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The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
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Fri, 12 Aug 2011 16:16:56

What control confiq should I use for my mote and Chuck combo (cold day in hell if I go back to dual analog) GG?

I am to lazy to look for shit in this thread. Will be playing TWEWY and watching How I met your Mom in the mean time.

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Fri, 12 Aug 2011 16:51:56
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Fri, 12 Aug 2011 17:29:26

What is ADS?

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Fri, 12 Aug 2011 17:33:14

Lol, he's going to shoot him in the ass.

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Fri, 12 Aug 2011 18:09:11

ADS= Aim Down Sights, you know when you hold a button which zooms in and sometimes freezes the screen in place.

Oh yeah Iga, Vader, turn off any auto aim and the snap to COD like feature.

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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 13:17:50

Are my posts being deleted? I have written some impression here, where the fuck did they go?

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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 13:27:28
Iga_Bobovic said:

Are my posts being deleted? I have written some impression here, where the fuck did they go?

Moohahahahahaha! Nyaa

(okay, no. I did not delete your posts . . . or did I? Moohahahahahahaha!)

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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 18:17:55

Okay, let's try it again. If this post is deleted, then help me god for I am going to smite everyone.

I played the first level multiple times to see if you can do things differently. Differently is sneaking without getting in a shoot out.

The first part is easy to sneak through, sneak up the tower and melee attack both of the guard, Alec will handle the guards below. Then you need to take out a patrol. This part cannot be completed without being noticed. You have like five guards, when you sniper one they see you and attack you. There is  a mechanic if you shoot a guard, before or just after he notices you, the game will go in slow motion. If you kill them all in slow motion the alarms are dropped and you can go on your merry way. But their are like 5 guards maybe you can take them all out at once, but it seems very difficult to do.

The next part is an one rails shooting part, then you enter the dam. This part can be done with complete stealth thanks to the sniper and an alternative route. The next part you go outside and two patrols arrive on two boats. Here there are 3 different ways of tackling the situation. A honest to goodness shoot out. Pick them off one by one with your sniper and finally blowing shit up. The blowing up part goes as follows. You first shoot the lone guard that is watching the boats. Then you sniper the leftmost boat in the fuel tank, the explosion should take care of the first patrol. The other guards are startled and the slo-mo part begins. Quickly shoot the explosive barrel and you take care of the second patrol. Three shots 5 kills. How is that for efficiency.

Then you enter inside and can sneak your way through, until you get to the helicopter. The game gets a bit COD there. Guards start spawning. You walk and you are attacked. They are not on the map, they appear only if you cross a invisible line. Luckily they only spawn once and I dealt with them by running away climb on the furthest tower and snipping them to death. The next part is also impossible to stealth. You have like 5 guards near a truck. If you sneak, you are ambushed by guards that appear from a door. If you beak the window to snipe them they are suddenly aware of you. My method was to break window and shoot rockets with my bazooka. In two shoots I killed all but one, the one left was an easy picking.

Overal impressions of the first levels. Awesome when they let me sneak around, annoying when shit spawns out of nowhere.

The second level can be completed without being seen once. This level is awesome! Third level is pretty much COD style and meh.

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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 18:32:40

*Hamster moves cursor over to the delete button . . .* cheeky

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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 18:35:15
Ravenprose said:

*Hamster moves cursor over to the delete button . . .* cheeky

*Iga moves cursor over ban button

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Sat, 13 Aug 2011 19:01:37
Iga_Bobovic said:

Then you need to take out a patrol. This part cannot be completed without being noticed. You have like five guards, when you sniper one they see you and attack you. There is  a mechanic if you shoot a guard, before or just after he notices you, the game will go in slow motion. If you kill them all in slow motion the alarms are dropped and you can go on your merry way. But their are like 5 guards maybe you can take them all out at once, but it seems very difficult to do.

There are a bunch of guards all walking a couple of metres apart, how can you logically expect to sniper one in the face and not have the others notice? If you really wanted to try you could leg it back to the underground pipe, bust out your silenced PPK and try to sneakily drop them. I don't know anyone crazy enough to try though.

There are sections where you cannot use stealth, long sections but the action constrasts nicely with the sneaking and there are more than enough opportunities to sneak about in the game.

Iga_Bobovic said:

The second level can be completed without being seen once. This level is awesome! Third level is pretty much COD style and meh.

If you are talking about the Club level, then yeah that is the worst level in the game and pretty much the only weakspot. The next Frigate level is good but not as good as some of the awesome fun to come.

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Sun, 14 Aug 2011 09:25:09

Did two more levels.

