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Playstation Meeting - NGP (PSP2) Conference
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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:22:57

...with a port of MGS4...

Well they did the same thing with MGS3 on 3DS I guess. But at least that was in 3D, it was something new.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:26:38

They keep showing these games, but keep saying they have nothing to announce.  This is just going to confuse people who aren't paying attention.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:27:37

These are just test videos or whatever, no guarantee the exact same games are coming. But they probably will.

Edited: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:27:56
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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:29:25

Kojima wants to do cloud gaming with console to portable connection. THANK YOU. Kojima a genius as always, that is what they should be trying to do. You play the game on the PS3, when you have to go you switch to NGP and continue from there.


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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:30:11

That's not genious, I don't want to leave my PS3 on @ home to enjoy the games out on PSP2. Just port them.

Edited: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:30:31
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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:30:13

Kojima will show off his dream at E3. I can't wait. And put Peace Walker on PS3 you bastard!

Edited: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:30:32
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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:30:18

You guys think they'll give a price? Or cop out and do it at E3?

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:31:15
Agnates said:

That's not genious at all, I don't want to leave my PS3 on @ home to enjoy the games on PSP2. Just port them down.

Agreed.  That's not ingenious, that's a fire hazard.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:31:17
Agnates said:

That's not genious, I don't want to leave my PS3 on @ home to enjoy the games out on PSP2. Just port them.

Streaming wont work, but why not sharing of save files, you download the game to the system so it runs off that.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:32:34

Dungeon Defenders, at least its a new game. They said they made it on PS3 and it was quickly ported to NGP.

Seriously this needs to happen, games need to be playable on both.

Edited: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:33:28
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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:33:14

Well that's not the same thing and yes that would be cool enough, if they actually give us the same games and not new versions. No reason not to share saves between them. Not that I'd buy the same game twice on two systems but I guess some might. Unless they do it Steam-like, buy for any platform, own it on all. But then that will drive prices up for the portable side probably.

Edited: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:35:02
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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:34:26

Activision, time for hookers. Oh its just Call of Duty.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:35:05

Now Activision? Enough already, we get it. Third-party support.  Looks like they are going for a  2 hour presentation.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:35:39
Agnates said:

Well that's not the same thing and yes that would be cool enough, if they actually give us the same games and not new versions. No reason not to share saves between them. Not that I'd buy the same game twice on two systems but I guess some might. Unless they do it Steam-like, buy for any platform, own it on all.

Thats my dream, I hope its the same for Kojima. We shall see but seeing how it seems its very easy to port PS3 games to it, they should make games playable on both, maybe pay a small fee to buy one and get the other.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:36:56

Everything is being saved for E3, I dont expect a price.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:37:42

For you LOTR fans, Peter Jackson is having emergency surgery.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:38:57

Who wants to play these action games on a handheld anyway?

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:40:37

Looks like they have something up there sleeve about hooking it into the ps3.

No price.  They are going to focus-test the fuck out of it.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:41:27

And thats a rap. Impressive tech shown, but in terms of games I have no clue what is going on.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:41:54

Well, this was cool capabilities wise. Seemingly. But perhaps they went too far? Maybe they're negating one of the portable benefits, which is the lower development costs. 3DS does that also, but only compared to the previous DS, it doesn't bring it to the top current level. Although, sharing tech and assets may help keep it down.

KInda lame it's so far though. Holidays. Then another year or two to see what platform gets the best support. I bought the PSP too early and kinda regretted it, it seemed to be Sony's first dud for a long time. Their first system I bought, and that happened, lol. I don't want this to happen again so I guess I'm not getting 3DS any time soon. It might be my luck and my return to Nintendo is their first portable dud ever, lol.

Edited: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 07:44:20
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