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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 09:39:29
I finally had some time to play more today.

Wow! I really love it so far! It's definitely Dragon Quest.

I really love this game.


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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 14:53:54

I've now gotten well past the class change point of the game.  Quick tip for you all, don't try to change everyone's classes at once.  You're probably best off only changing one or two party members at a time.  Otherwise combat can get very overwhelming unless you go back to easier territory and that just takes too long.  Fortunately I remembered that lesson from DQIII so all is well.

I have since changed up all my characters. I probably could have been smarter about it, since two of my characters weren't able to bring over any of their previously learned skills. However I'm counting on this still working out for me in the long run.

New quests are also being introduced left and right. At this point you'll start to see a lot of class specific quests.  Things like "a mage has to use a certain spell and then deliver a death blow 5 times."  Sometimes they're pretty hard, but they yield excellent rewards so it's been worth it each time.  

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 15:10:13
Thanks for the tip!

My appointments this morning were cut short. Between something I ate last night and maybe a bit of heat stroke(?)...

I woke up this morning with a horrible, horrible headache and nausea...

Guess I'll just have to sit in my bedroom in air conditioning all day, playing Dragon Quest IX...

I know, I know... try not to feel too bad for me!  Nyaa


Just got into Coffinwell!

Just got the Alchemy Pot as well.

In retrospect, maybe I shouldn't have been selling off all of my excess gear and items...? I don't recall: Are swords, knives and such able to be alchemized to make stronger items...? I haven't gotten any recipes yet outside of the few you get when you get the actual pot!


I like how they kept the Tension building in from VIII. I haven't been able to 100% anyone yet. Do they go Saiyan?

I like all of the other little touches too, like The Canes absorbing MP and the Coup de Grace. (That wasn't in VIII, was it?)

I'm still completely impressed with all the little details (yes, still with the change of equipment) like Boogeying when you get caught up in the dance, too.

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 15:17:39

1.  Save ALL of your equipment.  Plenty of alchemy recipes require different swords, shields, armor, etc. For instance to make steel armor you'll need iron ore, royal soil, and one set of iron armor.  Sell nothing, save everything.

2.  Characters don't really go super Saiyan in this game. They glow pink but the hair doesn't spike up or anything like that.

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 15:38:33

robio said:

1.  Save ALL of your equipment.  Plenty of alchemy recipes require different swords, shields, armor, etc. For instance to make steel armor you'll need iron ore, royal soil, and one set of iron armor.  Sell nothing, save everything.

oh. crap.


Oh well, at least I can go back and buy most of it...


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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 16:40:56

phantom_leo said:

robio said:

1.  Save ALL of your equipment.  Plenty of alchemy recipes require different swords, shields, armor, etc. For instance to make steel armor you'll need iron ore, royal soil, and one set of iron armor.  Sell nothing, save everything.

oh. crap.


Oh well, at least I can go back and buy most of it...


You're still early enough in the game that you're probably going to be all right. But from Coffinwell on save everything.

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 16:46:33
i hate trying to harvest items from monsters  bloody winged snakes wont give me any skin damn greedy bastards
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 16:53:02

And I have officially had my ass handed to me. One of the hallmarks of the DQ series is "the impossible boss."  Sure every game has them, but DQ seems to throw one your way multiple times throughout the game and they come surprisingly early.

I'm fighting one called the Garth Gargoyle or the Gray Gargoyle or something like that. It actually popped up during a bit of the game surprisingly sobering and even a little disturbing (I won't spoil it for you but you'll know it when you see it).  For the critics who said there wasn't a mature storyline, I'd say they didn't play through.

Anyway this particular boss is nuts. He starts out with a high defense and can cast kabuff to increase it from there. He attacks twice per round and has a high attack. Plus he can increase his tension AND has an attack that can hit the entire group.  My mage died in the third round and everyone else just fell apart from there. Not sure what I can do at this point other than have a good long cry..

