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Leo's 360 Topic -- Six Months Later...
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Sun, 26 Sep 2010 06:35:28

How long until it started to be come fun and/or addictive fro you two? The demo lasted only an hour, I think.

And what's your avatar from, Steel?

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Sun, 26 Sep 2010 07:21:27
Ravenprose said:

I had Ikaurga (ebayed it recently) on GC for over 5 years, and never got past the second level. Hrm

i have not opened my GC copy. When I am sober and rested I will open it, (tomorrow or the next day), and let you know how far I get.

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Sun, 26 Sep 2010 11:45:21
Foolz said:

How long until it started to be come fun and/or addictive fro you two? The demo lasted only an hour, I think.

And what's your avatar from, Steel?

It was probably around that time. You meet Crazy Bob (I think that's his name)... You start getting Night Missions. The variations of the Zombies start to show up, like the ones carrying the screen doors that deflect the normal seed bullets. You start getting cool plant choices like the Venus Fly Trap that eats one zombie whole at a time. You start getting extra plant slots. Then came the Bowling Mini-Game... The game seems to introduce new things to you juuust at the point where you think: "OK I've seen it all... Oh! No, I haven't! Cool!"

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Sun, 26 Sep 2010 12:25:56

I need to download the Plants Vs. Zombies demo.  LIMBO is amazing, but the difficulty ramps up midway through and I can't find time to finish. Sad

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Sun, 26 Sep 2010 15:41:08
Foolz said:

How long until it started to be come fun and/or addictive fro you two? The demo lasted only an hour, I think.

And what's your avatar from, Steel?

If the game doesn't click with you within an hour, I doubt more time with it is going to make you change your mind. More plants and zombies are introduced, as well as gameplay scenarios, you unlock minigames, but in the end, core gameplay remains the same.

Avatar is a boxer from Hajime no Ippo's manga. His name is Ricardo Martínez.

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Sun, 26 Sep 2010 17:45:45

The game Ikaruga has always held a bit of mystery for me. I do not understand its name, for it is neither Icky, nor Arugala. What it is, however, is HARD as Steel's manhood. Reading your comments in this topic, I have been silently chuckling to myself, thinking: "Amateurs, you can't get by the SECOND level?! Wah, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!"

Turns out, I have lost all of my top-down shooter skills and can't even get by the FIRST...!

The joke's on me, eh? Turns out I suck the most...!

...but that really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, now should it?  Nyaa

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Sun, 26 Sep 2010 18:00:56

After being beaten to submission by something as hard as Steel's manhood, I decided to give something different a try. I remembered I downloaded this little game about some flaming dude that runs around naked, maniacally laughing all the while... I know, I know, I just said I wanted to try something different, and the statement above pretty much describes how I spend every weekend... Still, I decided to play 'Splosion Man anyway!

Wow! WHO made this? It's actually pretty effin cool!

As far as I can tell, being so early in the game,  Splosion Man's only power is that he can set off explosions around his body up to 3 times in a row before needing to recharge. You can use these explosions to blow stuff up, blow people up (like the scientists that made you... they explode into lunchmeat for some reason!) --OR-- you can use your explosions to propel you juuust a bit further in the air, extending your jumps to reach higher platforms. You can wall jump, there are barrels that extend your jumps thaaat much further and other combustible objects in the stages that help you achieve your ultimate goal... which seems to simply be to escape. I could be wrong, but it could be that simple... but who cares?! The game is a blast! (Pun intended!)

He's naked. He laughs like a madman. He blows people up. He has this thing for shattering glass for some reason... What's NOT to love about 'Splosion Man?!

*This game gets the Official Old-School, 2D-Loving, Phantom_Leo Seal of Approval!*

Edited: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 18:46:17
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Sun, 26 Sep 2010 18:01:40

Do I have something in my ear, little Limbo guy? Is that why you are staring?

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Sun, 26 Sep 2010 18:42:27

Some college buddies of mine recommended I get the game DeathSmiles... so, of course, I did!

I wasn't expecting it to be THIS good!

It's a side-scrolling shooter from the masters at Crave. It has updated 3D models specifically for the 360 version, as opposed to its arcade release.

It features branching paths. The ability to choose your own starting levels and difficulty. The enemies look more like something you'd find in Ghouls n Ghosts than a shooter... Like the above depicted Haunted Tree that shoots out Apples (that vaguely resemble that creepy LOLWUT? Apple!), the one-horned Cyclopes and even a Baron that is Buried so only his face appears above ground... again, creepy... but oh-so cool!

