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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
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Sun, 01 Aug 2010 18:21:05

I keep on forgetting about Psaro...

...was he the guy hooked on Evolution, or was that Estark...?

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Sun, 01 Aug 2010 19:46:56

phantom_leo said:

I keep on forgetting about Psaro...

...was he the guy hooked on Evolution, or was that Estark...?

i think that was Psaro thats why the bastard had 7 stages god one of the most insane boss fights in nes history

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Sun, 01 Aug 2010 19:49:35

Psaro was the the final bad guy in DQIV, but I wouldn't say he was hooked on Evolution. The other monsters used it to transform him into the new God Beast thing to challenge the Dragon King. When you finally fight him he becomes Necrosaro or something like that.

But if you played the DS remake of the game, he actually will join your team in the bonus chapter and just stays on as Psaro the Badass Mofo.

Estark on the other hand really had a very small role in the game. He's mentioned once or twice and then you just go down in the mines to kill him and that's pretty much his story.

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Sun, 01 Aug 2010 20:11:35
I am calling on memories from the NES game from like 16 years ago...!

I played the DS remake somewhat, but did not get to Estark or Psaro in that version.

The translation of the DS version was a lot more complete than the NES one and Evolution was a BIG plot-point in that game. How it all related to the NES version is totally fuzzy to me.
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Sun, 01 Aug 2010 20:13:25
It must have been the battle with Psaro (if that even was his name in the NES version) that really stuck with me. His constant morphing throughout the whole battle was nearly unprecedented back in the NES days and cemented DWIV as one of my favorite RPG's of all time back then.
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Sun, 01 Aug 2010 20:22:18
nearly every dq game the boss had 2 maybe 3 changes but dq 4 was the first rpg and one of the few made that the final boss had 7 changes and was one hell of a long fight possibility one of the longest boss fights in rpg history
Edited: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 01:07:07
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Mon, 02 Aug 2010 13:48:02

phantom_leo said:
It must have been the battle with Psaro (if that even was his name in the NES version) that really stuck with me. His constant morphing throughout the whole battle was nearly unprecedented back in the NES days and cemented DWIV as one of my favorite RPG's of all time back then.

Yeah that was a cool battle. He turned green, new arms and legs grew and then his new head popped out. That was an awesome moment in 8 bit gaming (despite that fact that most of us had moved on to 16 bit games by then).

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Mon, 02 Aug 2010 21:07:34
damn i always have the worst luck with confusion in videogames
i may take a brake from dq9 and start 5
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Tue, 03 Aug 2010 13:18:18
What happened?
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Tue, 03 Aug 2010 15:19:41
i ran into the blood wing demon things on wormwood  place it does a fuddle dance confusing my hero and healer, my hero uses his round hit my weakest member  taking him down 3/4 and my healer does nothing
next round my grunt gets puts to sleep by the enemy  my hero attacks my healer and she attacks herself, 3rd around my hero attacks my sleeping grunt taking her down by half hp and the enemy do a group attack killing my healer, some how i won the fight with my hero and grunt near death so i zoom to wormwood bring back the dead and heal and save,  i run into another red demon this time fuddle dance and everyone went confused and i said fuck this and turned off my game
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Thu, 05 Aug 2010 19:51:38
Completed the game.  Very satisfying.  Had a small complaint about the ending, but for obvious reasons I won't get into it here.  Now to hit up the grottoes and alchemy recipes!  I do love the insane amount of extra content they put into this game...and in an era where DLC is the rage getting it free almost makes me teary eyed with joy.
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Fri, 06 Aug 2010 22:16:04
just wanted to remind everyone about the dq event at bestbuys tomorrow my towns busses are on strike so it looks like i wont be able to make it, i am so pissed about it
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Fri, 06 Aug 2010 23:44:13
Thanks, Egg!

I'll be going. The people there BETTER not "F" it up like the bozos at GameStop ! ! !


Haven't updated my game play progress lately.

In my first Save I just got my Ship, but decided I would attempt some quests before moving on in the story. I just trained 3 of my team in Mage Skills, got the Wizard Ward for each and completed the Kill 2 Metal Slimes Quest to earn the Armamentalist Job.

In my second, just for fun Save, I just got up to Zere Rocks. My Thief, Martial Artist, Warrior and Minstrel KICK ASS, have more HP than my original crew, and aren't even flinching at the Boss Battles! I thought NOT having a Priest in the party would make it impossible, but so far so good! I made my Minstrel more Magical Mending oriented, and so far everything's been fine!

Has anyone else noticed certain Alchemy ingredients are more prevalent in some games and not in others? You might not notice if you are not playing on two different carts like me, but Lava Lumps, Royal Soil and Iron Ore are abundant in my Second Save file... and nearly non-existent in my First! I guess they are REALLY trying to get people to Quest together and share resources!  

Still Lovin' Every Minute of It!
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Sat, 07 Aug 2010 23:58:05
Estark is mine!

Just a word of warning for everyone still playing:

ANGELO from DQVIII is the current guest at the Quester's Rest! Talk to him and he gives you a red coat like the one he wears in the game!

So far I've gotten Alena's Dress and Angelo's Coat. Was there anyone else?
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Sat, 07 Aug 2010 23:59:44

phantom_leo said:
Estark is mine!

Just a word of warning for everyone still playing:

ANGELO from DQVIII is the current guest at the Quester's Rest! Talk to him and he gives you a red coat like the one he wears in the game!

So far I've gotten Alena's Dress and Angelo's Coat. Was there anyone else?

Assuming that everyone gets the same special guests, that's everyone so far.

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Sun, 08 Aug 2010 00:21:09
Both carts I have had the same two guests. DQVC has the same Themes for everyone... Slime Gear being this week's... but sell different items and alchemy ingredients from cart to cart.

On another note: These events are turning out to be pretty terrible. Best Buy seems to be getting more complaint topics about poorly run events than GameStop... and the sad thing is... NINTENDO Reps are running the Best Buy events!!

I had no idea that "Tagging" other people gets you their stats, profiles and Treasure Maps! I never stuck around long enough to talk to anyone other than the people to direct me to where the download is taking place.

The Nintendo Rep actually asked me if he could take a picture with me as I was d'loading the Map, and I consented. IF they post it somewhere, MAYBE I'll post it here!

Second side note: I think Yoda needs to devise a device that reads and repeats Nintendo Local Wireless Signals and transmits them online. Then we could play together, tag each other and all that other silly stuff!
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Sun, 08 Aug 2010 00:21:45
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Sun, 08 Aug 2010 00:22:05

Heeeey! Where'd my smileys go? Cry


Edited: Sun, 08 Aug 2010 00:23:01
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Sun, 08 Aug 2010 00:35:57

phantom_leo said:

Heeeey! Where'd my smileys go? Cry


Seinfeld Soup Nazi

"No smileys for you!"

The VG Press

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Sun, 08 Aug 2010 03:49:55
was there any goodies at the best buys event like posters or slime toys
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