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The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
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Mon, 25 Oct 2010 12:46:15

Why did they blur the screen...

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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:53:07

Tank Level trailer

Nintendo TV footage:

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 11:41:55

From Sadist GAF

First review read!

     Dutch [N]Gamer gives Goldeneye a 8.5 Two guys reviewed it.

     Pro's: finally, we can play as Bond again! The singleplayer is good, the multiplayer is extremely addictive. This game will keep you busy for a long time.

     Con's: Graphicly not always as good. Singleplayer at times has to much "standard" shooting sequences and some fans may not like the new additions.

     Conclusion: Excellent Bond game and a good Wii FPS, both things the Wii was in dire need off. The updates make it very interesting voor veteran and newcomers alike. Not as legendary as the original, but we really reccomend it.

     Review tidbits:

     - Graphics are good, but at times the framerate takes a dive like in the original game. Some areas are gorgeous (like Severnaya) but the Spanish nightclub has dancing people which don't look to hot. Lighting in this games is great and the interface is good as well.

     - Several gadgets are not as cool. Whoopie, a smartphone. Expected more from James Bond, the gadget spy. But shooting stuff is the primary goal and it works like a charm. But, after the fantastic remake of the Dam level, it becomes more of an "shoot stuff and go on though" kind of game. But, there is the possibillity to sneak around for stealth.

     - Updated story is at times different.

     - Diffilculty of the game is very pleasing.

     - Detail their multiplayer games, are very positive about. As addictive as the original.

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 21:05:20

          GoldenEye - Character Render_Baron

               GoldenEye - Character Render_Scaramanga


               GoldenEye - Character Render_Blofeld --


               GoldenEye - Character Render_Dr No --


               GoldenEye - Character Render_Red Grant


               GoldenEye - Character Render_Jaws --


               GoldenEye - Character Render_Oddjob --

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Fri, 29 Oct 2010 21:19:11

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Tue, 02 Nov 2010 19:24:10

Gaminformer review Goldeneye Wii 6.5

IGN review Goldeneye Wii - 9.0 " as a standalone, original experience, it’s hard to deny this game’s greatness."

IGN Goldeneye Wii video review

Huge Goldeneye interview

Gaming Nexus Goldeneye review A - & New screens too

1up review Goldeneye as a B+ game "makes a valiant effort to straddle the divide between nostalgia and a new generation of first-person shooters. "

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Tue, 02 Nov 2010 20:08:39

Reading the A - Gaming Nexus Goldeneye review, you can wipe out the guards like in Splinter Cell and go back into stealth mode. It's a good 5 page review with new screens too.

Gaming Nexus said:

GoldenEye is, for lack of a better word, a much “smarter” FPS than either of the Modern Warfare’s. It takes the loosely cover-based action from CoD and adds some desperately needed cover mechanics, like the ability to pop and lean out of cover for quick shots, and the fact that protective structures are quickly destroyed under sustained fire. Simply put, GoldenEye takes a design that has become rote and stale and adds the features that it’s really needed for a couple years now, creating a more organic and complete experience. Sledgehammer Games and Treyarch would do well to follow Eurocom’s lead in the future CoD titles.

GoldenEye takes the best stealth elements from more frustrating games like Metal Gear Solid and somehow seamlessly mixes them with the typically mindless action of CoD, tweaked and refining it all into a dynamic experience that is truly the thinking man’s FPS.

The faster paced plot does hit on all the right events though, and you get to see some amazingly redone moments and locations. Everything has been scaled up and the events in the film seem like a small skirmish in comparison. Just don’t go in expecting to get the same levels and events even remotely similar to how they looked before. Expect bigger and more epic and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Eurocom and Feirstein have produced a long, meaty campaign with plenty of story, superbly built levels and better, more balanced gameplay than any of the recent CoD games.

The drastic gameplay changes also mean a drastically modernized multiplayer, but once you start playing you’ll find it just as compelling and addictive as the N64 game that hooked you 13 years ago, if not more so.

