Recently got Gears 3, Dead Island PS3, Donkey Kong Returns Wii, NBA Jam Onfire XBLA and Killzone 3.
Oh crap I just bought that Wireless PS3 7.1 headset on EbaY for $66. Really looking forward to that was, waiting until I got a decent deal. It will be nice to play my PS3 without having to always turn on my stereo, plus having the mic included with it. Should save me on power too, as my stereo is a power hog.
I just picked up the new Professor Layton. If anyone can get me out of a gaming slump it's Level 5. Now if I can just get interested enough to play it.
Me too. I kinda skipped the last two. I played the first just a bit... but this one being an origin story and containing the London Life RPG "mini" (ha!) game... I couldn't resist!
As pathetic as it may seem, part of the reason I got this game was so that I could get a good look at Layton and young Luke and their costumes. The kiddo is getting old enough that he can cosplay with me at conventions and this seems like an easy costume for the two of us to do together.
You would --HAVE TO-- post pics ! ! !
That's not pathetic --AT ALL-- ! ! !
A Dad that wants to things with his son ? ! ?
Please don't EVER think ANYTHING having to do with that is pathetic ! ! !
Maybe it's just the world that I live in, but you just don't see enough of that anymore...
Oh hell I don't really think it's pathetic. Just a knee jerk reaction of justifying my costuming habit. I had 3 on my "to-do" list for 2012. Finances aside I likely will only be able to do 2 of them. Layton seems like the most fun, and yeah I've wanted to do something with him for a while. We dressed him up a few times when he was a baby, but now that he's old enough to do the conventions with us it may be time to bring him along. And of course there will be pics.
robio said:I just picked up the new Professor Layton. If anyone can get me out of a gaming slump it's Level 5. Now if I can just get interested enough to play it.
I'm really annoyed that they chose to leave London Life out of the european version of the game. Unless there's legal complications I just don't understand why they would do that. Makes me almost not want to buy this game even though it's reportedly the best entry in this most beloved series of mine
bugsonglass said:robio said:I just picked up the new Professor Layton. If anyone can get me out of a gaming slump it's Level 5. Now if I can just get interested enough to play it.
I'm really annoyed that they chose to leave London Life out of the european version of the game. Unless there's legal complications I just don't understand why they would do that. Makes me almost not want to buy this game even though it's reportedly the best entry in this most beloved series of mine
The DS is not region locked though right? Why not just import it? The few extra bucks for shipping are actually justified in this case since you're getting a hell of a lot more game out of i.
Let's make an RPG set in London called London Life and not release it in London.
Picked up Yakuza 3. In about an hour or so I barely managed to watch the nifty and useful recaps of the first two games stories, and watch the first batch of cutscenes. By the time I reached the part where I could actually move Kazuma it was already time to leave for work. Welp, I'll get back to it tonight.
bugsonglass said:I'm really annoyed that they chose to leave London Life out of the european version of the game. Unless there's legal complications I just don't understand why they would do that. Makes me almost not want to buy this game even though it's reportedly the best entry in this most beloved series of mine
Didn't they just recently confirm that London Life is in the EU version of the game, but as a post game unlock? Or was that the Australian one...
SteelAttack said:Picked up Yakuza 3. In about an hour or so I barely managed to watch the nifty and useful recaps of the first two games stories, and watch the first batch of cutscenes. By the time I reached the part where I could actually move Kazuma it was already time to leave for work. Welp, I'll get back to it tonight.
Yup, that was roughly my first experience with Yakuza 3. Starts off real slow, but gets better from there.
Just picked up Rocksmith, PS3 version. At around $96 bucks, tax included.
Vader bought a Wii game! And was considering buying another one!
Foolz said:Vader bought a Wii game!
And was considering buying another one!
Oh quiet. I bet I have more Wii games that you.
I found Silent Hill in another state, got it for $18.
4 games, about $70 total and I still made enough money today to still have $30 left over just for flying in an airplane. Tomorrow I get paid to watch football out of town.
Just got The Last Remnant, yay.