Forum > Gaming Discussion > Madworld, thread of Bloody madness, chainsaws, comedy and deathwatches
Madworld, thread of Bloody madness, chainsaws, comedy and deathwatches
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Fri, 20 Mar 2009 19:18:44
Not sure I like the blood bath challenges though.

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Sat, 21 Mar 2009 02:13:35
Making fun of people in credits? I gotta get it for that alone...

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Sat, 21 Mar 2009 22:46:49

I played this at a friends house yesterday. For a while we were just going "WOAH!!!!" at all the killings but it kind of started to get repetitive, well the first level. I like how things keep changing up, like a bloodbath challenge would come up, then a boss. But it all seemed rather simple, hopefully its cause  it was the first level. The boss fight wasnt that interesting. Bloodbath challenges got repetitive. The enemies were not posing any challenge.

The annoucers while funny started to repeat phrases very quickly. It looks beautiful at least. I am sad about the ranking system or lack there of.

I cant help but think of God Hand when I see this game, it was the last great 3D beat em' up. I remember instantly being hooked on that game, and I remember that game kicking my ass from the start.  Not getting that from this.

Still want to try it fully but not as eager as I once was.

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Sat, 21 Mar 2009 22:55:10

Dvader said:

I played this at a friends house yesterday. For a while we were just going "WOAH!!!!" at all the killings but it kind of started to get repetitive, well the first level. I like how things keep changing up, like a bloodbath challenge would come up, then a boss. But it all seemed rather simple, hopefully its cause  it was the first level. The boss fight wasnt that interesting. Bloodbath challenges got repetitive. The enemies were not posing any challenge.

The annoucers while funny started to repeat phrases very quickly. It looks beautiful at least. I am sad about the ranking system or lack there of.

I cant help but think of God Hand when I see this game, it was the last great 3D beat em' up. I remember instantly being hooked on that game, and I remember that game kicking my ass from the start.  Not getting that from this.

Still want to try it fully but not as eager as I once was.

 There's a hard mode. So hard that you will be killed in the tutorial!

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Sat, 21 Mar 2009 23:13:14

Dvader said:

I played this at a friends house yesterday. For a while we were just going "WOAH!!!!" at all the killings but it kind of started to get repetitive, well the first level. I like how things keep changing up, like a bloodbath challenge would come up, then a boss. But it all seemed rather simple, hopefully its cause  it was the first level. The boss fight wasnt that interesting. Bloodbath challenges got repetitive. The enemies were not posing any challenge.

The annoucers while funny started to repeat phrases very quickly. It looks beautiful at least. I am sad about the ranking system or lack there of.

I cant help but think of God Hand when I see this game, it was the last great 3D beat em' up. I remember instantly being hooked on that game, and I remember that game kicking my ass from the start.  Not getting that from this.

Still want to try it fully but not as eager as I once was.

First level got old for me and I had to push myself to keep playing.  But the next level Asian Town was better.  The 3rd level -the Castle was better than that, and so on.  The first part of the Castle level took me several attempts before I could be beat it.  Enemies get dramatically tougher there plus there's some DR challenges that are extremely entertaining.  

Push on is all I can say.  You'll be glad you did.

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Sun, 22 Mar 2009 13:37:56

They put in a Sony joke in the commentary "THIS IS LIVING?"

Dvader said:

I played this at a friends house yesterday. For a while we were just going "WOAH!!!!" at all the killings but it kind of started to get repetitive, well the first level. I like how things keep changing up, like a bloodbath challenge would come up, then a boss. But it all seemed rather simple, hopefully its cause  it was the first level. The boss fight wasnt that interesting. Bloodbath challenges got repetitive. The enemies were not posing any challenge.

The annoucers while funny started to repeat phrases very quickly. It looks beautiful at least. I am sad about the ranking system or lack there of.

I cant help but think of God Hand when I see this game, it was the last great 3D beat em' up. I remember instantly being hooked on that game, and I remember that game kicking my ass from the start.  Not getting that from this.

Still want to try it fully but not as eager as I once was.

Yeah I felt like that on the first level. You are just getting to grips with the controls, the camera, the environment. Its hard to identify hotspots, useable enviroment weapons or chain things together. The Bloodbath challenge was boring, throw them into an engine? meh

BUT it gets much better. Try the man darts blood bath challenge for instance, start wielding dual blades and spiked baseballs bats. Ninjatown is awesome too although the boss is a POS.

Fight the chainsaw wielding hogs, start ramming explosive alchohol down peoples throats. It gets alot better. And hallelujah, on a widescreen TV you only get 20% black borders (PAL version) compared to 4:3 where they force letterbox on you and 50% black borders.

The story is getting interesting too, it has a dark comic book vibe to the story. I'm really enjoying it now, although I cant play it around other people because of how much they say motherfucker.

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Sun, 22 Mar 2009 15:35:32

^This is what the Euro version looks like on a widescreen set. Much better than 4:3 letterbox mode where you lose half the damn screen. But still you miss 20% of the screen. I use a 50" TV so its okay on widescreen, but then you have HDTV scaling issues.

