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Fuck YES! I am unemployed
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Tue, 18 Jan 2011 12:02:59
aspro said:

Are you going to take the contract work (the one that is only for a month)?

If they offer it sure, but they have to make the offer first. Maybe someone else was chosen!

Edited: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 12:03:58
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Tue, 18 Jan 2011 15:07:46

So I got a call and the company that did the personality test rejected me. The reason, because I am a sociopath. They probably only hire pussies anyways. So two down and one to go. Hobo 4 life!

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Tue, 18 Jan 2011 19:59:01

Personality tests are such a wank.  I've had a different results everytime I've taken them.

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Tue, 18 Jan 2011 20:11:39

That is because you have a multiple personality disorder.

They rejected me because of 3 reasons

1) I don't seem to be that interested in Naval engineering. Which is why I am a Mechanical Engineer

2) I have zero social empathy. Who is his right mind think that this is a drawback?

3) I like high variance in my work otherwise I will become bored. They thought they could not keep me there for a longer period. Well at least they admit the work is  monotemous. Good at least they are honest upfront and do not let me waste another year.

Good now I can start looking, have some ideas where to work. No point in letting other people do it for you, for they have vested interests.

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Tue, 18 Jan 2011 20:25:44

Because of the highly sensitive Human Resources culture in the states there is no way you'd ever tell an applicant why they were not selected.  Most companies either don;t ever get back to you or send you a form letter/ e-mail.

I often did though, if I liked an applicant and thought they would be receptive to my advice.  I also made sure to tell unsuccessful applicants in person (over the phone), for the most part I made up excuses like "someone inside the company expressed interest in the position, and it is our companies policy to always promote from within", so not to hurt their confidence.

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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 02:09:13
aspro said:

Personality tests are such a wank.  I've had a different results everytime I've taken them.

Iga_Bobovic said:

That is because you have a multiple personality disorder.


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Wed, 19 Jan 2011 03:56:58
aspro said:

Because of the highly sensitive litigious Human Resources culture in the states there is no way you'd ever tell an applicant why they were not selected.



Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 03 Feb 2011 22:13:29

Okay, I had to fill in stuff to get money from the government because I am unemployed. But of course the incompentent fools ask for me to fill in documents I already handed over. Sigh.

I decided to aim high, no more Bachlor jobs. I finished the university, so I should aim higher. Sure you can fly too close to the sun and crash and burn spectaculary, but better that then doing mind numbing things and slowly die inside.

So Philips the company had a vacancy for a traineeship, I had to make a motivational letter, write my resume in english and hand in my grade list (O-O). After having it proof read my my sister I finally handed it over and within the day I got this message.

''Regarding your application for Traineeship - Technology, we regret to inform you that after very careful consideration we have decided to proceed with other candidates. These candidates more closely matched the requirements for the position.''

Wow that is quick, no big deal, just wish I did not do all the work writing that stuff. Funny how they read it once and say no, wish it was as easy to write it. Well there is more to that message

'Please feel free to apply again if you find a suitable vacancy on our website in the future.'

*Looks at vacancies

Nothing, unless you have 1-5 years of relevant work experience. So much for Philips. Well they have my resume, maybe they will think of something, probably not. Philps is done.

Also left my resume at two companies Shell and Brunel. Probably nothing there also, but you never know.

Unemployement is fun, except for the part they force you to find new work.

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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 01:21:52

If you want a native english speaker to proof read anything like that in the future let me know. I make plenty of typos on this site, but they are just typos -- I usually know what I am doing and can also have Mrs. Spro look it over as well.

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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 04:05:34
Wait a minute; I'm the resident pedant here...


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 15:35:43

My sister is a lawyer, language is her job. She does not only proof read, but she also changes things so the meaning is clear. Lawyer are good at that making sentences that are absolutely clear in their meaning, so the possibility of misunderstandings is reduced to a minimum.

And Aspro, thanks but no thanks. Just proof read your own stuff for a change Nyaa

Edited: Fri, 04 Feb 2011 15:40:19
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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 16:20:47

There's actually something to be said for "flying to close to the sun." A failure at a spectacular job can actually look good to potential employees. Shows them that you do have experience and know what obstacles to avoid. It's all in how you spin it.

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 01:45:04
Iga_Bobovic said:

My sister is a lawyer, language is her job. She does not only proof read, but she also changes things so the meaning is clear. Lawyer are good at that making sentences that are absolutely clear in their meaning, so the possibility of misunderstandings is reduced to a minimum.

And Aspro, thanks but no thanks. Just proof read your own stuff for a change Nyaa

I think you've got a lawyer's job backwards. WinkWink

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Tue, 15 Feb 2011 11:11:55

Okay an update.

I got a mail from the goverment that they are missing some documents. I replied I sendt the documents to them, but if you want I can do it again. I never got a mail back, so I start calling because they are not taking my unemployement money. That's a matter of hobo pride. I called them and they said they did not get it, of course I did wrong for sending all the papers in one envelope. Yeah, I did that because your people told me to do that. Okay, I made a deal with them to scan the missing documents and send them over. Of course I will send it to myself for proof. My sister even made a mail.

