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Portal Kombat!!!
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Thu, 21 Apr 2011 04:14:28

It better not spawn another terrible meme is all I can say.

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Thu, 21 Apr 2011 04:38:19

As long as its not anal portal kombat.

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Fri, 22 Apr 2011 19:26:29
Portal 2 Holy shit!!!!!!! Oh it's sooooo amazing. Almost to the end, it shits all over the first.
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Fri, 22 Apr 2011 20:09:47


Portal 2 is done, WOW!!!!

One of the finest games I have played this gen and I still have the co-op part to do. I only wish that they pushed the puzzles even further though I guess that is what co-op is for. I am very very sad that there are no challenges when you beat the game, that was the best part of the original game.

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Fri, 22 Apr 2011 20:10:12

Oh and the final song sucks compared to Still Alive.

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Fri, 22 Apr 2011 20:35:40
aspro said:

If anyone wants to get it out of their system PLEASE spoil the ending of Portal 2.  You can PM me.

I'll never buy it, but after listening to the giantbombcast my interest is piqued in .... well I'm not even going to say anything because from the very little they said I have some guesses.

I'll just spoil it here. So you are fighting Glados and she is all like "I have a surprise for you, I am letting you free" she opens up a huge hatch to the outside world and a shit ton of combine forces are waiting for you. So you have to portal enemies into each other and do all sorts of crazy escapes to avoid the enemies. Then Gordon shows up and he is all like "I can speak in this game cause I am not the main character. Hey thats a cool gun, lets mix my cool gun and your cool gun and do cool shit!" So he starts launching giant cars with the gravity guns through your portals to kill the combine. Then G-man shows up and takes you to his spaceship subway train and he says "We have been looking for that gun, its mine now." But you left a portal open back in the real world so you portal out of the space train and he is like "I'll get you YOU BITCH!!"


That would happen if Valve had the balls to put the portal gun into an action game, lets hope they do.

I'll PM you the real ending.

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Fri, 22 Apr 2011 21:14:22

I just read your PM.  The one thing about it I don't understand is how Gordon Freeman makes it out of the biosphere.  When GLADOS smashes that heat shield wouldn't the whole thing basically burn immediately?

Other than that sounds like a pretty good story.

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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 04:37:10

I cannot stress enough how AWESOME the story mode in MK is. All other fighting games "stories" just got spit on. This is a Mortal Kombat fans dream come true. You basically play through the first three MK but with some changes. This is how you do a reboot and this is how you tell a story in a fighter. Its so freaking exciting, every fight has meaning and every character has a role to play. The only problem is that you only play as the good guys so you end up fighting a lot of the same bad guys a lot, still its a great mix of fights and you really never know what you are going to get.  I am getting toward the end and the story is taking some crazy twists.

Besides VF5 which came out ages ago, this is my favorite fighter of the generation.

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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 06:07:14

Giant Bomb was pretty clear in terms of the high level of content provided by MK.  It sounds like they have gone above and beyond for a fighter.  Eurogamer and UK Gamespot were a lot more negative.  I think MK gets a lot of hate based on it being a fighter from the US as opposed to Japan.

Edited: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 06:08:04

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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 08:07:28
aspro said:

Giant Bomb was pretty clear in terms of the high level of content provided by MK.  It sounds like they have gone above and beyond for a fighter.  Eurogamer and UK Gamespot were a lot more negative.  I think MK gets a lot of hate based on it being a fighter from the US as opposed to Japan.

Well it shits all over SF4 but i dont like SFs fighting system all that much. Its just like the 90s all over again, as always I am on the MK side with the other cool kids.

Edited: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 08:08:15
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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 19:44:25

Now I am working on the challenge tower, another fantastic game mode. I am at challenge 100 and not even half way done. Each challenge brings something different to the mix whether its headless combat, fighting three guys while you get stronger, or even battling zombies you never know what you are going to get. There are even small story lines linking the challenges together. It's brilliant.
And arcade mode is not a throw away mode either cause that is where you see the character endings and its basically the only place to mess around with fatalities (which are phenomenal by the way). Tag mode is even great. Every aspect is so well done, even simple stuff like Test your Luck is a blast to mess around with.
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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 19:47:51
I can't wait to play through MK's story mode, it sounds awesome. Blazblue was another fighter that had a fantastic story in it but it was told in a more typical fashion by playing through as each fighter with different branching points here and there.


