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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
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Thu, 23 Sep 2010 12:12:40

No, no, no, no...! Wasn't me! I WISH I went there! This was an article from 1Up.Com's "The Grind" RPG Series!

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Thu, 23 Sep 2010 12:16:18

Beat the last Boss, BTW and have now entered the TREMENDOUS realm of post-game content!

Got the Starlight Express and I am now absolutely free to explore the entire World unrestricted!

You'll be surprised by how much of the world you could NOT get to BEFORE getting the Train!

There's quest after quest after quest...

...and in there, there's Story Quest after Story Quest after Story Quest...

It's INSANE! Even after beating the Ultimate Evil (?) there's more Story to go after THAT!

I've even tried beating some of the Grotto Legacy Bosses AFTER killing the Last Boss... STILL TO NO AVAIL...!

I'll be playing this game for MONTHS to come...!


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Thu, 23 Sep 2010 12:22:06

Leo, did you at some point decide which was your primary save file and just went with that or have you been progressing both of them in near parallel?


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Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:02:37
bugsonglass said:

Leo, did you at some point decide which was your primary save file and just went with that or have you been progressing both of them in near parallel?

I was playing them both in parallel up to the last Dungeon of the Main Story/Game.

I put 50 hours into BOTH of them, but ultimately "finished" the game I started for "fun."

The last boss and dungeon... I wouldn't say it was a chore because I definitely enjoyed all of it... BUT... the amount of work I did to beat it and the last boss... I just DIDN'T want to do it again, so I knew the progress on my first game was going to be halted, then and there.

...Then I saw the Post-Game content, said to myself: "There's no way in hell I am going to be able to do ALL of this TWICE..." My original DQIX game went towards my pre-purchase of Fable 3.

Couldn't keep it and be tempted by it; Just don't have THAT much time...

Edited: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:03:27
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Wed, 29 Sep 2010 15:09:21

Congrats for finally making it to the end. And yeah its sick how much more there is to do in the game afterwards. I still won't call DQIX my favorite of the series, but it really did some remarkable things that no other handheld or even console game has ever tried to do.  Tough to think of a game that ever offered up the amount of value that this one does.

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Wed, 06 Oct 2010 05:03:40

For anyone keeping track, the latest guest at the Quester's Rest is Prince Princeton of Cannock (DQ2).

This week's DQVC Theme is Alchemy Items!

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Sat, 30 Oct 2010 16:47:36

Well I made a tough decision today. I've got a little over 2 weeks before the next game I'm getting comes out, aka Sonic Colours. So I tried to decide what game to go back and replay to kill that time. It was a toss up between TWEWY and DQ9....   After series debated, DQ9 won. So now I'm starting over from the beginning.  I thought it'd be torture at first, but I got to say I've just made it to Stornway and I'm totally in love with it again.

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 00:18:35

dq9 is eaisly the best rpg that has come out this year

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 02:33:33

I just pre-ordered DQ6.  I have not played any in the series other than Rocket Slime, but I have 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and now 9.  I'm playing 4 now and enjoying it a fair bit.  Reminds me of the original Phantasy Star -- at least the battles.

robio said:

Well I made a tough decision today. I've got a little over 2 weeks before the next game I'm getting comes out, aka Sonic Colours. So I tried to decide what game to go back and replay to kill that time. It was a toss up between TWEWY and DQ9....   After series debated, DQ9 won. So now I'm starting over from the beginning.  I thought it'd be torture at first, but I got to say I've just made it to Stornway and I'm totally in love with it again.

I can't wait to catch up to 9.

Edited: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 02:37:09

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 05:32:45

The DS version of IV is also the only one i've played and though I've also enjoyed it a fair bit I haven't played another one yet because I feel the time needed to play an RPG properly is longer than i can afford.  i own, and have started V though, so at some point i'm sure i'll go back to it as i've heard amazing things about the story etc


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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 06:50:05
aspro said:

I just pre-ordered DQ6.

DQ6? Where? When? How? GASP

Has it been announced? GASP GASP GASP


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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 07:02:42

Amazon has it for $35.

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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 07:05:55
aspro said:

Amazon has it for $35.

What? So that means it's listed just not announced? When's the release date?

I guess we'll hear from Square-Enix soon.


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Sun, 31 Oct 2010 07:12:37
ASK_Story said:
aspro said:

Amazon has it for $35.

What? So that means it's listed just not announced? When's the release date?

I guess we'll hear from Square-Enix soon.

No release date, but a few days ago they enabled me to pre-order, so that's a good sign. The subtitle was announced some time ago for EU, but I pre-ordered on a US site, so I guess it;s coming to the states.  Amazon doesn't usually take pre-orders (or list new games) without some basis in fact.

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Mon, 01 Nov 2010 02:33:22
ASK_Story said:

What? So that means it's listed just not announced? When's the release date?

I guess we'll hear from Square-Enix soon.

my guess is that we will get it around feb of march of next year

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Mon, 01 Nov 2010 14:10:17

Lots of cool Halloween stuff has been for sale on DQVC. I just bought some skeleton pants and a mask.  Now if only they'd sell the shirt.  Oh and King Trode is a guest there at the moment. That was kind of cool to see.

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Mon, 20 Jun 2011 03:40:19

I almost made a new thread for this game, lol. Forgot everybody else played this game months ago.

The only other DQ game I ever played was the very first one, Dragon Warrior. This will be my very first DQ game in so many years. Here's to hoping it'll be a good ride. So far (roughly under an hour in) the music is the thing that stands out the most. It's beautiful.

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Mon, 20 Jun 2011 04:40:21


I even forgot I made this thread!

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Mon, 20 Jun 2011 04:48:51

The Dragon Quest music composer is a "right-wing revisionist".  He denies the "Rape of Nanking" took place.  Knowing stuff like this makes it hard for me to disassociate a person's character/politics from their work.  Same way I won't listen to Wagner.


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Mon, 20 Jun 2011 07:32:19
bugsonglass said:

The Dragon Quest music composer is a "right-wing revisionist".  He denies the "Rape of Nanking" took place.  Knowing stuff like this makes it hard for me to disassociate a person's character/politics from their work.  Same way I won't listen to Wagner.

True, but the art is done by Akira Toriyama. He created Goku and Goku has saved our asses more times than I can count. So it all evens out.
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