora when the guards wouldn't let you out of town.
Ravenprose said:
Interview with Eiji Aonuma

IGN: At last night's roundtable it was hinted and maybe even answered that you might have orchestral music like Super Mario Galaxy 2 has. Will Skyward Sword be fully orchestrated, or just part of it, or what?

This is actually something we've been talking about for quite a while. I've discussed with Mr. Miyamoto, "are we going to do orchestration?" and mulled it over for a while. We got here to E3 and still didn't have an answer, so last night in the roundtable when the question came up, Mr. Miyamoto just said "I guess we're going to have to." And I said "We can? We can do it, really?" But, to be honest, I haven't had the chance to sit with him and get the OK on that. So, to be honest, I don't know either. He might tell me he was just joking around later.

GG's gonna be pissed! LOL

It better be happening.

Edited: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 11:03:29

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Fri, 18 Jun 2010 23:10:01

Hey Nintendo, this is what I am talking about in terms of a large world to explore:


Imagine that is death mountian out in the distance.


Imagine this is a desert you need to find a way to escape from.



Imagine this as a ruins you discover and somewhere nearby is the HIDDEN entrance to a dungeon.

THAT is what I want! Exactly that, of course with stuff to do. You keep the same excellent dungeons and towns with lots of side quests but the overworld should give you a sense of exploration. A sense that you are tiny, insignificant and you need to find your own path in the world. I want that feeling in my Zelda game.

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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 02:12:53

Dvader said:

You keep the same excellent dungeons and towns with lots of side quests but the overworld should give you a sense of exploration. A sense that you are tiny, insignificant and you need to find your own path in the world.

Sounds good to me too.

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Sat, 19 Jun 2010 03:04:46
I wouldn't play a Zelda game like that. It sounds cool in theory, but I prefer having a more linear path through the game. I hate not knowing what to do or where to go next. I'd probably play 10 hours of it, and never touch it again.

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