Killerjuan77 said:
Sorry for the lack of introduction, I heard about this website 2 minutes ago and I though "Gamespot is in the gutter right now, GameTrailers as well, the less said about NeoGaf the better, so... why not try this website?
" .
Just to be fair we're in the gutter too. Actually we're lower than the gutter. You know that green stuff that collects at the bottom of the gutter and you need industrial strength bleach to remove? That's us. Just want to set your expectations now so we don't let you down.
Oh yeah and welcome.
Oh and just to make it official thanks to my 3DS trade I'm now in possession of the following:
- Dark Souls
- Portal 2
- Super Street Fighter IV (welcome home my beloved, I've missed you so)
- Bulletstorm
- Disgaea 3
I rented it once last year and enjoyed it, but got stuck on a level and got tired of it making me feel stupid so I eventually returned it for something else. I figure a year has gone by.... I'm smarter now..... kinda....
Killerjuan77 said:Sorry for the lack of introduction, I heard about this website 2 minutes ago and I though "Gamespot is in the gutter right now, GameTrailers as well, the less said about NeoGaf the better, so... why not try this website?
" .
How did you hear about us? Was it my little rant in the Lego Batman review on GameSpot or from somewhere else?
robio said:I rented it once last year and enjoyed it, but got stuck on a level and got tired of it making me feel stupid so I eventually returned it for something else. I figure a year has gone by.... I'm smarter now..... kinda....
I finihsed Portal 1 all by myself ... I wonder if I'm smart enough for Portal 2?
phantom_leo said:How did you hear about us? Was it my little rant in the Lego Batman review on GameSpot or from somewhere else?
That's it!
Heh. I'm not normally like that... ...just been a little grumpy lately, but nonetheless: WELCOME!
If you haven't already gathered, this particular topic is in our 'Gaming Discussion' Forum. This topic covers Games You've Just Bought, which I think you noticed already with Steel's Conan purchase. Under the 'Forum' tab up top you'll also find 'Non-Gaming Discussion' our 'Blogs' and our 'Podcast' discussion forums.
There's a General Forum where we just have our day to day conversations and post stuff for all to see under the 'News' tab.
It's a tiny bit disorienting at first, but I think I've seen you post there already...
If you click on The VG Press logo in the upper-left-hand corner, you'll go to the 'Home' page where you'll see the latest News Posts and Comments throughout the entire site.
Again, Welcome and I hope this helps!
travo said:Conan worth a buy?
I'm wondering the exact same thing, at worse... it could be a tedious and boring gorefest which to be fair that title goes to Manhunt 2 (The game is bad with or without the crazy LSD/Acid/Frosted Flakes filters).
Killerjuan77 said:
How's Conan? I heard it's short top notch gory fun (Actual quote from a friend XD ).
Anyways, I just got Dragon Age: Origins Awakening and Dragon Age II (They are on sale on Amazon for 10 bucks) and I even have an additional DA
code so I can gift it to a friend (I already own the Collector's Edition).
One thing I have to say about Dragon Age II is that it's insanely demanding on DX11.
travo said:Conan worth a buy?
Hard to say upon first sight. It's definitely a GoW clone in combat, which is repetitious and offering little depth, but it it seemingly lacks whatever else makes the GoW games fun to play, such as the mammoth set pieces and sky high production values. I'd say the game is an enjoyable bet if you already know/love Conan lore and hold low expectations. At the very least it seems to have enough lore to keep Conan enthusiasts happy and of course it lacks the annoying douche from the GoW games. Those are big pluses in my book. If anything else, the game is like 320 points or so (cheapest on offer), so as far as impulse buys go it kind of rivals many steam deals.
phantom_leo said:
CRANE! I knew it would be worth reading new posts before heading to work this morning!
Why not indeed? We have a podcast, which my obnoxious signature links to. Also check out our news page, it has a conversation pit underneath it which is where most of the action takes place. Hope you like it around here.