SteelAttack said:Just got the game, already spent a good hour or so with it. It's great, amazing first impression. Good combat, surprisingly good third person mode, gorgeous looking.
Yeah I'm loving it, I hope you got the 360 version ....
_Bear said:SteelAttack said:Just got the game, already spent a good hour or so with it. It's great, amazing first impression. Good combat, surprisingly good third person mode, gorgeous looking.
Yeah I'm loving it, I hope you got the 360 version ....
Yeah I did.
_Bear said:Yeah I'm loving it, I hope you got the PC version ....
Foolz said:Fixed.
In an ideal world, I would have gotten that, but my system is not up to the task, sadly. Fortunately, I have pretty low standards, so I'll manage to enjoy it anyway.
Played some more today, killed my first dragon, I'm ready now to give sidequests my full attention before moving forward with the main quest. I'm playing the game more in third person than in first.
This game might end up being my favorite game of the generation, even above my most beloved franchise Mass Effect. Lots of attention to detail, unbelievable levels of improvement visually over Oblivion considering they both share a common engine (modified), sidequests that seem varied enough in size and scope to keep things interesting, and plenty of stuff to do and see. Only Lv 7 but enjoying this game more than anything else I've played this gen.
I'm doing a nord melee character who crafts his own shit, doing things the old-school way. Been into bar brawls, got into a fight with a giant at Lv 5 before realizing how outclassed I was and fleeing, and started to dabble into smithing. For immersion, I keep approaching stuff like a melee fighter would, and stick with sidequests that suit that gameplay style better. For example, I joined the companions but I won't be joining dark brotherhood or mages guild in this playthrough.
I'm trying not to read all this, it will be mine on Christmas day.
You're in for a treat. Just be sure to expect Bethesda usual levels of bugginess and assorted fuckupery. You don't really get to make a game with such a scope without the matrix brainfarting on occasion.
SteelAttack said:You're in for a treat. Just be sure to expect Bethesda usual levels of bugginess and assorted fuckupery. You don't really get to make a game with such a scope without the matrix brainfarting on occasion.
This post is awesome.
Yeah I am also loving the game, though I don't know if it outclasses the Mass Errect games yet for me. Definitely beyond Oblivion though....but the question for me is, will it outclass Morrowind?
Steel, my favorite graphical improvement so far is the water....especially the rivers. They look so insanely real.
I'm a Level 15 Nord Viking Warrior named Abbath Ravendark.
I fuck shit up.
I heard all the Oblivion complaints, but the only problems I had were some floating in the air and that stupid vampires curse.
edgecrusher said:Steel, my favorite graphical improvement so far is the water....especially the rivers. They look so insanely real.
Oh yeah. Rivers look all kinds of awesome in the game. I love taking my time to take in all of the sights when travelling either by foot or riding a horse. By this stage of the game I had already started to abuse the fast travel feature in Oblivion, whereas in Skyrim, I still get to travel normally to places I've already visited.
Iga_Bobovic said:^Edge by the love of God, if you ever get children, let your wife name them.
My nord warrior is called Bëorn. He has no other name because he has no family.
SteelAttack said:
My nord warrior is called Bëorn. He has no other name because he has no family.
That actually sounds nordic. I think I would call mine Olaf or Lars or Thor or Loki. Fenrir yeah, called after the wolf that swallows the sun and moon. So many possible names.
You guys are playing the wrong fantasy game. In my game I am dressed like a green fairy and I run around magical woods while playing my golden harp. What do you guys do, slay giant dragons, bah.
I can finally stand my own against giants. Fights agains them are always a matter of life or death. One mistake and I'm dead, so there's always this sense of danger that keeps me on my toes. Now I wander the outsirkts of Whiterun picking fights with angry giants that hoard mammoth cheese. I wish I was making up the mammoth cheese part.
Just got the game, already spent a good hour or so with it. It's great, amazing first impression. Good combat, surprisingly good third person mode, gorgeous looking.