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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
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Sun, 11 Jul 2010 23:55:03
I just looked at the screens for the first time (remember I text browse).

Someone please tell me this doesn't look/play like DQ Joker or FF3 on DS (cause the screens sure do).

Edited: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 23:58:46

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Sun, 11 Jul 2010 23:57:40
This is from DQMJ (which was terrible)

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:02:27
Much more solid graphical engine than Joker ever could hope to have... and doesn't control anything like it either. Not nearly as stiff!

Oooo...! If DQIX does well, maybe they'll bring Joker 2 out to the U.S.

(I liked it a lot!)


(MY type of Pokemon game!)
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:04:16

I love how, even if it is fleeing for it's very life, as is evident by the little bead of sweat running down it's face, Slimes ALWAYS have the same, exact looks on their faces!  Happy
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:05:56

phantom_leo said:
Much more solid graphical engine than Joker ever could hope to have... and doesn't control anything like it either. Not nearly as stiff!

Okay THANK GAWD for that. Phew...  I did not like the hub world or graphics of Joker. And the constantly getting lost and, oh yeah, moving the camera the whole time.  That's good news.  How does the camera control in 9 BTW?

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:07:07

phantom_leo said:

I love how, even if it is fleeing for it's very life, as is evident by the little bead of sweat running down it's face, Slimes ALWAYS have the same, exact looks on their faces!  Happy

You played Rocket Slime yeah? (One of my top 5 games of all time).  Funny you mentioned that, when I saw that image the first thing my eye wnt to was the bead of sweat.

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:10:40
Like a more traditional DQ (7 and the remakes, at least). You pretty much get the 3D-ish top-down perspective...

...and you can rotate the screen using the left and right triggers to see if there's anything behind buildings, in corners, etc...
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:12:40

aspro said:

You played Rocket Slime yeah? (One of my top 5 games of all time).  Funny you mentioned that, when I saw that image the first thing my eye wnt to was the bead of sweat.

I hate to admit it, especially after hearing your enthusiasm for it, but I didn't like Rocket Slime all that much.  Sad

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:22:30

phantom_leo said:
Like a more traditional DQ (7 and the remakes, at least). You pretty much get the 3D-ish top-down perspective...

...and you can rotate the screen using the left and right triggers to see if there's anything behind buildings, in corners, etc...

Excellent!  That is what I wanted.

phantom_leo said:

I hate to admit it, especially after hearing your enthusiasm for it, but I didn't like Rocket Slime all that much.  Sad

That's cool, it happens.  It was my entry-point into the franchise, so I came at it with fresh eyes and no expectations, which would have influenced me heavily.   To me it re-defined "charm", I always smile whn thinking of it.

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:25:31

...aaaand upon second glance, if you look by the right elbow of the Male Adventurer at the front of the group... you'll notice TWO Slimes with a WTF look on their faces...!

*I've been pwned by Slimes! Eh, whatever! They are still the cutest video game characters OF. ALL. TIME!*


And, You know what else?

Really examining that picture, I don't know what they are all so excited about.

They are about to get jumped by a Troll, 3 Slimes, a Cure Slime, a King Slime, some Drakees, a Bodkin Archer and a couple of those winged, fluffy guys from IX whose name I can't recall (Teeny Sanguinis).

"We're about to be SLAUGHTERED! HUZZAH!"


Edited: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 02:59:56
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 00:32:00

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 01:47:19
So it sucks, damn.

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 06:18:19
first post on this site i know leo from gamespot and he had a link here so i thought what the hell i'll check it out
i love dq series to me the best rpg series made, i love 9 been playing it non stop
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 06:57:46

eggmiester said:
first post on this site i know leo from gamespot and he had a link here so i thought what the hell i'll check it out
i love dq series to me the best rpg series made, i love 9 been playing it non stop

Eggy - welcome to the site. The one part of the site to give you a heads up about is the rolling forum in the bottom of our news section.  It's basically our conversation pit (on and off topic), so if nothing is going on in our forum check over there as well.  

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 10:40:31

eggmiester said:
first post on this site i know leo from gamespot and he had a link here so i thought what the hell i'll check it out
i love dq series to me the best rpg series made, i love 9 been playing it non stop

That you, Elbert?

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 12:49:59
Okay guys, use the alchemy pot to make the Slood (slime hood) as soon as possible. You will actually laugh when you see one of your characters wear it. It's a freaking riot.
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 12:57:06

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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 13:51:01
yes  leo i am elbert you guessed on your first try i am impressed.

man i think this maybe the best dq game yet i had to force myself to sleep last night while thinking of the game and what i did last
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 13:57:50
God the puns in this game are just painful.  I will not spoil anything for you, but once you reach the portion of the game where you can change classes you will get him with a one-two punch of puns that are just so awful you will actually cringe.  Someone has waaaay too much time on their hands... besides me.
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Mon, 12 Jul 2010 14:10:19

eggmiester said:
yes  leo i am elbert you guessed on your first try i am impressed.

man i think this maybe the best dq game yet i had to force myself to sleep last night while thinking of the game and what i did last

Yay! Eggmiester!

Yay! Dragon Quest IX!

I too had to force myself to go to sleep last night. I am playing, but not as quickly as everyone else. I only just formed my party and started the Wight Knight quest. I am still just so awed by the game! Trying to pace myself!

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