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Darksiders Game Club - Spoiler Free
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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 21:34:44
Iga_Bobovic said:

God of War like combat in my Zelda game? Thanks, but no thanks.

All the other parts in your post is not something terribly original. Many other game do that.

You know what let Zelda try to do something new instead of copying a game that is made copying other games.

Never said they were original just something that Zelda should do. Zelda has been playing safe for years now, time to change things up.

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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 21:43:07

Fourth heart completed, great dungeon to go along with it. Got me a grapple hook now, sweet. Seems like there isnt much to do before dungeons anymore, the game is kind of speeding  up, you go from one right into the next.

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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:03:25
Dvader said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

God of War like combat in my Zelda game? Thanks, but no thanks.

All the other parts in your post is not something terribly original. Many other game do that.

You know what let Zelda try to do something new instead of copying a game that is made copying other games.

Never said they were original just something that Zelda should do. Zelda has been playing safe for years now, time to change things up.

Do you even read what you wrote down?

Seriously Zelda plays it 'safe', so it should take pointers from a game that by very definition is a 'safe' game.

Seriously twisted logic you have there chief

That's point one

Another point, Zelda playing it safe? So Windwaker and Phantom Hourglass are safe? Could have fooled me. The only safe Zelda game is Twilight Princess, but you gave that game a 10, so not sure why you are complaining there. Even Skyward Sword is going to make some critical changed, with the Wiimote controls and yet again a controversial art style.

Edited: Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:04:10
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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:24:41
Iga_Bobovic said:

Do you even read what you wrote down?

Seriously Zelda plays it 'safe', so it should take pointers from a game that by very definition is a 'safe' game.

Seriously twisted logic you have there chief

That's point one

Another point, Zelda playing it safe? So Windwaker and Phantom Hourglass are safe? Could have fooled me. The only safe Zelda game is Twilight Princess, but you gave that game a 10, so not sure why you are complaining there. Even Skyward Sword is going to make some critical changed, with the Wiimote controls and yet again a controversial art style.

Are you talking about the art style, who cares, art does not make a game safe or not. I am saying that Zelda has had the same kind of dungeons since OoT. TP is actually the only one to start pressing the boundries of the dungeons with the snow mansion and sky palace. Now I still love them but come on lets have some surprises. Zelda needs stop being afraid of action as well, the games keep getting easier, potions mean nothing anymore. You only battle a few enemies at a time. The best combat in Zelda is in the combat trails where you have to go down 50 floors, why cant they battles like that in the dungeon.

I have great hope for SS and I do think motion control will make combat interesting again.

Also I never said Darksiders wasn't safe. It doesn't matter if its safe or not, it has some elements that Zelda can use. Two games can be safe in different ways.

Edited: Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:26:11
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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:36:20

^Who cares?!

So you really want me to answer that?

Windwaker did more things that just art style. They had the attrociously boring overworld witth all that sailing. Never done before in a Zelda game. Seeing as you spend 80% of your time on sea, it is a pretty big deal. It is not safe not at all. Does not make it good though. Dungeon wise WW had two dungeons where you played with two characters at once.

Phantom Hourglass had the huge dungeon you had to visit multiple times. Boring yes, but another thing that was new. Plus you have the whole control, that is pretty much the whole damn game. Again not safe.

This revisionist thing about Zelda playing it safe needs to stop. When Phantom Hourglass, Windwaker and Majora's Mask were announced people were crying because Nintendo has 'ruined' Zelda.

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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 22:48:37

You are going off on some rant that has nothing to do with what I am saying.

Zelda games have not been giving the action half of action/adventure equal share, its about time they do. I dont need it to be like DMC, I just want it to be challenging and engaging. The old 2D Zeldas tested my skills, I want that back.

