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Mario 3DS thread of Iwata dropping a bomb all over our face!
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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 11:28:03

Wednesday March the 2nd Iwata dropped a little bomb. He showed off pictures of the new 3DS Mario. This game will rock here are the reasons why!

  • It is made by Tokyo EAD
    • From the creators of Jungle Beat and the Galaxy series, Tokyo has a proven track record in platformers. Super Mario Galaxy is voted the game of the decade on the VG Press itself and Galaxy 2 is also loved here and everywhere else. All Tokyo EAD games are awesome, Super Mario 3DS is a Tokyo EAD game, so Mario 3DS will be awesme too
    • The power up system of the 2D Mario series seems to be returning, but this time in 3D. Can you see the little Mario on the lower left corner? He is baaaack! No more lifebar it seems, get hit once you become small, get hit again and you die. Makes sense Galaxy 1 was like 2D Mario but in 3D, Galaxy 2 took this concept further by adding stuff like maps, now it seems the power-ups are next.
    • Hey look is that the level 1-1 from Super Mario Bros? Look at the lower left picture, the question mark blocks and bricks look exactly like in Super Mario Bros. Nice piece of nostalgia there.
    • Tanooki is that you? Look at that logo. Do you see that tail? That's the raccoon tail from SMB3! All over my face, although the cape is better!

check out the pictures if you have not seen them yet.

Now the final part

3D or 2D?

Some of you might be asking, will the 3D actually benefit the gameplay? Will it only be some eye candy? Well according to both Miyamoto and Iwata, 3D makes it much easier to jump on a block in midair or hit a block from beneath. But what does that mean you say? Well let me explain that son.

It means that we have levels like this.......

But in 3D!

In the old 3D Mario games landing on a small moving target in mid air would be very frustrating. But if Iwata's and Miyamoto's claim is to be believed, then stereoscopic 3D would make it much easier. And if we look at the upper right pic, we see such a level, filled with small objects that Mario must navigate in mid-air.

So all in all, get hyped now!

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 12:07:51
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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 11:31:40

I would get hyped, but your pictures aren't working!

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 11:38:00

Which one?

All of them?

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 11:47:10

The first two pics.

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 11:52:51

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 11:53:17

Good took me a while to find the third pic, will rehost.

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 12:08:15

Images rehosted, Leo get hyped now!

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 13:36:40
Iga_Bobovic said:

Hey look is that the level 1-1 from Super Mario Bros? Look at the lower left picture, the question mark blocks and bricks look exactly like in Super Mario Bros. Nice piece of nostalgia there.

Incorrect.  That's not the same layout.  It has two bricks between the question blocks, and is missing the bricks on the outside.



Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 13:53:31

Dammit Yoda! Close enough though!

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 13:53:58
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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 19:42:27

EAD gives me hope.

But I was hoping not to have to use the 3D on the 3DS (just as I avoid the sylus on the 2DS), so I probably won't be getting this one (or any game that relies on it as a part of gameplay).

Oh and, does anyone beside me need to make jumping on a block in the air "easier"?  Is that the point here?  To make things easier?

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 19:48:27

I think his point is that 3D depth perception makes it easier by itself, and thus you can have more complex and crazier level layouts than previous 3D Mario games that apparently had to be toned down exactly due to the lack of depth perception that caused what are, in side scrolling games, simple precision jumps, to be much harder to judge. It's probably why the spin attack and health bar were added in the first place, while they seem to be going back to the die in one hit format for the 3DS title (as they include a short Mario that needs a mushroom to grow, if that's what I'm seeing in that third pic). Other elements like Mario's shadow always being below him regardless of the lighting just to help you with navigation and jumping could also be considered compromises.

Something along those lines. Why would you not want to use the 3D assuming you're actually capable of utilising it (I haven't tried such devices yet so I'm not sure I can)? At least when you're home and have no battery issues.

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:01:49
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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 19:56:38

Even those strongly invested with the system have said it makes them nauseuos after 20-30 minutes of play (this is from the 8-4 and playerone podcasts).  To be abundantly clear, these are people who localize some big titles from Nintendo at 8-4, and the playerone dude works for Nintendo Power US.  They dismissed it lightly, but they still acknowledged it.

This is not something I want to add to my gaming.  As with the stylus, it seems like 3D would be an impediment most of the time.  I like the stylus for some things (pointing) but not for others (controlling a character movement).  With 3D, I'm sure it will add to games like Layton, but for moving around in 3D?

