Forum > Gaming Discussion > The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
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Sat, 24 Jul 2010 16:23:20

Gamepro Goldeneye video interview For some reason not working now

GoldenEye - Eurogamer preview "Actually, it feels more like Modern Warfare:"

GoldenEye - dev interview

Goldeneye 007 Updated Hands-On Gamespot

GoldenEye DS Preview

G4TV preview Goldeneye "a solid shooter on well designed levels, with classic James Bond villains as the players."

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Sun, 25 Jul 2010 14:12:52
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Wed, 11 Aug 2010 12:35:48

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Wed, 18 Aug 2010 18:19:57

- New Jungle level set in Africa
- Plane crash, stealth approach, destructible covers
- use your SmartPhone to reaim auto guns to enemies
- Different enemy IA phases
- music dynamically changes depending on your actions
- Online with experience points and ranks, unlock guns
- Wiimote + Nunchuck not yet shown, but you'll use D pad to change weapons, tilt the Nunchuk to take a look around corners, Wiimote movement for melee atack, button for reload
- loads of config options for sensitivity and button options for each control scheme, including Cube controller
- multiplayer allows for multiple control schemes
- game will get localized voice work for release in other countries
- Time trial mode
- No Golden Klobb

More screens, will post later.

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Wed, 18 Aug 2010 18:29:38
Goldeneye 007
Goldeneye 007
Goldeneye 007
Goldeneye 007
Goldeneye 007

Goldeneye 007

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Wed, 18 Aug 2010 18:52:49
Kewl. Controller looks like a burnt cigarette filter instead of gold though.
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Wed, 18 Aug 2010 20:02:19

The levels in the new pics look very linear and pathlike. Graphics are pretty good, now its got me wondering what Black Ops will look like seeing how Treyarch said they were going to blow us away and all that. They said it was being developed by a separate team and its the first instance of a COD game being made from the ground up for Wii.

Goldeneye is worrying me by its silence on IR controls. If they are f-ed up it will be a right mess.

Mando Clásico Pro Dorado

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Wed, 18 Aug 2010 20:06:37
I used Babelfish to translate:

Little by little they are known more things about this reinterpretación of the classic one that saw the light a day for Nintendo 64, GoldenEye 007 for Wii. If in the E3 we could see the first level in video of the game in that one prey in Russia, today we have been able to see in the way for a player the new level of the Jungle, this time in Africa.

The phase begins with James piloting an airplane on quite wooded mountains. Suddenly, 007 are demolished and it is in the middle of the clear one of a forest, in an airplane in flames del that it must leave. But this accident has alerted to the enemies, that they do not take in appearing among the thickness to review the place of the accident, while we, in the skin of James Bond observed, them from a discreet place, between the weeds. Sigilosamente, we began the level eliminating each one of the members of this expedition, to be able to continue with our flight.

This level has served mainly to see the new situations in which we will be surrounded. The great amount of vegetation, fallen rocks, trunks and other will allow to carry out our tasks us with the possible major sigilo. We do not forget that we are a spy and that whenever possible we must be discreet. Despite also there will be moments of action where the shootings and those named will serve us covers to unload something of adrenalin. It has been possible to verify like, indeed, many of the scene elements serve that us to hide to us or to cover to us they are destructible, reason why is necessary to raise well our advance if we do not want to see us surrounded in a while and without cover. And it is that the scenes are quite ample, thus making possible different types from advance, or by the main way arming much noise, or by secondary, between the weeds or by stops in the riscos, to happen unnoticed. The enemy IA, in this sense, seems to be quite polished, with different landlords from behavior, levels of alert, and routes of guard.

Also we have had the occasion to see the operation of some gadgets, typical of the British secret agent. In this level we could use a moving body to photograph enemies and to send a signal to the turrets sentries who had located by all the jungle she took so that them by enemies, and thus to facilitate a little to us the things.

One of the additions that we have liked more has been the sound track. Up to five types different from track they will be mixed with the main song of the level, according to the type of alert in which we were. At the outset, in this phase of the Jungle, we could listen to a calm music, the song of the birds and the sound of the trees, but at the moment in which we killed somebody and their companions realized, music was growing until taking the body from the typical melodies of action of the series. This mainly aid to that the experience is more intense.

Finally, and on the way for a player, they have kept awake who the different levels from difficulty not only will suppose an increase or reduction in the damage that us can make the enemies, but for example, in higher levels (like the 007), we will have more missions or submissions than to fulfill, or different forms to fulfill them, as it already happened with the version of Nintendo 64.

