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Sonic Colors Official Thread of killing the Sonic Cycle.
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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 18:30:12

This game does NOT suck. I repeat, it does NOT suck.

* Some images and info respectfully ripped off from Neogaf*


                    Publisher: SEGA

                    Developer: Sonic Team, DIMPS

                    Platforms: Wii, Nintendo DS

                    Genre: Platformer

                    Modes: Single-player, multi-player

                    Release dates:

                    * AUS November 11th, 2010

                    * EU November 12, 2010

                    * NA November 16, 2010

                    * JP November 12, 2010


Sonic Colors continues the tradition of making Sonic games with a bunch of useless extra crap no one wants to play... wait a minute... omg, they did it, a Sonic game where you just play as SONIC! What a concept, it only took almost 11 years to come up with it.

Yes folks this game has no crappy friends, no split game that is half bad brawler and half Sonic. This game is 100%, from start to finish, SONIC. Over 40 levles of intense fast paced platforming gameplay. If you have played the day levels of the HD Unleashed games you have a basis of what to expect. But they didn't just stop there, added to the Unleashed stylle of play are wisps, powerups that give Sonic the ability to drill, fly, climb and more. These wisps will lead to multiple paths that fill each level.

Speaking of levels, the level design is actually top notch. Taking ideas from Mario Galaxy the levels in Sonic Colors are full of imagination and excellent gameplay. In fact reviewers say that nearly 70% of the game is played in a 2D aspect! Someone realized Sonic is best in 2D, which is amazing cause I didn't think much thinking went on at Sonic Team.

Look at this!

A world map, like a Mario game! You access levels by just picking them not walking around a terrible human city, getting random quests to save an ice cream vendors shop. You finish one level and go to the next!

This is the one, it seems to have all the great Sonic gameplay without the usual crap that clutters each 3D Sonic title.

Do you want proof WATCH THIS!

Wii Version

The DS version of Colors is basically a new Sonic Rush title. It plays mostly like previous Rush games minus the tricks system which is replaced by wisps. No need for me to explain it, you can download the demo RIGHT NOW from the Nintendo Channel. So go do that. Or watch these videos.

DS Version

Tropical Resort

Sweet Mountain

Starlight Carnival

Planet Wisp

Aquatic Park

Asteroid Coaster

Eggman's Ship

                    No media yet

The Sonic Simulator


WiiMagazin (German)

               Wii version – 92%

               DS version - 90%

Nintendo Power

               Wii version – 9

Quote: A fantastic game. Not just a step in the right direction, but an unequivocal success. In fact, it's the best entry in the series since the Blue Blur's 16-bit heyday.

DS version – 7.5

GamePro (German)

               Wii version - 87%

               DS version – 87%

               Video Review:

Official Nintendo Magazine

               Wii version - 86%

               DS version – 85%

Wii version – 86%

Quote: Colours Rockets Sonic closer to the stratospheric heights of past glories and hints at a great future. Welcome back old friend, it's been to long.

Wii version - 8.5

Quote: Sonic Colors is a dizzying combination of the distantly familiar memories of the first few Sonic titles combined with thoughtful new abilities and mostly well executed level design. There are a few issues that mar an otherwise awesome experience, but those shouldn't stop Sonic fans and Wii owners from grabbing the best Sonic game in 18 years. As a blueprint for the future of SEGA's star, Sonic Colors delivers, and then some.

Video review:

DS version - 8.5

Quote: Sonic Colors is undoubtedly the best portable Sonic game I've ever played, and may even be my favorite entry in the franchise. If you've never been into Sonic, then Colors certainly won't change your mind, and the difficulty spikes and poor continue system will undoubtedly fluster many, but the ride is worth it. A year ago I was ready to relegate Sonic to the "won't ever be good again" part of my heart, but, if this is where Sega's taking the franchise, I'm ready to believe again. Welcome back, Sonic. I've missed you.

Video review:


          Wii Version - 8/8/8/10 (34)

          DS Version - 8/8/8/8 (32)

Wii Version - 8

NGamer (Dutch)

               Wii version - 8

Game Informer

Wii version - 7

Wii Version - 7


               Wii version - 6.4

               Video review:

DS version - 7.9



Edited: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 22:30:32
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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 20:34:06

It sounds so good.

So if I pre-order it, does that make me an enabler for SEGA? That they will assume I'm just one of those people who will buy whatever they put out? Or should I wait until after launch.

Being a Wii exclusive, and that it is getting so much priase (and looks so good) I have to get it.

Edited: Mon, 08 Nov 2010 20:37:20

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 20:37:23

Looks like a PSP game.

*looks over shoulder for CVG*

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 21:48:41

Final Boss music! EPIC!

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Mon, 08 Nov 2010 23:28:03

The entire OST ripped

Those on gaf who heard it says it rivals Galaxy 2.

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Tue, 09 Nov 2010 12:11:44

Damn at those reviews, finally, a good sonic game.

Now you somehow have to get over the psychological block of buying it.

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Tue, 09 Nov 2010 15:20:51
gamingeek said:

Damn at those reviews, finally, a good sonic game.

Now you somehow have to get over the psychological block of buying it.

That's what this is for:

Sonic Hat

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Tue, 09 Nov 2010 15:55:38
robio said:
gamingeek said:

Damn at those reviews, finally, a good sonic game.

Now you somehow have to get over the psychological block of buying it.

That's what this is for:

Sonic Hat

well worth it for that hat alone


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Tue, 09 Nov 2010 16:33:46

Ngamer review is in todays updates vader.