The new GoldenEye somehow recaptures that impossible-to-put-down quality of the N64 original, even with significantly different and modernized gameplay. I have no idea how Eurocom managed to bottle that same feverish addiction with a game that plays so differently, but it must have taken a hell of a lot of play testing.

In fact GoldenEye’s default expert controls actually trump Conduit’s for precision and accessibility, no mean feat as that game has been the gold standard in Wii FPS controls for over a year.

In terms of production values and extras, GoldenEye is off the charts. It’s one of the Wii’s highest profile 3rd party releases in years and it shows. You don’t see any of Conduit’s flashy shader effects but in every other respect Eurocom has maxed out the Wii’s graphical abilities. The levels are gorgeously constructed, even the drab, dingy ones, and most contain impressive weather effects. Character and gun models are expertly animated, and the facial expressions are particularly uncanny—if you thought Eurocom’s work on Dead Space Extraction last year was good, wait until you see GoldenEye in motion.

At a point when the Wii’s life is winding down, Eurocom has delivered one of the console’s defining experiences. When I heard they were remaking my favorite game of all time and changing so much in the process, I was skeptical and a little bitter. It turns out that crafting a whole new GoldenEye from the ground up was the only option—the only way to do the original justice and the only way to create a compelling modern game. The new GoldenEye is one of those gaming events that you just can’t afford to pass up. No matter what console allegiance you swear by or what you think of the Wii, like Red Steel 2 and Mario Galaxy GoldenEye is a game you just have to play. So dust off those Wii remotes and prepare to start the addiction all over again. GoldenEye is back.

Instead of standing in the original GoldenEye's shadow, Eurocom has created a brand new game that is just as compelling and addictive as the original. An expertly produced story mode and an engrossing multiplayer make the new GoldenEye one of the best experiences on any console this holiday. Round up your friends and get ready to get hooked all over again, GoldenEye 007 is back.

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Tue, 02 Nov 2010 20:10:58


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Tue, 02 Nov 2010 20:45:31

Gametrailers has tons of footage up

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Tue, 02 Nov 2010 21:00:55

Gamesradar Goldeneye review is a 7/10 but they seem to like it.

So, we certainly have a good GoldenEye, with a pretty fun single-player campaign and multiplayer that’s even more fun. Does it live up to the original? Heck no – we said it was impossible, remember? It is a damn fine, “serious” shooter on the Wii, and that’s saying something. Even without the limited options for mature action for Wii owners, GoldenEye 007 is a solid game in its own right. If nostalgia is still tingling strong or you’re hankering for a real, guns-blazing and sneaky-assassinating experience, you won’t go wrong here.

They say that they had control problems, I'll be curious to see what they mean, because I know how the snap to move works on COD reflex. It's not a problem. And the ADS, missing shots isn't something I've seen in other reviews.

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Wed, 03 Nov 2010 15:01:50

Gamespot Goldeneye videos

NWR review Goldeneye Wii James Bond heeds the Call of Duty in this impressive, action-packed shooter.

Goldeneye Wii Game Vortex review 90% "GoldenEye 007 sets a high bar for any shooters to come"

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Wed, 03 Nov 2010 20:02:26

Based on my knowledge of prior reviews besides IGN, GameInformer and 1UP, the rest of these reviews don't carry much weight with me.  I'm waiting for (in order) Nintendo Power US, gamespot (depending on who is reviewing it) and Eurogamer.

I don't trust Gameinformer on Nintendo products AT ALL, and 1UP and IGN are my least reliable go-to's, but so far those are the only big name outlets to review it right?

Edited: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 20:04:02

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Wed, 03 Nov 2010 23:59:19

Hey guys, finally got a chance to play Goldeneye Wii at a relative's house of all places (one of his nephews had it).

I had some sweet time with the first chapter, the dam level, and here are my thoughts on it:

DISCLAIMER: Okay, I want to say this before I start this impression. There's no way we can replace our fond memories with Goldeneye 64. I had fond memories of it also, so let's leave it at that.