On the good SDTV I get a like a 15" visible picture.

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Mon, 23 Mar 2009 12:09:47

Oh yeah, best commentary is Bender saying "Asshole in a can"

I never get tired of hearing that one.

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Mon, 23 Mar 2009 12:29:27
The very best commentary they do is during the end credits.  They shred everyone.  I'd run off a few but I'd rather not spoil any of them.
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Mon, 23 Mar 2009 17:05:28

Aha! For PAL gamers with 4:3 Tvs, set your Wii to widescreen mode - just for this game. It will look weird for other games, but for madworld you get a decent sized screen as oppossed to the forced letterbox mode, you get say 80% screen coverage.

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Mon, 23 Mar 2009 18:01:29
GG, you are so anal with percentages. LOL
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Tue, 24 Mar 2009 02:04:58

gamingeek said:

Aha! For PAL gamers with 4:3 Tvs, set your Wii to widescreen mode - just for this game. It will look weird for other games, but for madworld you get a decent sized screen as oppossed to the forced letterbox mode, you get say 80% screen coverage.

Wouldn't it be distorted, then?

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Tue, 24 Mar 2009 09:33:33

SteelAttack said:
GG, you are so anal with percentages. LOL

99% of your ass is red raw. The other 1% died a long time ago.  

Foolz said:

gamingeek said:

Aha! For PAL gamers with 4:3 Tvs, set your Wii to widescreen mode - just for this game. It will look weird for other games, but for madworld you get a decent sized screen as oppossed to the forced letterbox mode, you get say 80% screen coverage.

Wouldn't it be distorted, then?

No its not, if you have a toggle button on your remote to flip widescreen on and off (on a 4:3 TV). I assume the sides of the screen are slightly cut off each side, but you get an in ratio picture, much larger on the screen and because jack is always central, it works perfectly with madworld. No so much for other games of course, where it does look distorted. But you can just flip it in Wii the settings menu.

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Tue, 24 Mar 2009 14:26:15

Ouch, on the platinum games boards, people are complaining about the PAL conversion:

"It's like your wife is pregnant and you're really excited to have a kid, but it comes out and it's got no arms and a mental disability, I can't pretend to love that, i'm just going to have another Wii game instead."

That. IS. Mean. 

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Wed, 25 Mar 2009 01:55:30
They're in for a nasty shock when they do have a child. Nyaa

Is there any problem with the PAL version or are people just being dicks?

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Wed, 25 Mar 2009 10:35:37

Foolz said:
They're in for a nasty shock when they do have a child. Nyaa

Is there any problem with the PAL version or are people just being dicks?

It's just the borders. On a widescreen TV its not too bad. On 4:3 its letterbox, but you can alleviate it considerably by putting your wii in 16:9 mode.

GAffers have already thanked me and tried it out themselves. It works.

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Wed, 25 Mar 2009 10:59:47

gamingeek said:

Aha! For PAL gamers with 4:3 Tvs, set your Wii to widescreen mode - just for this game. It will look weird for other games, but for madworld you get a decent sized screen as oppossed to the forced letterbox mode, you get say 80% screen coverage.

it's great knowing this.  i'm hoping my game arrives tomorrow.  it shipped over a week ago from the UK ... about time


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 30 Mar 2009 13:36:02

So I played the first level of the castle area. I have to say, after the all good Asia town, this was an unwelcome shock.

Asia town felt like you were progressing through a level. Then they sit you an arena and give you 30 minutes to slug around.

But the enemies are zombies and they swamp you, so you're more concerned with surviving then killing. This grim reaper comes out and he can kill you with one hit.

So I find myself camping out at kill spots to grind up zombies as quickly as possible. Since zombies have to be dissected you have to use the chainsaw a lot too.

If you thought Madworld was easy BTW, once you hit this level you are in for a shock.

I died, then I tried again, got the level layout down and fought the boss. I almost got him. Almost. It's a little unfair because he spawns out lesser enemies to fight you. It's hard enough getting close to him.  

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Mon, 30 Mar 2009 13:38:39

gamingeek said:

It's a little unfair because he spawns out lesser enemies to fight you. It's hard enough getting close to him.  

Also there is this giant chandelier that crashes down on you and zombies okay. But in the boss fight, it doesn't work on the wolves? WTF?

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Mon, 30 Mar 2009 13:59:54

The Castle level was the one that took me multiple tries to get through.  Like you said the zombies and grim reaper make it a lot tougher.  That being said, once you learn how to deal with the grim reaper it's not as much of a problem.  Really the best thing you can do is just charge him the second he spawns.  While he does have the one-hit-kill it takes him a minute to get going, so if you can slash him quickly enough he'll be done.  The other option is to let yourself get grabbed by zombie, and then waggle your way out right before he strikes and then you can catch him extremely vulnerable.

What I liked about the castle was I thought was the most interactive level (at least at that point of the game).  There's a fantastic gimmicks involving the long dining table and the fountain in the courtyard.  

And just wait until you see the dungeon level of the castle afterwards.  Pure awesomeness and . .  . it has a giant hand.  Don't let Steel know about though, he might get too excited.

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