my first impulse buy of the year naruto ninja storm 2 for 60, i hate buying games for 60 and i already regreat it but i love the naruto fighters even thro i am no real fan of the anime

Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition for $7.50 (lol). It was 75% off because there is a week-long Squeenix sale on Steam. I'm hoping there will be deals on Thief 3 and The Last Remnant as well further down the week.
Forgot about this topic. Things I've bought in the last month:
- Dead Space 2
- Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (360)
- Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (PS3)
- Dragon Quest VI
- Golden Sun DS
- Radiant Historia (Pre-Order)
- Ghost Trick
- 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors
Just bought Guardian of Light and double dipped on TR: Anniversary. Both for $7.58. GoL was $5.
Please let me know what you think of Bulletstorm. I have it and Killzone waiting for me when I can play again and the anticipation is killing me!
You gotta take that GamerCard Tombstone outta your signature! It's depressing!
Binged today. Bought a Lite and:
- Super Scribblenauts
- Pokemon Black
- Picross 3D
I've had 9 Persons, Golden Sun, Ghost Trick, Dragon Quest VI and Radiant Historia staring at me for the last few months/weeks and I got tired of waiting for the 3DS.
Mafia II on Steam's Midweek Madness: $7.50
bla i forget to post here
fist of the north star kens rage 60$
dynasty warriors gundam 2 20$
hyperdimension neptunia 60$
killzone 3 50$
pokemon white 40$
and on the 15th i'll get my copy of yakuza 4 tyhat i already paid the 60$ for
I just got The Sims 3 and one expansion, Ambitions. It was around $40, but my wife loves those games so much I didn't mind. Besides, they have endless amounts of replay value.