With that said, I have to admit that Goldeneye Wii has surprised me. Hats off to Eurocom for really taking this game seriously. I can confidently say that this is NOT a cash-in on the Goldeneye name. Eurocom really treated the game with a lot of care. I'm surprised that the game turned out well: awesome voice acting because of Daniel Craig and Judy Dench, some of the best Wii graphics I've seen, and great music.

As for the gameplay...well, this may turn off some people but here's my view on it:

  • It basically is a Activision modern-re imagining of Goldeneye, so it's not to surprising that the gameplay is very similar to Modern Warfare. I hope that doesn't turn people off to it just because it's modernized, but I will say that the single player is so much better than the Call of Duty games because of the James Bond license. And Eurocom's experience on Dead Space Extraction really shows because the cinematic storytelling in Goldeneye Wii is quite good.
  • As for controls...sorry GG, but I prefer the classic controller with this. I tried it with the Wii-mote and I was just having a really tough time playing it. Maybe it's because I'm so used to the dual-analog controls with Modern Warfare, but the Wii-mote/nunchuck control was frustrating. I didn't really have the time to calibrate it but my arm was getting tired. I had no problems with Metroid Prime but with Goldeneye Wii I was struggling.
  • And I didn't have a chance to play the multiplayer but I did see the kids playing it. It's basically Call of Duty style shooting with James Bond characters, set in the classic Goldeneye setting. And I'd actually would prefer this to Call of Duty just because of the license.

Anyway, that's my impressions on it. The game is surprisingly good. But I haven't decided to pick it up because I think the single player is short and I don't see myself playing online on my Wii with this. So I may get it at hobo prices, around $29.99-39.99. But not now. But the good news is that IT IS a GREAT game and worth picking up.

And I have to say that it is the best FPS on the Wii.

Edited: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 00:21:09


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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 02:35:44

"As for controls...sorry GG, but I prefer the classic controller with this. I tried it with the Wii-mote and I was just having a really tough time playing it. Maybe it's because I'm so used to the dual-analog controls with Modern Warfare, but the Wii-mote/nunchuck control was frustrating. I didn't really have the time to calibrate it but my arm was getting tired. I had no problems with Metroid Prime but with Goldeneye Wii I was struggling."

Soon as I hear stuff like that I immediatley don't want to get it at all, even for $10.

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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 02:38:27
Foolz said:

"As for controls...sorry GG, but I prefer the classic controller with this. I tried it with the Wii-mote and I was just having a really tough time playing it. Maybe it's because I'm so used to the dual-analog controls with Modern Warfare, but the Wii-mote/nunchuck control was frustrating. I didn't really have the time to calibrate it but my arm was getting tired. I had no problems with Metroid Prime but with Goldeneye Wii I was struggling."

                    Soon as I hear stuff like that I immediatley don't want to get it at all, even for $10.

Note that I didn't have the time or the chance to calibrate the Wii-mote. It was too sensitive, but if I toned it down, I'm sure it would've been fine.

So trust the reviews and not my experience. I think all the reviews (except for maybe Gamesrader and that awful GI review), says the Wii-mote controls is good.

I just also had more playing time with my 360 and all those shooters, so it was tough to adjust.

Edited: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 02:39:06


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 02:45:11
ASK_Story said:
my arm was getting tired.

Tired? How? I mean it's one thing if the controls are jittery, shaky, laggy, unresponsive, whatever, but tiring?

Glad to hear the rest of it holds up for you.

Edited: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 02:48:08
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 03:09:14
Agnates said:

Tired? How? I mean it's one thing if the controls are jittery, shaky, laggy, unresponsive, whatever, but tiring?

Glad to hear the rest of it holds up for you.

I was playing it like I was really shooting a gun! LOL

Maybe that's why. Nyaa

No seriously, my arm was getting sore. Maybe it's because I had a shoulder injury recently.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 03:19:29
ASK_Story said:

I was playing it like I was really shooting a gun! LOL

Maybe that's why. Nyaa

No seriously, my arm was getting sore. Maybe it's because I had a shoulder injury recently.

We already told you to stop masturbating!

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Thu, 04 Nov 2010 03:35:49
SteelAttack said:

We already told you to stop masturbating!



Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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