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 16:53:08
and everyone don't forget to check your dqvc shop once a day but it isn't unlocked intel you go back up to the outpost in the sky and get  the quest to find golden fruit that fall down then in patty pub there a chick standing next to the jar and she open the shop
the shop changes its items daily and is different for every person
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 16:56:00
robio i noticed that about boss fights the first  3 fights were easy and jokes but then the bosses get kicked into over drive with insane hp and  skills  then some can attack 2 or 3 times a round
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 17:03:25

eggmiester said:
and everyone don't forget to check your dqvc shop once a day but it isn't unlocked intel you go back up to the outpost in the sky and get  the quest to find golden fruit that fall down then in patty pub there a chick standing next to the jar and she open the shop
the shop changes its items daily and is different for every person

I've visited it for the past two days. I haven't seen anything outstanding, though there have been some good alchemy ingredients that I've picked up.

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 17:15:14

robio said:

I've visited it for the past two days. I haven't seen anything outstanding, though there have been some good alchemy ingredients that I've picked up.

mine is also been the same way i still normall buy everything all the items are uncommon at least but some people been lucky and getting 2 star armor, so far the best thing i have gotten is a agi ring for 1k

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 19:41:33
one thing i am starting to hate in this game is chest drop % its a damn joke that i killed  100 winged snake and just got 3 skins from them its worse then wow
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 19:49:27
Wow! So THAT'S where the Monster Hunter comparisons are coming from!

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 20:06:59

eggmiester said:
one thing i am starting to hate in this game is chest drop % its a damn joke that i killed  100 winged snake and just got 3 skins from them its worse then wow

I feel your pain. I had to go through about 2 dozen Drakeemages to get one bat wing.  The trick seems to be to have a thief and in every battle have their "half inch" steal move. Why on earth it's called half inch I have no idea. It does help out a lot though.

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 20:14:16

robio said:

I feel your pain. I had to go through about 2 dozen Drakeemages to get one bat wing.  The trick seems to be to have a thief and in every battle have their "half inch" steal move. Why on earth it's called half inch I have no idea. It does help out a lot though.

yeah i didn't know that so my starter thief i was training her in knife combat i am starting to think i should have bought the cheat guide from gamestop when i bought the game

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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 20:40:02

robio said:

Hey there N1nt3nd0gam3r!  Big slime thing. . . are you talking about the Ragin' Contagion (wow the puns in this game are rough)?  You've probably gotten past it by now, but if not I'll try to help.

I'll be honest with you I got a little lucky in that battle. In the middle of the fight my Priest got a coupe de grace and in her case that means total healing for every member of the party.  But regardless the major thing I can suggest of lots of generous healing.  Any character who can needs to be prepared to do it at any given time since the RC can attack twice per round.  I had my hero, thief (who oddly can heal), and priest all doing it.  Medical herbs are a suitable replacement if you have to use them.  When the RC starts focusing on raising his defense that's a good time to heal.  

If your hero or if you have a warrior and you've been leveling up the shield abilities it will also pay off big in this battle.  If that's not available try to have the hero cheer your strongest attacker to raise his tension and have him release it at 20% or more if you can.  Because he can raise his defence a mage using attack magic will be helpful too. Maybe even use the hero's Crack spell if you need to.

By the way Egg, love the icon.  The Orochi is kind of my first memory of DQIII. I visited a friend's house and at the time he was in Jipang fighting it.  Good times.  


Thanks, I haven't beaten him yet, I will give it a try in a little bit.  I think I have the hang of it.

Edited: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 20:40:56
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 22:57:35
I have successfully unlocked the armamentalist vocation aka the "swords and magic job". What a collosal pain in the ass.
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 23:38:37

robio said:
I have successfully unlocked the armamentalist vocation aka the "swords and magic job". What a collosal pain in the ass.

of coarse its a dq game they wouldn't make it to easy i just hope its worth it

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Wed, 14 Jul 2010 11:57:08

Dragon Quest IX is the Number One Requested FAQ --AND-- the Number One Discussion Board on GameFaqs at the moment!

For a DS game that doesn't begin in "Poke" and end in "mon" that's DAMN impressive!


I'm in the Quaratomb (?) at the moment, presumably about to fight the Raging Contagion... I think!
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