Dungeons have been pretty standard for all 3D Zeldas. Yes the puzzles keep changing and many have great ideas but I am thinking more in structure. Its always find the dungeon item by fighting a sub boss, use it to solve the puzzles, get the dungeon key, fight boss. Why not change it up. How about the boss attacks you the second you enter the dungeon, all of a sudden you are in a boss battle, you dont kill it but you force it away. Random things happen like enemies crashing through walls or even something like have the entire dungeon collapse as you exit so you must make a getaway. Mix it up, I know the rules of the dungeon so even though the games surprise me with their puzzles and unique items, they dont surprise me in the pattern they use to get through them.

SS is talking about blurring the overwolrd and dungeons together and that sounds perfect.

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Fri, 04 Feb 2011 23:27:05
Dvader said:

You are going off on some rant that has nothing to do with what I am saying.

I am reacting to your posts. You said Zelda was playing it safe and I disagreed with that. It that so hard to understand?

Dvader said:

Zelda games have not been giving the action half of action/adventure equal share, its about time they do. I dont need it to be like DMC, I just want it to be challenging and engaging. The old 2D Zeldas tested my skills, I want that back.

I agree with you there. The games are getting easier, although TP was a bit harder than WW, it was still very easy battle-wise. Unless you fought the multiple Darknuts with 3 hearts. Hopefully Zelda will have a Superguide feature. It made NSMBWii, DKCR and SMG2 much more harder than the usual Nintendo game.

Dvader said:

Dungeons have been pretty standard for all 3D Zeldas. Yes the puzzles keep changing and many have great ideas but I am thinking more in structure. Its always find the dungeon item by fighting a sub boss, use it to solve the puzzles, get the dungeon key, fight boss. Why not change it up. How about the boss attacks you the second you enter the dungeon, all of a sudden you are in a boss battle, you dont kill it but you force it away. Random things happen like enemies crashing through walls or even something like have the entire dungeon collapse as you exit so you must make a getaway. Mix it up, I know the rules of the dungeon so even though the games surprise me with their puzzles and unique items, they dont surprise me in the pattern they use to get through them.

There have been only 4 3D Zelda games. OoT was the first one, so you can't call the dungeons standard by any mean, for there was no standard back then. MM was more focussed on the side quests then dungeons, but the Stone Tower literaly turns dungeons design upside down, TP also has some awesome unique dungeons. The boss chasing you was actually in the earliest TP trailers, you can see Link ruining away from the giant Gohma, not sure what happened there. Zelda Link's Awakening had a mini boss you had to chase around a dungeon and beat 4 times. Ltttp had a boss where you had to lead the boss to the boss room to start the fight. Zelda will always do stuff to keep Dungeon design fresh, because they are the meat of the game. Again not seeing why the Darksiders should be used as inspiration. Zelda will keep changing stuff up, they always do.

You know what I want, I want Zelda to take inspiration from Sin and Punishment. Who says that a dungeon needs to have just one boss? Why not 10? Also Metroid like giant dungeon that can be entered from various places on the overworld could be a fresh take. Have multiple boss fights and make the us think how to beat the boss. Maybe you do not use that item you just got against that boss? Maybe you got 10 new weapons and you all have to use them all to beat the boss.

Maybe take some clues from Galaxy and have the game go from 3D, to sidescrolling 2D, to overhead view 2D to 3D again. And of course a dungeon with reverse gravity and stuff and spherical worlds. Also puzzle design could take some hints from Zack and Wiki, that game really shows what you can do with motion controls when it comes to puzzles.

Dvader said:

SS is talking about blurring the overwolrd and dungeons together and that sounds perfect.

Okami flashback coming. Curious to see how they handle it, also the overworld is going to be alot denser. Seems more like a 2D Zelda game is some regards.

Edited: Fri, 04 Feb 2011 23:27:30
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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 00:09:21

I meant safe in terms of dungeons and you are talking to me as if I am someone that says all Zelda games are the same or something, come on.

When I say learn things from Darksiders I dont mean they need to study the game and borrow exactly elements from it. Simply that you can have more action and you can try out the "epic" factor I was talking about.  Here I am playing a Zelda like game where the action isn't mostly an after thought, where I can die in battle and getting life upgrades and new weapons feels empowering.

