Today I picked up:
...and an AWESOME case of the sniffles... yay...
Today I impulsively ordered a 3DS alongside Ocarina 3D and a pre-order of Mario 3D Land. It will be my christmas present (from myself since no-one else will buy it for me )
bugsonglass said:Today I impulsively ordered a 3DS alongside Ocarina 3D and a pre-order of Mario 3D Land. It will be my christmas present (from myself since no-one else will buy it for me
That's a sweet bundle but if I were to get it I probably would feel bad about opening it. I'm also not overly keen on black handheld devices. Got the new red 3DS instead. Was between that and the blue one, think I like them equally
The Red One is nice too, btw...!
I can't wait to slip my Mario 3D Land into it...!
It almost feels as if this color system is waiting for a Mario game to be played on it!
phantom_leo said:The Red One is nice too, btw...!
I can't wait to slip my Mario 3D Land into it...!
It almost feels as if this color system is waiting for a Mario game to be played on it!
Totally. I was thinking the same exact thing about Mario Land and Mario Kart 7
Bought Skyrim 360 and St's Row 3 from Kmart with buy get one 50% off one deal with free UPS shipping! Should have both Wednesday!!! YEAH! $95 for both!! Gonna buy the Zelda Bundle on Sunday, and Rayman O next Friday I think that will be it except maybe an imported Xenoblade for the rest of this year, and maybe a 28 BF3 BF weekend too hmm. Maybe if I can get a deal on MW3 I won't pay a penny over $40 though.
Look up in the Sky,
It's a bird, it's a plane,
It's a red Shoebill motherfuckers,
And it is bringing the pain.
Bought the special edition with wiimote plus and a CD for 65 Euro's. I got a free Zelda baseball cap with it. Suck on that Vader.
Damn good deal on those games Bear. Well done.
Speaking of the Zelda 3DS bundle I'm torn. I want that 3DS but I don't want the game. Now the left and right sides of my brains are having a conversation on which is more important, saving $30 or having an extra special aesthetically pleasing 3DS.
robio said:Damn good deal on those games Bear. Well done.
Speaking of the Zelda 3DS bundle I'm torn. I want that 3DS but I don't want the game. Now the left and right sides of my brains are having a conversation on which is more important, saving $30 or having an extra special aesthetically pleasing 3DS.
If you don't need the bundle Target has 3DS for $145 starting this Sunday through Wednesday.
I went crazy again today.
I got Yakuza 3 for $15, Sin and Punishment Wii for $15 and Viewtiful Joe 2 for $4. Yes I bought a GC game.