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Three Games that Changed my Life - A thread inspired by Gabe Newell
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Fri, 08 Apr 2011 10:36:59

With arcade games its more difficult to come up with 3.

Streetfighter 2 is definetly one. It was a phenomenon. It had you side by side and feeling more competitive than ever. It was never cheap and unfair it wasn't just a coin whore, you could have skill and get through to the end wtih one credit. It was finely balanced and featured still appealing large, colourful characters.

Second game would either be the original star wars arcade, with green wire frames, because the cabinet was so awesome.

Daytona would probably be one. I had a group of friends, with me we totalled 4 and we always went to play daytona. The steering wheel and pedals, the setup, sitting side by side, you could reach over and mess with the other players steering wheel. Even a decade after its release we would still play it.

Lastly, stupidly, maybe the SEGA star wars game that had you piloting an x-wing one second and fighting darth vader the next with primitive joystick controls.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 00:48:43

I never spent much time in arcades. I used to make fun of most of the douchebags I'd see in local arcades as a kid. I was always a play at home with my friends person, even then. But the most memorable game I remember seeing at the arcades was definitely Virtua Fighter. That game was unreal when it first came out.


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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 03:12:07
robio said:

It's pretty clear really. You're starting to realize that I'm your role model, and frankly you couldn't set a better goal for yourself. Since I'm your role model now I think it's time to give you a little Robio backstory.  I believe I first realized I was destined for greatness in 3rd grade. We were working on a unit about instruments and while in the library I found someone's notes from the previous year accidentally left in an encyclopedia. With those notes I created a paper that gave me an A. Now in 4th grade things got even better. . .

when the movie edition of your life story coming out? i am sure it will be a blockbuster win all kinds of awards.

top 3 acrade games..... i never spent much time in acrades my town never had a lot but

1.samurai showdown even thro sf2 came out 2 years before samurai had better graphic's, characters and controls so it had more impact on me.

2. outrun. the first car racer that i sat in and it was the cloestest experence to a real driving i had a kid and the  music tracks it had and ever thing was epic.

3. splatterhouse. it pushed the limet that games could get away with before the rating system at least i think it was, it had  tons of blood and gore and a hero that looked like a villian

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 10:37:34

Did you guys ever go to an arcade hall that felt kinda seedy, like some drug adled guy could come and kick your ass and no one would notice?

I swear half the time we were in arcades it felt like being in a coke house.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:00:05
gamingeek said:

Did you guys ever go to an arcade hall that felt kinda seedy, like some drug adled guy could come and kick your ass and no one would notice?

I swear half the time we were in arcades it felt like being in a coke house.

Yes, practically everyone of them was like that.  It was the bullying that eventually stopped me from going when it got too bad.


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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:29:37
bugsonglass said:

Yes, practically everyone of them was like that.  It was the bullying that eventually stopped me from going when it got too bad.

I didn't know whether to concentrate on Aliens the arcade game or the guy in the corner with a shiv.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 11:40:10

The only arcade I've ever been to that wasn't like that is Galactic Circus, but it's right next to Crown which makes up for it.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 12:58:26
bugsonglass said:
gamingeek said:

Did you guys ever go to an arcade hall that felt kinda seedy, like some drug adled guy could come and kick your ass and no one would notice?

I swear half the time we were in arcades it felt like being in a coke house.

Yes, practically everyone of them was like that.  It was the bullying that eventually stopped me from going when it got too bad.

gamingeek said:
bugsonglass said:

Yes, practically everyone of them was like that.  It was the bullying that eventually stopped me from going when it got too bad.

I didn't know whether to concentrate on Aliens the arcade game or the guy in the corner with a shiv.

That's why I was never a big arcade guy. I'd go once in awhile when I was at the mall or whatever pretty much just to check out the weirdos in there, hahaha. But I couldn't really get into playing many games cuz I felt like I'd be robbed while playing. lol


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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:01:20
edgecrusher said:

That's why I was never a big arcade guy. I'd go once in awhile when I was at the mall or whatever pretty much just to check out the weirdos in there, hahaha. But I couldn't really get into playing many games cuz I felt like I'd be robbed while playing. lol

It was quite satisfying though when some guy suddenly interupts your streetfighter 2 session and you pound the crap out of him in front of an audience. Grinning

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:11:01
edgecrusher said:
bugsonglass said:
gamingeek said:

Did you guys ever go to an arcade hall that felt kinda seedy, like some drug adled guy could come and kick your ass and no one would notice?

I swear half the time we were in arcades it felt like being in a coke house.

Yes, practically everyone of them was like that.  It was the bullying that eventually stopped me from going when it got too bad.

gamingeek said:

I didn't know whether to concentrate on Aliens the arcade game or the guy in the corner with a shiv.