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Tue, 09 Nov 2010 17:23:18
bugsonglass said:

well worth it for that hat alone

Yep, my thoughts too. This is actually going to a Christmas gift for the kiddo. This along with the Mario and Co. statue that Club Nintendo gave away to Platinum members. God bless videogame freebies. They make Christmas easier.

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Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:21:36

Some negative reviews showing up, and they both complain about the same thing, its too hard. From what they describe they died a lot and had to restart levels. GT likes to blame that on the controls, GamesRadar seems to think the game isn't clear in what you should do.   Clearly neither of these people played Unleashed. Yes the levels take practice, there is some trial and error, you will die. The fun comes from mastering the levels and getting through the parts that used to give you problems without getting touched. You can't do that if you have bad control and I have read and seen enough to know this is like Unleashed, the controls are fine. They are different but fine.

Here is an example of the reviewer not thinking. From Games Radar:

So, we get to the crab-robot again. Now the Navigator informs us we must press B, which activates Sonic’s dash. All righty! We press B. The robot hits us anyway. Uh, what? Now the Navigator tells us to move from side to side. We do so. Smack. Dead. Four times in a row, dead, and back to the beginning of the level. This happened over and over until we lost count. Turns out we had to hold the B button down for an arbitrary amount of time, even though a single tap of the button caused the prompt to disappear and triggered the next prompt (move side-to-side) which was in fact completely incorrect for the situation at hand. See, the side-to-side prompt is supposed to tell you what to do after successfully completing the dash, but just triggers anyway regardless of what happens. So we did what the game told us to do, and died over and over.

You mean you have to hold down the dash?! No way?! What a concept. Many times in Unleashed you had a robot chase you and yes you had to boost to stay ahead. How is boosting not the first thing you think of? You are being chased, you have a turbo speed button, hello. And then they couldn't figure out that you should hold it down, what game have they been playing. I just don't understand.

If these are the only complaints they can come up with I am fine with that. I love hard levels, I was afraid Colors would be too easy. All the complaints they have about controls and trial and error gameplay is from Unleashed and I know those were not a problem for me.

If you had an issue with Unleashed Sonic levels than this game is probably not for you.

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Wed, 10 Nov 2010 03:49:17
gamingeek said:

Damn at those reviews, finally, a good sonic game.

Now you somehow have to get over the psychological block of buying it.

Yup, the first one ever.

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Wed, 10 Nov 2010 12:01:44
Dvader said:

Some negative reviews showing up, and they both complain about the same thing, its too hard. From what they describe they died a lot and had to restart levels. GT likes to blame that on the controls, GamesRadar seems to think the game isn't clear in what you should do.   Clearly neither of these people played Unleashed. Yes the levels take practice, there is some trial and error, you will die. The fun comes from mastering the levels and getting through the parts that used to give you problems without getting touched. You can't do that if you have bad control and I have read and seen enough to know this is like Unleashed, the controls are fine. They are different but fine.

Here is an example of the reviewer not thinking. From Games Radar:

So, we get to the crab-robot again. Now the Navigator informs us we must press B, which activates Sonic’s dash. All righty! We press B. The robot hits us anyway. Uh, what? Now the Navigator tells us to move from side to side. We do so. Smack. Dead. Four times in a row, dead, and back to the beginning of the level. This happened over and over until we lost count. Turns out we had to hold the B button down for an arbitrary amount of time, even though a single tap of the button caused the prompt to disappear and triggered the next prompt (move side-to-side) which was in fact completely incorrect for the situation at hand. See, the side-to-side prompt is supposed to tell you what to do after successfully completing the dash, but just triggers anyway regardless of what happens. So we did what the game told us to do, and died over and over.

          You mean you have to hold down the dash?! No way?! What a concept. Many times in Unleashed you had a robot chase you and yes you had to boost to stay ahead. How is boosting not the first thing you think of? You are being chased, you have a turbo speed button, hello. And then they couldn't figure out that you should hold it down, what game have they been playing. I just don't understand.

If these are the only complaints they can come up with I am fine with that. I love hard levels, I was afraid Colors would be too easy. All the complaints they have about controls and trial and error gameplay is from Unleashed and I know those were not a problem for me.

If you had an issue with Unleashed Sonic levels than this game is probably not for you.

That's a really bad point to use against the game.

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Wed, 10 Nov 2010 18:35:41

Major spoilers, if you consider anything in a Sonic game a spoiler.

Super Sonic is playable in the levels, classic Genesis style. Best 3D Sonic game ever by default.

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Wed, 10 Nov 2010 18:39:05

This is why I cant trust the GI review

Replay: Moderately Low

That is the difference between me and them, I have always replayed Sonic games many many times to get S-Ranks and unlock everything. To get the max enjoyment out of the game it is a must. Those that just want to play straight through a game once and put it down will have a very different view of the game than those who invest time in it.

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Wed, 10 Nov 2010 18:48:55
Dvader said:

Major spoilers, if you consider anything in a Sonic game a spoiler.

BTW, this "spoiler" isn't hidden on the main page.

Edited: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 18:50:35

The VG Press

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Wed, 10 Nov 2010 19:24:18
Ravenprose said:

BTW, this "spoiler" isn't hidden on the main page.

If we keep posting it will be.

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Wed, 10 Nov 2010 19:32:33
Dvader said:
Ravenprose said:

BTW, this "spoiler" isn't hidden on the main page.

If we keep posting it will be.

LOL Well, that's one way to solve the problem.

Edited: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 19:32:50

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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 03:33:22


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Thu, 11 Nov 2010 09:57:22

Keep it up.

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