Two Mortal Kombats (PS3 and 360!)...
...and Portal 2, too!
...are you proud of me Vader? Are ya? Are ya?
phantom_leo said:Two Mortal Kombats (PS3 and 360!)...
...and Portal 2, too!
...are you proud of me Vader? Are ya? Are ya?
lost planet 2
sly collection
dragon ball origins all for 112 it was only that much for mvc3 i hate new games so expensive
I just got my Refund from Ebay, Which I promtly used to buy the TRU deal buy one get %50 off 1 got Portal 2 for PS3 24.99 and paid 60 for Crysis 2 360 not bad except for the tax and shipping still not bad for a total of $97 I could have waited and got both cheaper but I figure not bad for getting early next week!
Almost forgot not having to deal with numb nuts on Ebay = Priceless!
I just bought the following:
- De Blob 2 for a tenner for PS3
- Majin and the Magic Giant (or something or other) for £13.
I put the following in my basket but rejected them before checkout:
- Splatterhouse (i know it's shite, I will not buy it just cause it's cheap) - my new mantra!
- Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (at £18 it's still a little expensive and I know it will be down to a tenner before long. Next pricedrop and it will be mine)
- Lost Planet 2 (see Splatterhouse)
Waiting on Dead Space 2, Yakuza 4, Portal 2 and Killzone 3 to reduce to at least half price
retruned lost plant 2, mvc3 and got socom 4, dark void, bioshock
phantom_leo said:Two Mortal Kombats (PS3 and 360!)...
...and Portal 2, too!
...are you proud of me Vader? Are ya? Are ya?
Last time I did that was for Soul Calibur 2.
I bought Vanquish and Epic Mickey at TRU for about $16 each. I didnt buy them in NY, I got them in Miami. Yes I have that much power (a friend got it for me).
darthhomer said:Just bought that Final Fantasy IV PSP pack.
Meant to ask you. Did you get the US import Yakuza 4 or the super sweet Aussie version?
aspro said:
Meant to ask you. Did you get the US import Yakuza 4 or the super sweet Aussie version?
I just got a regular Aussie version. Didn't get a super sweet one.
Ahh... I thought all the Aussie ones were going to be the CE. I guess they changed their mind. My copy will arrive next week finally.
aspro said:Ahh... I thought all the Aussie ones were going to be the CE. I guess they changed their mind. My copy will arrive next week finally.
I thought the same about the European version. What I had heard had me assume that they were all going to be the hard-cased version with all the sweet extras, but I never even saw that version available anywhere (online nor highstreet). That was the reason I didn't buy it at launch and I'm waiting to get it cheapo.
Speaking of cheapo ... I got DJ Hero 2 (including turntable controller) for £30 ... including postage Wish I could have seen the look on their face when they realised they would need more than £30 just to post that to Cyprus ... I think I will enjoy it, and it's a complete steal at that price

The 'tater Sack
75% off on Steam until Portal 2 releases. $38.72 of indie goodness.