So after I scanned it in and am about to send it to them, I get a call. It's the woman that never applied to my mail and she said she has everything. Oh, so I did not do anthing wrong, fucking fucktards. So I will get my money. You also have to talk with a jobcoach, he will try to help me find a job. Sorry if I am sceptical about that, they have trouble answering emails. And then I even get a mail to get ready for a speeddate, where I will speeddate various temp agencies, sure temp agencies will definitely have Master of Sciences work. I cancelled that, because I have a job interview at the same time.

The job interview I have tomorrow is with Keppel Verolme. They build various ships, offshore  platforms and offshore windmills. It is something I can see I would enjoy doing. Or failing that teaching some skills that will help me further. My driving insructor will drop me off there, not sure how I will get back. The public transportation is on a strike that day. I also have a job interview in March with KCI, not sure what they do exactly, but I will check out their site in due time.

Just came back from a job coach. Besides some tips about my Resume, it was nothing worthwhile. He tried looking for jobs, but they were way below my level. So that was a waste.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 01:38:07

Welcome to dealing with the government.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:23:04

Okay had the job interview today.

It was in the middle of nowhere, but I did my driving lesson in the morning and drove myself to the company. The way back would last one and a half hour, but I can worry about that later. First the interview.

It had an appointment on 10:00 in the morning. After walking around, I found where I needed the go. Then the secretary offered me a drink and I had to wait until they pick me up. I waited half an hour and was picked up by guy number one. He quickly explained the two branches, project engineering and research and development.

The interview was little weird. I would first talk to the manager of the project engineer part and then the manager of R&D. So guy number 2 took me away and we talked about what the company does and I had to talk about myself. That went well, he explained very well what they company did. It was repair, retro fitting and new design. New design is where my interest lie the most, but retro fitting is also nice. Basically you have a platform and they want for to put a larger crane on it. So lots of things need to be designed, like the crane, but also the platform. A Larger crane and load could actually sink the whole thing. And sinking a multi-billion platform is definitely in the 'bad things' category. Also we talked about the cause of the BP oil rig accident. Apparently it was all Vader's fault, wow what a twist, never knew that.

Also I could explain well why I left Mammoet without telling them that I suck. They even believed me, well it was true, but never said that Mammoet kicked me off. The next with the R&D was even more awesome. They are doing Research and Development on Wind Energy. Not the windmills themselves, but other things. Like ships that are place the windmills and platforms, etc.  They do the research themselves, they do not ask the customer what he wants, they try to predict what will hapen in the future and develop the tech accordingly.

Of course guy number 3 explained that you need to get expereince first. He worked for 5 years in the project engineer part before he did R&D. So I got back to number 1, he told me  I would start there in a traineeship. He told me that guy numbr 2 and 3 where both impressed with me. Not sure why, I never demostrated anything, must be a smooth talker or something. Normally a traineeship lasts 2 years, but I would do 1.5 years, because I already have 1 year work experience. Normally they check what you like, but they said that they will put me in the Engineering traineeship. Normally they also see if someone has talent in Project Management. They did not see that in me, they see me more as an engineer. Good thing they did not see my personality test, that screamed manager or sociopath, not much difference between those two.

So back to guy number 1 they asked me about how much I made with Mammoet. I replied with Golden Rule Number 1, he said it was fair and they will give me a little more. Then we talked about how I would get there. I replied I am woking on my driving licence and they said it is smart if I take a scooter. So that part is done. They will call he guy who introduced me there and then I might get the job. I also explained where my ambitions are, something that I did not know when I worked at Mammoet and they thought it matched well with the company.

So a very good interview, if they accept I can start in April.

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:42:38

Nice! Hope you get it but does that mean you will be out at sea all the time? Thats a major lifestyle change if so. They all said you were impressive cause they feared that you would kill them if they said otherwise. Nyaa

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:56:44
Dvader said:

Nice! Hope you get it but does that mean you will be out at sea all the time? Thats a major lifestyle change if so. They all said you were impressive cause they feared that you would kill them if they said otherwise. Nyaa

I live in Rotterdam. You know the city with the biggest port in Europe and the second biggest world wide? You know there are these things called dry docks and you do not build a ship in the middle of the sea? So no I won't be on sea all the time, hardly ever. The ship come's to them and not the other day around.

Edited: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 21:58:19
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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 22:14:21
Iga_Bobovic said:

I live in Rotterdam. You know the city with the biggest port in Europe and the second biggest world wide? You know there are these things called dry docks and you do not build a ship in the middle of the sea? So no I won't be on sea all the time, hardly ever. The ship come's to them and not the other day around.

Ah, that must be where the cruise ships get built then. And no I have never heard of it, I am American I know nothing of the outside world. Nyaa

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Wed, 16 Feb 2011 22:35:01
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

I live in Rotterdam. You know the city with the biggest port in Europe and the second biggest world wide? You know there are these things called dry docks and you do not build a ship in the middle of the sea? So no I won't be on sea all the time, hardly ever. The ship come's to them and not the other day around.

Ah, that must be where the cruise ships get built then. And no I have never heard of it, I am American I know nothing of the outside world. Nyaa

Some ships, biggest business is off-shore platforms. IHC Merwede (company that thinks I am a sociopath) is more specialized with ships, so is Dame (the company that is affraid of me). Keppel Verolme, the company I had a interview with, is more off-shore based.

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