The nightclub level started good. Here I am in a douchebag looking nightclub with normal people, but it went to meh pretty quickly. Why? I tried killing people immediately, why can't I kill innocent people? I do not like it if the game takes away stuff. In the older games you could kill everyone.

Then I entered the dance stage and the thing was filled with people, like hunders of them. But upon closer inspection they were all 2D art LOL. Clever trick. After a cutscene a shootout happens and you need to escape. No stealth here, just a massive shootout that goes though the whole club.

The thing that annoyed me the most was the accuracy of the enemies. They can shoot you from across the room and never miss you while you have to line of the shoot and shoot carefully to even hit them. This was at the lowest difficulty I can't imagine what would happen on higher difficulties. In GoldenEye and Perfect Dark the levels were a lot smaller and this was not noticeable and enemies could not see you from miles away. But here it is annoying being in cover only to be shoot by an idiot across the room. It takes like 2 minutes to find the bugger.

Dubai level started as an shootout and was meh. Do the creators of the game hate Americans? You have on NPC with a stereotypical Texan accent that is shoot right after he boasted about his awesome security. The frigate was awesome with multiple paths, until the end where it really becomes COD.

It is like the original GoldenEye. You had awesome stealth levels like the bunkers mixed with pure meh action levels with infinite respawning enemies (at least in Goldeneye Wii there are not infinite respawning enemies) like the Archives, Cradle and so on. This game is no different.

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Sun, 14 Aug 2011 09:28:27
gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

Then you need to take out a patrol. This part cannot be completed without being noticed. You have like five guards, when you sniper one they see you and attack you. There is  a mechanic if you shoot a guard, before or just after he notices you, the game will go in slow motion. If you kill them all in slow motion the alarms are dropped and you can go on your merry way. But their are like 5 guards maybe you can take them all out at once, but it seems very difficult to do.

There are a bunch of guards all walking a couple of metres apart, how can you logically expect to sniper one in the face and not have the others notice? If you really wanted to try you could leg it back to the underground pipe, bust out your silenced PPK and try to sneakily drop them. I don't know anyone crazy enough to try though.

There are sections where you cannot use stealth, long sections but the action constrasts nicely with the sneaking and there are more than enough opportunities to sneak about in the game.

I was more thinking of something like a landmine or grenade to take them all out at once. Maybe it is possible with a sniper, you can kill two people with one shot, so maybe if you are good you can kill all five while still in the slow motion part.

gamingeek said:

If you are talking about the Club level, then yeah that is the worst level in the game and pretty much the only weakspot. The next Frigate level is good but not as good as some of the awesome fun to come.

No, I was talking about the airport level. With the helicopter flying around.

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Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:50:31

You mean the airstrip level i.e the escape from the facility? That level was cool.

BTW, you are playing on the lowest difficulty? Remember that if you don't complete all the objectives for say medium difficulty, the game will let you carry on but bump the difficulty level down to the easy or the level of the last mission you completed. It does tell you but its easy to miss the warning. As I mentioned in this thread there is a small glitch on the frigate level, if you want to complete all the objectives on that mission at a higher difficulty level.

Check back a few pages for info.

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Sun, 14 Aug 2011 23:03:26

Finished two more levels: Severnaya and the Bunker. Again I love sneaking around, but I hate the action. Everything goes COD and shit is blowing up, the screen is shaking, it is dark and enemies never ever miss. It is like the gaming equivalent of the shaky cam, so disorientating. Bah

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Mon, 15 Aug 2011 09:15:26

I wish I could minus your post.

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Mon, 15 Aug 2011 09:35:42

Sorry for having higher standards than you.

Next time I am going to sugercoat everything.

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Mon, 15 Aug 2011 09:41:03

Higher schmandards.

You're too pussified to handle the action - in your own words, grow some balls!

That's right, no smiley!

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Mon, 15 Aug 2011 12:11:48
gamingeek said:

Higher schmandards.

You're too pussified to handle the action - in your own words, grow some balls!

That's right, no smiley!

I like action, but this is more like Micheal Bay action and not John Woo before he went to Hollywood to become a total sell out action. Also sometimes I can't be bothered to deal with those guys and just run up them and smack them in the face.

So far I am in awesome-meh-awesome-meh mode. Awesome when I can do stuff how I want and meh on the action levels. I do not like it when a game forces me to play a certain way if just before you could do it your own way.

It is like the original Goldeneye, that game also had plenty of meh action levels.

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Tue, 16 Aug 2011 10:43:01

I'm only kidding. At first I was sort of like you in that I wanted to sneak everywhere but I found that the game has a good balance between the action bits and the sneaking bits. I love the Archives which is balls to the walls action.

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