As far as the multiplayer one, we have been able to prove a new level, consisting of works near a train route. The design of the same has allowed that the game was developed of a quite interesting form, with different levels from heights, close covering elements, corridors, pipes, hills or flyovers and bridges. Although the game has been between four players, has not given the sensation to be too empty, reason why that spirit who tries itself to revive of the first Goldeneye follows partly there. Like data of the game, among the four players who we could prove it Praterian 7 he raised secondly with the title of winner, leaving to Cavayero in a very honorable place.

Also a system of ranks has commented us who the way online will have a bring up to date, with its own system of experience, with unfreezing, titles by game, and that will allow us to unblock new arms for this way.

As far as the controls, they continue giving to prove this game with the classic control of Wii, nothing of Wiimote and nunchuk. The customary people to this type of controls with other consoles, will not have any problem with this scheme. personally it has seemed us that she responds somewhat slow, and who are far from the precision that can give the own control of Wii.

Activision continues focusing attention on promoting the flight control system without radar more for that they played the original one or they are done to the FPS of handles, when finish presenting/displaying the Classic Control gilded PRO that will be able to be acquired with the game. However, although we have not been able to still play the configuration of control with Wiimote and Nunchuk, yes that we have been able to ask to envelope she.

The representative of the company explained that the players who use the Wiimote will be able to activate the blows hand-to-hand of Craig moving the control instead of pressing a button. At the time of taking cover, they will benefit from the accelerometer from the Nunchuk, because they will be able to incline it so that Bond is shown by the corners to shoot. The configuration of bellboys will be similar to which is in others shooters of Wii, this time with the change of weapon in the crosspiece and the charge in button + or -. Activision promises that in all the ways of control it is had including a complete menu of configuration with sensitivity adjustments, but continues being something that we want to try to compare with as effective results as those of The Conduit or Modern Warfare Reflex.

Finally, also it is confirmed the participation of Spanish actors in the work of dubbing, the return of the way “trial Time” to try to make records in each level like in classic or the compatibility of all the ways of control during multiplayer, this is that the premises will be able to be played four either eight players, or online, and each will be able to choose between Wiimote and Nunchuk, control of GameCube, Classic Controler or Pro, Wii Zapper… By the way, the accessory of Nintendo to shoot will be the one that is mentioned from now on, because the Golden Delicious Klobb that appeared in the rumors is discarded and the Golden Delicious Classic Controller Pro takes all the protagonism.

Little more we can to count of this title that us has left very good impressions, but that we even see that has things to polish, like a quite discreet visual section in this level (in comparison with the one of the prey of the E3), or certain rigidity in the controls with the classic control.

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Thu, 19 Aug 2010 13:18:56

More screens and impressions from IGN

GoldenEye 007 Picture


GoldenEye 007 Picture

Nice weather effect

GoldenEye 007 Picture

Shown behind closed doors was a new level called the Jungle. In the movie GoldenEye, Pierce Brosnan's Bond character crash lands in a Cuban jungle. Since the Cold War-style story has been rewritten for the Daniel Craig rendition, Bond now crash lands in a Nigerian jungle. The scene opens up in a first-person view of Bond sitting in the cockpit of a plane when he's shot down. Woozy, he stumbles out and takes cover to avoid being seen by soldiers scoping him out.

This was a controlled demo and not playable by anyone other than the Activision producer. This mission plays out covertly, with players sneaking up behind soldiers and taking them down, or shooting them from a distance and out of sight. This mission shows off how you can hack the opposition's gadgetry and turn auto-turrets against them…or simply shoot the control panel to disable them completely.

I'm genuinely excited for GoldenEye 007 on the Wii. It definitely has a stigma against it for not being the Nintendo 64 version of the game, but if I wanted the original game I'll just boot up my N64 and call it a day. This is a way for me to experience something familiar and new at the same time, and so far I've really enjoyed playing these work-in-progress builds. I've only seen two levels of the single player campaign but even with these brief glimpses I truly like the way the story's unfolding in this Wii original.

According to the game's producer, GoldenEye 007 for Wii is just wrapping up production with plenty of time to go for its November release date.

Some multiplayer stuff here too:

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Thu, 19 Aug 2010 13:26:20
Yeah, I dunno what devs are doing with Wii's RAM, so many games have awful texturing... Corruption has such nice variety, even a simple floor has a lot of sharp details and varying patterns within the same area... I guess none really work on streaming, but come on, some of these look like PS2 textures, which was the worst for it last gen.
Edited: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 13:26:50
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Thu, 19 Aug 2010 16:09:58

I get the feeling that the reason they're releasing a golden CLASSIC controller is because the game is going to control much better with a standard pad....

Anyway, it keeps looking better. Some effort is obviously being put into it at least.


