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Why I am Excited for Kid Icarus
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:39:09

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:39:45
Check out the enemies!

Edited: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:46:26
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:42:33

This is for 3DS?

Looks great but I wish it was for the Wii.  Looks like the wii-mote + nunchuck controls would be perfect for it


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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:42:52
Check out Pit with his Ailments and Mythological Weapons

Edited: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:46:42
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:44:17
Check out Palutena, Medusa and the other Elements!

Edited: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:46:54
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:57:08

bugsonglass said:

This is for 3DS?

Looks great but I wish it was for the Wii.  Looks like the wii-mote + nunchuck controls would be perfect for it

That's why Nintendo should make two different Kid Icarus games: One for 3DS, and another for Wii. I'd get both. Happy

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:08:17
Obviously you see Palutena and Medusa right off the bat...

...BUT, also spotted:

The Flying One-Eyed Monster (Monoeye)

The Flying Plant Monster (Mick)

The Floating, Flower Monsters (Daphne)

The Grounded Hopping, One-Eyed Frog Creature (Nettler)

The Spiked, Pin-Wheel Style Monster (Tros)

The Hand-Shaped, Spiky Goo-Monster (McGoo)

The Three-Headed Dog-Guardian of the Gates to Hades (Cerberus)

The Flying, Beaked, Three-Headed Dragon (Hewdraw... and he actually has a FULL BODY in this game!)

The Reaper (I think. He looks COMPLETELY bad-ass in this game though!)

Pit Breaking a Vase!


Eggplant Pit
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:08:41
Full trailer, including The Eggplant Wizard at the end!

Edited: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:14:53
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:08:56
Looks like Sin & Punishment. Don't see why they had to make an all new studio for this. Awesome, though.
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:11:31
They even got the Music right!

Edited: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:14:10
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:13:27
Pretty sure that the 3DS will be a day one purchase for me.  First console or handheld I've picked up on launch since. . .  well ever I think. Icarus looks damn cool.  And really I don't think it would work as well on the Wii.  Gameplay looks like it might be too fast for any kind of motion controls at any rate.
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:13:31
...and if you think "Laser Beams" and Flying Sequences weren't in the NES original, Think Again!

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:15:14
Best thing about that preview was the end of it when Pit ran out as an eggplant. Pity that part got cut off on the YouTube version of it.
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:16:32
Why did the player suck so much?
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:16:35
Sooo glad they went with his Smash Bros model and --NOT-- the Grown-Up look that Matt Cassamyasshole claimed to be the Wii version of Icarus!
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:28:15
Did you know there was a controversy surrounding Kid Icarus?

Certain Parental Groups back in the day took offense at the character, The Eggplant Wizard. You may or may not have heard this before, but the derogatory term Italian people use to describe Dark-Skinned people is "Moulinyan" or the Italian Word for Eggplant.

His dark skin and almost "Black-Face" stylization of his face and lips immediately put people up-in-arms.

For a while, I have heard, new developers for the series didn't know what to do with this character and therefore, the game. You really can't have a Kid Icarus game and --NOT-- have the Eggplant Wizard! This may have been (one of) the reason(s) for the long, long delay between games!

But, there he is, and there Pit is in all his stubby-legged, Vegetable glory!

It's a minor miracle to just see this game again!

It's a MAJOR miracle to see it almost completely intact!


Edited: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 00:31:40
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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 21:21:59

Looks sort of cool but when I saw the trailer again in more detail I was a little confused as to what sort of game it was. Is it an on rails shooter with sin and punishment sword bits?

I thought it might be an adventure game or a third person shooter, but the action makes it look like an on rails shooter. 

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Wed, 16 Jun 2010 22:39:09

Agnates said:
Looks like Sin & Punishment. Don't see why they had to make an all new studio for this. Awesome, though.

Hey more studios the better, right?

I missed out on playing Kid Icarus, it's always been in the Duke Nukem Forever, Shenmue 3 category of my gaming knowledge.

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Thu, 17 Jun 2010 01:58:10

bugsonglass said:

This is for 3DS?

Looks great but I wish it was for the Wii.  Looks like the wii-mote + nunchuck controls would be perfect for it

Yeah. But this was that secret Project Sora that Nintendo and Sakurai was working on a year ago. I guess they wanted a huge surprise to go with the 3DS.

It definitely worked for me! I'm in tears of joy!


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Sat, 24 Mar 2012 18:44:47

Looking back at this topic from TWO YEARS ago, I can happily confirm --YES-- they did the original game justice --AND-- many, if not ALL, of the original enemies are in there and intact! Metroid clones, Googly Eyed Mustache Enemies and all! The music is GREAT. The HUMOR is spot-on! Even the references to the old game in Paluntena's and Pit's many conversations throughout the game are accompanied by their 8-bit sprites! AWESOME! What a fan service this turned out to be!

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