It only took me half a second to decide to buy it when I read the 1Up.Com description that likened it to Forgotten Worlds... SOLD!

Here! Watch a movie!

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Sun, 26 Sep 2010 19:53:53

Just purchased:


Space Giraffe ( I couldn't resist! I LOVED Tempest 2000!)

The Maw (If 'Splosion Man is that good...)

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero (Never played a Dead Rising yet!)

P.B. Winterbottom (Mmmm... pies!)


I think I am done for now. Impressions soon!

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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 00:38:01

Dead Rising... This is the stuff Vader's dreams are made of!

Yeah the Resident Evil games have Zombies, but has there been a Resident Evil game that has given that "Dawn of the Dead" hundreds of Zombies descending on you AT ONCE kind of feeling...?

I can't claim to be an expert, but the only RE I remember getting that impression from was part 2 when you were in Racoon City.

I love the beat-em-up feel of the game. Can't wait to see some of the inventions you can come up with.

I WAS NOT considering or remotely excited for this game until downloading this Prequel/Demo!

Now, it just might be a must have.

Only question now is PS3 or 360...?

Edited: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 00:39:03
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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 03:15:32

360 for DLC...or something.

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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 06:48:01
I'd go with the 360 version of Dead Rising 2 Leo since some of the stuff you do in Case Zero carries over plus the Case West is 360 exclusive and some stuff might carry over to/from that game as well.

Death Smiles looks great, I'll have to pick that up and I'll be getting Plants vs. Zombies when I get some more MS points this week.


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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 06:58:58
phantom_leo said:

Dead Rising... This is the stuff Vader's dreams are made of!

Its ok. The Wii version was terrible. The 360 original was a good game but had issues. Its repetitive, it has some annoying missions and gameplay mechanics. It was interesting enough to be a very good game.

As for the sequel I would rent it given the chance.

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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 07:40:43
Archangel3371 said:
I'd go with the 360 version of Dead Rising 2 Leo since some of the stuff you do in Case Zero carries over plus the Case West is 360 exclusive and some stuff might carry over to/from that game as well.


Yeah 360 since the stuff carries over. Makes the most sense.

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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 11:10:24

Any word on the Dead rising 2 save system? I hear they kept it the same Hrm

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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 14:01:55
gamingeek said:

Any word on the Dead rising 2 save system? I hear they kept it the same Hrm

Well they give you three different save slots in Case Zero so I imagine that'll be the same for Dead Rising 2. Seems like a fine save system to me.


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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 14:11:54
phantom_leo said:

Dead Rising... This is the stuff Vader's dreams are made of!

Yeah the Resident Evil games have Zombies, but has there been a Resident Evil game that has given that "Dawn of the Dead" hundreds of Zombies descending on you AT ONCE kind of feeling...?

I can't claim to be an expert, but the only RE I remember getting that impression from was part 2 when you were in Racoon City.

I love the beat-em-up feel of the game. Can't wait to see some of the inventions you can come up with.

I WAS NOT considering or remotely excited for this game until downloading this Prequel/Demo!

Now, it just might be a must have.

Only question now is PS3 or 360...?

Seeing as you got the Case Zero, get it on 360 - stuff carries over.

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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 14:24:35
Archangel3371 said:
gamingeek said:

Any word on the Dead rising 2 save system? I hear they kept it the same Hrm

Well they give you three different save slots in Case Zero so I imagine that'll be the same for Dead Rising 2. Seems like a fine save system to me.

What about the whole time mechanic, limited time to do missions and then replay the game once you die. If the survivor AI is still as bad, it will be maddening.

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Mon, 27 Sep 2010 17:06:24
gamingeek said:

What about the whole time mechanic, limited time to do missions and then replay the game once you die. If the survivor AI is still as bad, it will be maddening.

I feel the whole time mechanic is an important aspect to the game. It's all about survival and making decisions. It's not a game where you can do everything from your initial start to finish, it's a game with a high replayability where you carry your character's progression into the next playthrough and gives the game various endings. I didn't have a problem with rescuing survivors in Case Zero and in fact I never lost one. You just have to lead them through areas with less zombies and make sure you stay at least somewhat close to them.


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