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Game(s) You Just Bought Thread
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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 18:40:55


FINE! Uncharted 2...

...and Monster Tale!

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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 21:29:54

Woooo!  Last night to play online with me till the weekend!  I won't be able to bring a laptop or iPod on the charter bus to DC.  WTH?

Edited: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 21:30:37
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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 21:34:01

This better not mean we've all given up on Killzone... Argh!

I'll have Yoda ban all your asses!  Nyaa

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Tue, 29 Mar 2011 21:34:28

HOLY UPDATES, BATMAN ! ? !  surprise

What? Do you have to re-download the whole game ? ! ?  GASP

Edited: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 21:37:18
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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 09:47:47

Does co-op max out at 3 users? (Uncharted 2).

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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 13:15:22
bugsonglass said:

Here's one game I'd never even heard of.  Now I want to play it.  Leo, ta muchly buddy

For Bugsie (Reprinted from the News section where it disappeared FAST!):


Guess what I got today!!  Happy


Monster Tale is probably the last game of its kind to hit the traditional DS. It is a mix of a few different game styles, but it is primarily a Metroid-Vania! You control Ellie, a girl summoned to a land filled with Monsters by a Magical Bracelet. After just a few moments in this new land, your bracelet is given the abilty to fire bullets a-la Mega Man's Mega Buster. Shortly after that you find an Egg. The egg hatches and you find your Monster Companion, dubbed Chomp. Chomp is a newborn so you have to take care of him. The bottom screen of the DS becomes his little den. Objects Ellie touches fall into Chomp's den so he can interact with them. You send Chomp to the den by pressing the "X" button. While Chomp is on the top screen fighting enemies with you, or using some of his skills (more on this in a sec) he loses energy. He regains his energy while in his den. Ellie can send all sorts of object down to him, from cookies to give him experience to scrolls that teach him new actions or give him passive skills (like increasing his speed). You may notice a Catapult in there too, that's just one of many objects that Chomp can use while he's in his den to protect Ellie and attack monster while he is NOT on the same screen as her! Deciding which screen Chomp is on is going to have a big role in the game it seems! Chomp gets various skills that Ellie can call upon, one I have seen so far is a Horizontal Torpedo where he shoots across the screen and hits formerly unreachable enemies. Another skill he gets is the Vertical Spike where he transforms into a spike to kill enemies above and below the duo! It has already been explained that Chomp will evolve into many forms in the game. While Ellie is not totally powerless, it is Chomp and his many forms that will provide the many skills and abilities normally seen in a game like this!

I've only played a few minutes of the game, but I can already tell this is going to be one of those totally under-rated and (hopefully not) over-looked games, which is a crime! It is colorful, it is fun and it is SURE to bring a smile to ANYONE'S face that chooses to take a risk with this little gem of an adventure! Don't be fooled by the colorful nature though. It is CHARMING but it is a Metroid-Vania! There's Boss Battles to fight, there's areas to explore. The Map Screen is EXTREMELY remiscent of the Met/Cast games... There's even a floating book you stand in front of and press "Up" to save your game!

This game was not given a very large production run! The publisher (Majesco) wanted to get it out there, but understands the DS is right now seeing it's last days! Do yourself a favor and grab this little beauty before it's gone!

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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:18:13

This looks great, and I would have been completely oblivious of this game's existence if it weren't for you.  Thanks so much.  

I hope I get the chance to play it.


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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 18:30:04
"aspro said:

Does co-op max out at 3 users? (Uncharted 2)."

Yes it does as you saw from coop last night at 2 am LOL that was fun buddy! Got to play some more ...

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Wed, 30 Mar 2011 18:38:47

Got DA 2 today, and these coming from Gamefly for 12.99 each Medal of Honor 360 and PS3 Spiderman Shattered Dimensions.

Edited: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 18:40:44
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Thu, 31 Mar 2011 20:04:03
Picked up Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2 today. Also grabbed the Arrival dlc for Mass Effect 2 and Jill and Shuma-gorrath for Marvel vs Capcom 3.


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Thu, 31 Mar 2011 22:09:48

All 360...?

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Thu, 31 Mar 2011 22:10:08

Whoops! Nevermind I see in your tag!

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Thu, 31 Mar 2011 23:22:52

Wow Spiderman is pretty cool looks incredible too. Also Medal of honor is a lot better than I thought. getting them both for 12.99 helps! I did get the limited edition MOH too.

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Thu, 31 Mar 2011 23:53:05
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that my purchases were for the 360.


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Fri, 01 Apr 2011 18:55:25
Picked up God of War 3 $30 and Darksiders $20 ( 360 version ) today.


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Sun, 03 Apr 2011 03:11:43
borderlands goty
sonic's ultimate genesis collection
majin and the forsaken kingdom
kingdom hearts recoded
and dw7
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Sun, 03 Apr 2011 03:15:50

I ordered Heavy Rain today.

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Sun, 03 Apr 2011 03:18:03

Ima hafta get that "ugly puppets" game again one day and play it through to the end JUST to see where all the hype came from!

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Mon, 04 Apr 2011 02:09:36

Oh man I'm pumped! I just bought Crysis 2 off of Ebay for $35 like new with online code unused! No box or manual though Oh well. I have an extra box and I will print up the insert myself I already have it sized and qued up for printing. Yea Score. I wanted it but no way was I paying anything near full price. The guy wanted 40 I offered 35 and he  bit.

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Mon, 04 Apr 2011 02:23:06

Cool deal, man!

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