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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:03:25

phantom_leo said:

The Sloccobo

(when a Slime meets a Chocobo!)

Who knows why this is a topic of conversation, but there ya go!

now thats brilliant and so wrong

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:06:29
Is your Avatar supposed to be Gleeok from Zelda or it that a Dragon Warrior image...? I honestly don't remember...!

If it's supposed to be Gleeok, I need to introduce you to Dvader!

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:08:41
its orochi from dq games
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:10:13
Ah! Thanks! Couldn't place it!

BTW... Tell Robio what you think of Rune Factory: Frontier...

He'll be your best buddy!
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:12:09
besides the game is easily in the top 5 wii games
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:15:00
how are you coming in dq9 leo
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:15:55

eggmiester said:
besides the game is easily in the top 5 wii games



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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:17:33

eggmiester said:
how are you coming in dq9 leo

I've been out all day without my DS, so I am still at the Wight Knight segment...

HAHAHA...! I'll find some time soon enough... Probably at bed time tonight!  WinkWink

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:26:41

phantom_leo said:

I've been out all day without my DS, so I am still at the Wight Knight segment...

HAHAHA...! I'll find some time soon enough... Probably at bed time tonight!  WinkWink

now thats a fate worse then death i always have my ds with me. i am just grinding away to be good enough to save the  dude that let me change my class

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:28:03
I too always have my DS with me...

...except today...  Sad
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:35:01
that sucks i know that feeling at least hopefully you had a good day
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:40:47
It's gonna be ending for me soon!

I know it is early EST... but I need to be up at 5:00AM...

So I'll be Dragon Quest-ing soon enough!
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 00:58:10
Eh hey guys this may be off topic but I am having trouble with the 4th boss.  That big slime thing.  What type of character should I use to beat it?  I think I need help keeping my def and agility up.  My main is a warrior.  So what moves should I use, etc?
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 01:02:12
very cool what have you been putting your skill points on for the MC
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 01:05:32

N1nt3nd0gam3r said:
Eh hey guys this may be off topic but I am having trouble with the 4th boss.  That big slime thing.  What type of character should I use to beat it?  I think I need help keeping my def and agility up.  My main is a warrior.  So what moves should I use, etc?

that thing was the first hard boss in the game thans to its 2 attacks around  and  lowering the parties def and agi

you just need to do is gain a few levels and get better items make sure your healer is set on always heal

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 02:16:41

Can't sleep. Playing DQIX!

I'm gonna have bloodshot eyes and bags under 'em if I keep this up! NOT. GOOD!

I just beat the Wight Knight and was told to seek out the Nanny West of the Lake...

Yeah. I know, I'm lagging behind... but you'll soon learn I ALWAYS do!

I had a blast just earning money to equip my party (Minstrel, Thief, Mage and Priest) and then equipping them to see the graphical changes!

I am allocating Skill Points ONLY to the Sword Skill for my Main Character and Acquisitiveness for my Thief, and the Respective Skill Classes for Mages and Priests... No weapon or Shield Skills for my Party yet!

I'd like to see what happens next, but I gotta get to sleep!

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 02:23:44

N1nt3nd0gam3r said:
Eh hey guys this may be off topic but I am having trouble with the 4th boss.  That big slime thing.  What type of character should I use to beat it?  I think I need help keeping my def and agility up.  My main is a warrior.  So what moves should I use, etc?

Not Off-Topic at all! This is the Dragon Quest IX Topic, after all!

If you see Robio on, ask him... I am absolutely sure, by now, he has gotten past this guy!

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 03:03:40
i am using a team of 3, my  minstrel, priest, and a thief
my mc i am using lithrness, priest is in faith, and my thief is all in dagger besides 4 in acqueisitiveness
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 04:59:28

Hey there N1nt3nd0gam3r!  Big slime thing. . . are you talking about the Ragin' Contagion (wow the puns in this game are rough)?  You've probably gotten past it by now, but if not I'll try to help.

I'll be honest with you I got a little lucky in that battle. In the middle of the fight my Priest got a coupe de grace and in her case that means total healing for every member of the party.  But regardless the major thing I can suggest of lots of generous healing.  Any character who can needs to be prepared to do it at any given time since the RC can attack twice per round.  I had my hero, thief (who oddly can heal), and priest all doing it.  Medical herbs are a suitable replacement if you have to use them.  When the RC starts focusing on raising his defense that's a good time to heal.  

If your hero or if you have a warrior and you've been leveling up the shield abilities it will also pay off big in this battle.  If that's not available try to have the hero cheer your strongest attacker to raise his tension and have him release it at 20% or more if you can.  Because he can raise his defence a mage using attack magic will be helpful too. Maybe even use the hero's Crack spell if you need to.

By the way Egg, love the icon.  The Orochi is kind of my first memory of DQIII. I visited a friend's house and at the time he was in Jipang fighting it.  Good times.  

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 05:45:27
@robio i love orochi and the myth behind him but dq3 was my first time hearing about him, and i love your icon HM games and rf are awesome, rf frontier is one of the best wii games i got hm tot a month ago but haven't played it as much.

yeah Ragin' Contagion is a  rough battle if not prepared with his two attacks around and with its high hp then able to  lower defense a lot in one round then attack that character two time is not much fun
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