I love your ideas, especially the Galaxy stuff.  Anything like that would add to the surprise factor I want. But I am afraid that kind of stuff is too out of the box for Zelda. Galaxy was the game where they let go of their restrictions and just let lose with imagination in Mario, I am still waiting for that from Zelda.

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 00:14:50

I say you two kiss and make up...

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:01:29

After a god damned hour I finally fucking beat fucking Tiamat.... fuck man. That was a rough battle.

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:01:47

Iga wants Zelda to take inspiration from Sin and Punishment...


What a surprise!

I am three hours in, just got the "boomerang". It seems way underpowered to me.

The game is much better than I was thinking, but still have not been particulalry impressed with it.  I HATE puzzle dungeons, and so that is probably weighing into my response to the game.  I like my dungeons JRPG style, grindy.

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:02:29
robio said:

After a god damned hour I finally fucking beat fucking Tiamat.... fuck man. That was a rough battle.

Yay! I'm not the only one!

Edited: Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:03:40
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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:05:40

I'm so burned out from that one battle I had to go play Little Big Planet afterwards.

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:08:47
phantom_leo said:
robio said:

After a god damned hour I finally fucking beat fucking Tiamat.... fuck man. That was a rough battle.

Yay! I'm not the only one!

I must be close. I'm not looking forward to it.  I just got to a part where there are three statues in one place that want swords, and I've only got one of them so far.

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:10:05
aspro said:
phantom_leo said:
robio said:

After a god damned hour I finally fucking beat fucking Tiamat.... fuck man. That was a rough battle.

Yay! I'm not the only one!

I must be close. I'm not looking forward to it.  I just got to a part where there are three statues in one place that want swords, and I've only got one of them so far.

Yes you are. Once you get the other two swords you can look forward to getting your ass handed to you repeatedly.

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:13:27

Anyone get up to this guy's sequence yet? I imagine hanging with him would be very simlar to hanging with Steel...

...except replace the post-apocalyptic city with Mesas in Mexico...

...and instead of guns and angels, we'd have wangs and burros!

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:14:06

Everyone, give me some tips.

In battle, all I'm basically doing is jumping in the air and hitting Square a bunch.

Is there anything better I could be doing?

I have the boomerang (crossbow) down, but it's kind of weak, and in sword battles, I'm getting roughed up fairly regularly.  Unlike God of War health replenishment is borderline cruel in this game (I am playing on Normal).

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:14:18
robio said:
aspro said:
phantom_leo said:
robio said:

After a god damned hour I finally fucking beat fucking Tiamat.... fuck man. That was a rough battle.

Yay! I'm not the only one!

I must be close. I'm not looking forward to it.  I just got to a part where there are three statues in one place that want swords, and I've only got one of them so far.

Yes you are. Once you get the other two swords you can look forward to getting your ass handed to you repeatedly.

Bah! I can assure you there are MUCH worse things that can happen to your ass!

Forge ahead, Brave Adventurer!

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:17:58
aspro said:

Everyone, give me some tips.

In battle, all I'm basically doing is jumping in the air and hitting Square a bunch.

Is there anything better I could be doing?

I have the boomerang (crossbow) down, but it's kind of weak, and in sword battles, I'm getting roughed up fairly regularly.  Unlike God of War health replenishment is borderline cruel in this game (I am playing on Normal).

Not that I'm the man to suggest anything in this game, but using the special movies, particularly the dash and dash/harpoon combo are really important. It gets you out of the way real quick. The yellow/magic meter thing fills up real quick so use whatever magic you have equipped liberally. The stone skin one seems to be pretty handy.

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Sat, 05 Feb 2011 03:20:02

I don't think I have any magic equiped, or a harpoon.

R1 is dash right? I have not been using that, so that's a good idea, I'll try more of that.

I've not had much cash to buy upgrades (or perhaps I am upgrading poorly).  It's just not my kind of game I guess.  I'm only 3 hours in, plenty of time for me to figure it out I guess.

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