That's why I was never a big arcade guy. I'd go once in awhile when I was at the mall or whatever pretty much just to check out the weirdos in there, hahaha. But I couldn't really get into playing many games cuz I felt like I'd be robbed while playing. lol

Jeesh! We had several arcades in my city, and none of them were anything like what you guy's are describing. LOL

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:13:26
gamingeek said:
edgecrusher said:

That's why I was never a big arcade guy. I'd go once in awhile when I was at the mall or whatever pretty much just to check out the weirdos in there, hahaha. But I couldn't really get into playing many games cuz I felt like I'd be robbed while playing. lol

It was quite satisfying though when some guy suddenly interupts your streetfighter 2 session and you pound the crap out of him in front of an audience. Grinning

None of those assholes coulb beat me at SF2.  That is until they discovered my weak-spot and started blowing their cigarette smoke in my face so I had to leave the arcade cabinet in a coughing fit


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:18:07
gamingeek said:

Did you guys ever go to an arcade hall that felt kinda seedy, like some drug adled guy could come and kick your ass and no one would notice?

I swear half the time we were in arcades it felt like being in a coke house.

Oddly enough most of the arcades I went to were not like that. They were by no means nice, but most of the malls that I went to made sure to keep the arcades near security and were overall pretty safe. However that statement does not apply to the first one I ever went to. When I was a younger kid (before age 11) there was one at the closest mall that I wasn't even allowed to go to. In fact, my parents never even let me near it and I had no idea our local mall had one for years. It wasn't until I went with a friend and his dad that I found it. At this particular mall they kept it completely isolated. The only thing close to it was a music shop. Really strange. It's almost like the designers specifically made it this way to keep it away from everyone else so the drug dealers could do their business away from everyone else.

On the other side of the spectrum through when I moved to Atlanta there was an upscale mall that 99.5% of the population would have no reason to visit had it not been for a movie theater and an arcade. This arcade was the nicest on the planet. Very well lit, and glass walls everywhere so you could always see what was going on. That place was pretty phenominal. It was also the last arcade I new of to close.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:18:50
Ravenprose said:

Jeesh! We had several arcades in my city, and none of them were anything like what you guy's are describing. LOL

You missed out on some fun. I remember one time when me and my friend were stalked through the night at a fair and arcade by these two guys who were a lot older than us at the time.

My friends mother confronted them and they chickened out. LOL

bugsonglass said:

None of those assholes coulb beat me at SF2.  That is until they discovered my weak-spot and started blowing their cigarette smoke in my face so I had to leave the arcade cabinet in a coughing fit


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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:21:26
robio said:

Oddly enough most of the arcades I went to were not like that. They were by no means nice, but most of the malls that I went to made sure to keep the arcades near security and were overall pretty safe. However that statement does not apply to the first one I ever went to. When I was a younger kid (before age 11) there was one at the closest mall that I wasn't even allowed to go to. In fact, my parents never even let me near it and I had no idea our local mall had one for years. It wasn't until I went with a friend and his dad that I found it. At this particular mall they kept it completely isolated. The only thing close to it was a music shop. Really strange. It's almost like the designers specifically made it this way to keep it away from everyone else so the drug dealers could do their business away from everyone else.

On the other side of the spectrum through when I moved to Atlanta there was an upscale mall that 99.5% of the population would have no reason to visit had it not been for a movie theater and an arcade. This arcade was the nicest on the planet. Very well lit, and glass walls everywhere so you could always see what was going on. That place was pretty phenominal. It was also the last arcade I new of to close.

SEGA funland set up a couple of miles away from me. That was very large, well lit and good fun to visit, they also had other games, not just SEGA stuff. But then they stopped getting in new games so visiting it was like a time warp set at 1995.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:35:11

I kind of like timewarp arcades like that.  At Disney World there is a place called Disney Quest. It's a place that sits outside of the themeparks and requires separate admission. It's sort of focused around  virtual reality games. Complete and utter waste of time and money in my opinion. It was probably fun in the late 90's. However the one redeeming feature of the place is an old school arcade with all the games set to Free Play. Frogger, Dig-Dug, Mr. Do, Pac-Man, etc. It's a really a step back in time, even to the way that the area feels slightly darker than the rest of the complex.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:41:34

I didn't really have an arcade nearby so I got my Double Dragon fix at local gas stations.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:50:09

I remember one time we played this VR game and the headset they put on you was huuuge. It was so heavy it felt like it would break your neck off if you wore it for more than 10 minutes.

It was space age back then but in reality the graphics were worse than the N64.

Also there was this punching, strength arcade game and the pad was worn out. A buddy of mine skinned his knuckles.

Also there was this flight simulator machine that moved you about as you played this star wars like game. That was pretty cool.

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:54:25

The best thing about arcades was copping a feel. Dirty girls.


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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 14:05:10
edgecrusher said:

The best thing about arcades was copping a feel. Dirty girls.

Girls at an arcade? surpriselol

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Sat, 09 Apr 2011 14:44:11
Ravenprose said:
edgecrusher said:

The best thing about arcades was copping a feel. Dirty girls.

Girls at an arcade? surpriselol

Local town skanks. kiss


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