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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 19:48:46
Dvader said:

Now I am working on the challenge tower, another fantastic game mode. I am at challenge 100 and not even half way done. Each challenge brings something different to the mix whether its headless combat, fighting three guys while you get stronger, or even battling zombies you never know what you are going to get. There are even small story lines linking the challenges together. It's brilliant.
And arcade mode is not a throw away mode either cause that is where you see the character endings and its basically the only place to mess around with fatalities (which are phenomenal by the way). Tag mode is even great. Every aspect is so well done, even simple stuff like Test your Luck is a blast to mess around with.

You see this sentence I highlighted?! Yeah do you? It was there that I realized you were talking about Mortal Kombat and not Portal 2!

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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 19:50:16


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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 19:51:38
Iga_Bobovic said:

You see this sentence I highlighted?! Yeah do you? It was there that I realized you were talking about Mortal Kombat and not Portal 2!

LOL, that was a GS copied post and they have separate threads. I figured you guys will be able to tell the difference.

Portal 2 should have a challange tower though... and fatalities (it kind of has one).

EDIT: Hold on you thought Portal had headless modes and zombies? Yeah the game would be better with those things as well.

Edited: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 19:52:37
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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 19:55:05

To all those that have seen Sub-Zero's ending, I want a full action game based on that. Happy

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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 20:29:20

The one thing I find brilliant about Mortal Kombat, this game and the series as a whole: Because the characters share the same basic moves and you can sort of hold your own using these basic kicks, punches, sweeps and uppercuts, I am not intimidated when trying to learn how to use ANY of them. There's a common-ground base of moves and it's really learning the Specials that changes things up --BUT-- also, the Specials really aren't all that complicated! I appreciate the back, back --or-- back, forward --or-- tap, tap in a direction because almost ANYONE is able to pull them off! My friend who has loved MK for years --STILL-- to this day cannot play Street Fighter because of the rotational moves or the f, d, df moves some Specials require. This makes MK more accessible to more people.

I love Street Figher --BUT-- there are some characters I know I will --NEVER-- play because their Fighting Style and/or Move Set just don't appeal to me. With Mortal Kombat, the whole Roster is open to me and the feeling of potential makes the game THAT much more fun!

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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 20:34:32
phantom_leo said:

The one thing I find brilliant about Mortal Kombat, this game and the series as a whole: Because the characters share the same basic moves and you can sort of hold your own using these basic kicks, punches, sweeps and uppercuts, I am not intimidated when trying to learn how to use ANY of them. There's a common-ground base of moves and it's really learning the Specials that changes things up --BUT-- also, the Specials really aren't all that complicated! I appreciate the back, back --or-- back, forward --or-- tap, tap in a direction because almost ANYONE is able to pull them off! My friend who has loved MK for years --STILL-- to this day cannot play Street Fighter because of the rotational moves or the f, d, df moves some Specials require. This makes MK more accessible to more people.

I love Street Figher --BUT-- there are some characters I know I will --NEVER-- play because their Fighting Style and/or Move Set just don't appeal to me. With Mortal Kombat, the whole Roster is open to me and the feeling of potential makes the game THAT much more fun!

This. I cannot stand most of SFs move sets. in MK it has always been simple. In this game each character has the same basic attacks but besides that they all feel very unique, there doesnt seem to be any clones and they all seem balaced. Its incredible what they have done with this game.

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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 20:39:31

You may or may not see a whole blog from me soon about Mortal Kombat, what it symbolizes and the turning point it may mark for me as a gamer and a person.

Sounds pretty heavy? Yeah, it is, but realizations come from funny places sometimes!

I've been rather quiet about it on the site, but the last few weeks have been incredibly challenging, grueling, emotional, stressful and scary... for a whole lot of different reasons. MK arrived in the middle of all of this and made me see things about myself I've been ignoring up to this point.

To be continued (maybe)...

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Sat, 23 Apr 2011 20:56:54
phantom_leo said:

You may or may not see a whole blog from me soon about Mortal Kombat, what it symbolizes and the turning point it may mark for me as a gamer and a person.

Sounds pretty heavy? Yeah, it is, but realizations come from funny places sometimes!

I've been rather quiet about it on the site, but the last few weeks have been incredibly challenging, grueling, emotional, stressful and scary... for a whole lot of different reasons. MK arrived in the middle of all of this and made me see things about myself I've been ignoring up to this point.

To be continued (maybe)...

Woah. Well I look forward to reading it.

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