And thanks for pointing out what you did, that makes sense now.

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:00:06

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 19:58:28
aspro said:

EAD gives me hope.

But I was hoping not to have to use the 3D on the 3DS (just as I avoid the sylus on the 2DS), so I probably won't be getting this one (or any game that relies on it as a part of gameplay).

Nintendo has made it mandatory that games also need to work in 2D. One game for example has powerups, you need to grab at a certain depth. In 2D, when you can grab it the colour chenges. Yes you can play it in 2D, but it would be less intuitive and harder. But really why not try 3D before you reject it?

aspro said:

Oh and, does anyone beside me need to make jumping on a block in the air "easier"?


aspro said:

Is that the point here?


aspro said:

To make things easier?


Look at it this way. In 2D you have to judge where you land by looking at your shadow. But if you jump from one tiny block in midair to another, then this will be very difficult, because your shadow is not cast on thin air. A solution can be putting the camera, to the side or at the top. But this only works is the blocks are in the same plane. With 3D, because you can judge the depth it will be a lot easier, according to Iwata. So you can do crazier things with level design, like jumping from one moving platform, to another tiny platform, to a flying creature. That is what it is all about, if Iwata is right 3D allows for greater precision and therefore more varied level design. That is what platforming is all about precision of control and level design.

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:03:29

Well, some gamers get nauseus playing FPS games, I won't decide based on their word before trying it for myself. If I do too, sucks, I'll just have to practice the jumps more to not fail horribly in 2D mode I guess.

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:03:51
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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:03:38

So "we can make crazier levels because we've made the game easier"?  I get your points gents, but it sounds like Uncharted to me.

In UC (and enslaved) they make it so the user basically can't fail a jump.  They made it overly generous so all you have to do is point in a direciton and mash away.  The result? Even poor gamers can feel like badasses.

Makes me feel better, but maybe I shouldn't be award for that, maybe I should be forced to go back and beat a Mario game and learn how to jump like a real man.


EDIT: Yep, good point Agnates. And also, yeah if Nintendo has said 2D will always be an option, then I'm happy again.

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:05:12

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:10:46

They aren't changing the jumping to make it generous or easier, they're just saying 3D depth perception allows you to judge distances better, naturally, as you do in real life (not that I'm buying all this before seeing it for myself, but this is what they claim), so they can do the levels actually harder, like the side scrolling games, without making it impossible to complete due to a gimped 2D display that doesn't offer depth perception. It's just a change in how your brain interprets the environment and Mario's position within, not a control or jumping change.

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:14:59
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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:10:51

No more like "we can make crazier levels because we've made the game precise"

That would be more accurate. See it makes it easier to judge, but you are still in full control.

And it will not help you much apro, because you suck at 2D Mario. Judging distances is easy there, for it is 2D. Not much can go wrong there. So I don't think it will be that easy.

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:13:00


I was totally fine with the "gimped" 2D perspective in SMG and SMG2.  So if it's like those two games, consider me hyped.

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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:18:28

If we believe what they say it then will be harder than either Galaxy game when played in standard 2D mode, or for those unable to see 3D, because jumps and levels will be designed assuming the player has far better awareness of the environment and Mario's position within it, which could lead to a very frustrating (rather than challenging yet balanced and fun) experience for you. While the Galaxy games were designed knowing no player will have actual depth perception, so most platforms are fairly large, Mario's shadow is a dead giveaway for your position in the level, the camera compensated wherever possible, etc. Although my guess is they won't go all out with the first game so they can gauge reactions before the sequel. I often have trouble jumping on small enemies in Galaxy...

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:34:00
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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:22:52

^Plus they also switched to 2d levels when needed.

We never had levels like this in 3D

Still curious what console Mario will do? I mean if this 3d thing actually works, it would be superior to anything the consoles could do. Unless you use 3dtv

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:23:17
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Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:31:05

Console will stick to Galaxy style design I guess. I'm fine with that. We'll have 3 different mainline Marios. Side scrolling, flat 3D (erm?) and 3D 3D, all with their own unique feel and fun. Even if their next console supports 3D displays it will be a while before a majority of players is using it so they'll have to design for flat 3D first.

Edited: Thu, 03 Mar 2011 20:33:05
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