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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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Sat, 15 Jan 2011 22:59:24

Why should you be able to go anywhere and have the game adjust? Why not have areas that are too hard for your lowly character? Why have freedom harm gameplay? Etc. Some sense of design and direction is still needed even if your game is supposed to be mostly open world. You don't have to make the character capable of reaching 99% of the content from the first hour if he decides to just to be called open world. Would and should a LOTR game just let you walk into mordor from day 1 like it's nothing?

At least if they do it this way, by slowly enabling more quests for the taking, it's better than having all quests from the start yet as easy as they need to be for your character, but then that harms the open ended feel of the game really.  Why shouldn't the huge dragon a hard quest wants me to slay be there even if I'm too low to do the quest, effectively blocking an area from my crappy character until I'm tough enough for it, with that area (and dragon head) being my reward for getting stronger?

Instead that area will be clear and ripe for looting if I come across it, and only after I hit lvl 20 or whatever will the dragon show up there? And will the dragon be there after that level or only after I accept the related quest?

At least with the former way I would see stuff as I travel, and have them in the back of my mind to return to and overcome later, rather than randomly revisit areas to see if anything new has popped up. Hopefully they at least have relevant dialogue show, something along the lines of someone looking for a merc or whatever, looking at you and thinking to himself that you don't seem up to the task or something...

This type of thing could make the world feel  like it changes and evolves over time but only if it's handled right. If things just pop up out of nowhere when I accept a quest it will feel very instanced and mechanical. But in the end it's the same goal people wanted done in a different way. Have content too hard or too easy for my character, there's nothing wrong with that (why should a bunch of ragged bandits suddenly upgrade to awesome equipment to match me if I decide to do the quest much later, rather than react to my obvious strength and flee in that case?) and they seem to half-get it. They just wanna block the too hard content to not deter newbies who won't be able to understand the game logic, ie, that you need to become stronger to take on that challenge or something. I think that just sells gamer intelligence short.

Anyway, hopefully they get whatever they want to do right because they certainly didn't last time.

Edited: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 23:22:40
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Sun, 16 Jan 2011 02:22:59

Nothing wrong with wandering into an area you're not strong enough for and getting slaughtered. Just gives you more motivation to level up!

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Sun, 16 Jan 2011 02:45:23

Agreed Aggie and Foolz.

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Tue, 18 Jan 2011 00:55:42

"When The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim was first announced in December, publisher Bethesda Softworks revealed that the game would be running on an all new in-house created graphics engine. Now the Game Informer web site has the details on the new engine which has been named the Creation Engine (it even has its own logo which you can check out after the jump).

The new engine handles things like large draw distances, dynamic lighting, its own foliage system and a precipitation system for weather effects. The engine also has an improved AI system for things like having NPCs actually walking and doing things in the environment rather than just walking around aimlessly. The engine also uses Havok's Behavior tech for more realistic looking character movements and animations. All in all it looks like The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim will be the best looking game in the series to date."

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Tue, 18 Jan 2011 01:12:22

And here's the  first non-scanned image from the game:

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Tue, 18 Jan 2011 01:20:17
aspro said:

And here's the  first non-scanned image from the game:

I hope they bring back levitation from Morrowind, I want to fly around that location.

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 06:55:39

Some Skyrim concept art: (Bear looks a little lot goofy).

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 09:53:38

Bears are meant to look goofy.

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 11:51:07

It's an Elder Scrolls bear! Leave it alone!

*cries in a dark corner*

*levitates over a mountain*

Edited: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 11:52:55
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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:34:17


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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:48:44

Bethesda Confirms Mod Tools for Skyrim

Bethesda have confirmed the existence of modding tools for their upcoming Elder Scrolls game, Skyrim.

In a post on the Bethesda forums (via this tweet from Nick Breckon) it was confirmed that the company plans to release a modding “Creation Kit”.

“Do you think the ‘Kit’ refers to a Construction Set analogue, thus enabling moddability of Skyrim?”

Yes it does. We’ve always been impressed with what the community has done with our tools. Like the Elder Scrolls Construction Set for Morrowind and Oblivion, we plan to release Creation Kit so you guys can mod Skyrim :celebration:

Expect to see a nude mod within 50 seconds of the Kit’s release.

Edited: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:49:15

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Fri, 21 Jan 2011 20:49:50

"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim director Todd Howard recently revealed one of the ginormous RPG's fresh, new mechanics to Game Informer -- he also inadvertently provided us with the name of our new speed metal band. They're called "dragon shouts," and they're extremely powerful enhancements to your other combat powers which you invoke by -- you guessed it -- shouting certain sets of three words from a long forgotten Draconic language that you and few others can comprehend. It's like Esperanto! It's exactly like Esperanto.

There's plenty of info about the lore of this ability in the Game Informer article, but the takeaway is this: Players will collect these power words by slaying dragons and absorbing their power, or by finding and deciphering ancient runes hidden in the depths of the deepest dungeons. So, yeah, Bethesda has basically put Pokémon in our Elder Scrolls. We are doomed once this bad boy comes out on Eleven the Eleventh of Eleven."

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Sat, 22 Jan 2011 01:50:29

^ So there is actually something worth exploring for. I am sure they will find a way to make it pointless. Like 15 versions of the same power or something.

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Sat, 22 Jan 2011 02:27:37

I hope the random generator means that we might see a dragon end up in Cyrodil and it slaughters everyone.

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Sat, 22 Jan 2011 07:11:54

It woudn't be a Bethesda game without some classic glitchs.  Particularly if they are experimenting with a new engine.

Though, as a point of fact, as earlier indicated, I had no glitching in Oblivion at all.

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Sun, 23 Jan 2011 02:39:32
aspro said:

It woudn't be a Bethesda game without some classic glitchs.  Particularly if they are experimenting with a new engine.

Though, as a point of fact, as earlier indicated, I had no glitching in Oblivion at all.

Really? I had a lot! They were probably the highlight of the game tbh. Nyaa

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Sun, 23 Jan 2011 03:31:35
Foolz said:
aspro said:

It woudn't be a Bethesda game without some classic glitchs.  Particularly if they are experimenting with a new engine.

Though, as a point of fact, as earlier indicated, I had no glitching in Oblivion at all.

Really? I had a lot! They were probably the highlight of the game tbh. Nyaa

Honestly, none at all.  Toward the end ofthe game I had a problem loading a save file once, but besides that no problems.  I know people enjoy the Fallout glitches (and Red Dead).  I've never understood that.

Edited: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 03:32:02

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Mon, 24 Jan 2011 03:52:11
aspro said:

Honestly, none at all.  Toward the end ofthe game I had a problem loading a save file once, but besides that no problems.  I know people enjoy the Fallout glitches (and Red Dead).  I've never understood that.

When they're not game breaking they're often pretty humorous, and can make a somewhat bland experience colourful. I can't think of any specifics right now, but the random behaviour of the people in Oblivion was often very entertaining in its stupidity.

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Mon, 24 Jan 2011 20:11:07

Bethesda releases 2 Skyrim wallpapers:

They are prior released art, tweaked a little.

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Tue, 25 Jan 2011 00:21:56

The new combat article is great, the game is sounding too good to be true. Day one for sure.

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