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Thu, 19 Aug 2010 17:24:56

edgecrusher said:

I get the feeling that the reason they're releasing a golden CLASSIC controller is because the game is going to control much better with a standard pad....

To me, that would suck.

How did you like the analogue leaning and rotating the remote for sniping in Medal of Honor Heroes 2 BTW? I love that stuff and I was quite suprised at how accurate both of those features worked.

The lean in COD Reflex is awful, digital leaning.

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Thu, 19 Aug 2010 19:37:56

gamingeek said:

edgecrusher said:

I get the feeling that the reason they're releasing a golden CLASSIC controller is because the game is going to control much better with a standard pad....

To me, that would suck.

How did you like the analogue leaning and rotating the remote for sniping in Medal of Honor Heroes 2 BTW? I love that stuff and I was quite suprised at how accurate both of those features worked.

The lean in COD Reflex is awful, digital leaning.

Its been awhile but I remember liking the controls a lot in the game. It was very comfortable and unlike many Wii games, never felt like you had to go out of your way to get a certain move to work. The controls were really the ONLY good thing about that game. Otherwise, it was like a poor man's Frontline.


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Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:05:27

I would love to play Frontline with a 60 FPS and MOHH2 controls.

Anyhow IGN has some new multiplayer videos up from Games con

Gamespot have a new preview which you saw already


Bond ventures into the jungle in our latest look at the reimagining of the N64 classic.

In our latest look at the reimagining of Goldeneye 007, which originally appeared on the Nintendo 64 and was developed by Rare, we join James Bond in the Jungle level--about 75-percent or so through the game. Fans of the original should remember this particular area as the one with the turrets that were often very difficult to see due in large part to the fogged in draw distance. We can happily confirm that it’s no longer an issue, but the jungle level on the whole seems to serve as a perfect example of Activision’s approach with this game and its goal to enhance and refine the Goldeneye experience that fans know and love.

How that translates into gameplay is pretty simple--this new Bond (played by Daniel Craig who replaces Goldeneye’s original Bond played by Pierce Brosnan) is capable of performing more kinds of actions. For starters, he’s certainly more capable at stealth as he’s able to sneak up on enemies and perform special melee holds that enable him to take out enemies quickly and quietly. Even further adding to his stealth capabilities is Bond’s smart phone, which lets him hack the infamous enemy machine gun turrets, which then causes them to track and fire upon enemy soldiers instead. It’s a far more elegant way to get through the level than by running and gunning, but if you happen to do just that be warned--doing so causes even more enemies to spawn in via helicopter. But it’s worth noting that you’ll still have a very brief moment to take out enemies after they detect you but before they spawn any reinforcements.

Needless to say, the level also feels a bit more open. The original version of the Jungle was a pretty confined space, forcing you to go down a very limited path. But this iteration of the Jungle gives more freedom, granting more choices and more routes, which in turn, opens up more opportunities for varying strategy. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see the conclusion of this particular level with the appearance of its boss, Onatopp, but she’s there.

We closed out our demo with a little hands-on time with one of Goldeneye’s multiplayer modes--a simple round of deathmatch. While playing as Oddjob, we made every effort to connect with one of his special hats that he can throw from a distance, but we were ultimately unsuccessful due to a bit of a learning curve with that particular weapon. Otherwise, the controls feel pretty nice with the classic controller and we had no trouble immediately wracking up the kills by using Goldeneye’s more weapons. Additionally, the new Goldeneye will have more than just the numerous multiplayer modes found in its predecessor. There will also be special objective based multiplayer modes, such as the Goldeneye mode where players have to race to get to the EMP weapon that blasts the opposing base.

Overall, there’s a surprising amount of new content on display in Goldeneye 007 for the Wii. The majority of the game has been rebuilt (and parts of the script have been re-written with the aid of the original writer of the film) to incorporate new features and new tactics. But there are still plenty of throwbacks to the original, including the difficulty settings that feature different objectives for each map. One of these settings even lets you play in classic 007 mode with the old-style health and armor indicators. We’ll have more on Goldeneye 007 before its November release.

And there is a new video interview here

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Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:09:32

Site has updated.


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Sat, 21 Aug 2010 12:31:54
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Sat, 21 Aug 2010 19:51:15

Your multiplayer character roster

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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 05:30:13
Classified is a classic Bond character! Glad to see him well represented with multiple clones. Cool

Piece Brosnan should be an unlockable character. LOL
Edited: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 05:30:34

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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 11:57:25

Who's hotter this time around...Xenia or Natalya? I prefer the old version of Natalya that looked like Gillian Anderson from X Files. LOL
Edited: Sun, 22 Aug 2010 11:58:16


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Sun, 22 Aug 2010 11:58:50
Why is Xenia now a blonde, short haired german?

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